AS members, its time to take care of our own

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Arboristsite Raconteur
Dec 7, 2007
Reaction score
Newport TN
I have been thinking for some time how the economy has probably hurt a lot of us, some worse than others. Injuries, illness, we all need a helping hand from time to time.But I figured that I am only one guy, what can I do to brighten someone's day and maybe help them out a little bit? Well, maybe if we all pitched in, had some fun in the process, we could maybe help a tiny bit, if nothing else brighten someones day.

Here is the plan.Starting next week I will be shipping a brand new forestry helmet to an AS member.The member will ooh and ahh over it, gently caress its shiny carcass,drool a bit if he or she is so inclined, then sign his AS username name to it.Also in the box will be a map of North America where you can put a dot on where you live. Then drop it in the box and send it to the next AS member.

After the helmet has made its rounds, it will return to me where I will sell raffle tickets for something cheap, maybe a buck per ticket.The lucky winner will receive his signed helmet in time for christmas, and all proceeds will be awarded to an AS member that could use it around Christmas time.

I have not worked out the details on how we are going to figure out who gets the proceeds, I am open to suggestions.I figure maybe we could nominate a few,throw the names in a hat, and draw one.

Now, here are some ground rules.
This benefit is open only to members in good standing and a hundred posts under your belt.If you joined yesterday, then dont bother entering.I know you may be a great guy and perfectly dependable, but you have to keep in mind that only a great deal of faith among the members is going to make this work.If we dont know you, it makes it harder to trust you.I reserve the right to pass on a member who doesnt frequent the boards very often even if he has a hundred posts to his credit.If you feel that you deserve an exception, PM me and I will pass your request on to a few other members to see what they think.

Postage to the next member will be at your shouldnt be a whole lot,but if you would like to participate and are short on cash then let me know.I will pay your postage.Keep in mind that the faster you send it to the next member, the more members will get to sign it before Christmas.

You can send the package anyway you want,but just make sure it has some tracking on it.You can go to and print your postage right at home, the weight of the package will always stay the same.You can even arrange for free to have the USPS pick the package up.

Now,if you would like to participate in this adventure, then PM me your name and address and I will add you to the list. I have already been in touch with a number of members already and have them on the list, and I am going to try and group members together according to where they live so that our package spends as little time as possible in transit.In other words, have the package make its rounds in one state before passing on to the next one,etc.This will also keep the postage down.

If you try and PM me and my box is full, try again later in the day.I will do my best to keep up.

Now, last but not least, I could not have done this without some help, and it would be nice if you dropped a line to Grande Dog from Baileys and thanked him for his generosity.I contacted him with my plan and he didnt hesitate in the least about stepping up to the plate by donating the helmet.Baileys has always been a great company to deal with, and here again Grande Dog has shown once again that when it comes to personal attention Baileys has no equal.

Now, what do you guys think?wanna have some fun with this?

One dollar a ticket? A dollar does not buy a coffee today.
The big winner will be USPS.

I have a suggestion....send it to several GTGs. That way, 10 or 20 people can sign...all on one shipping charge.

Another suggestion is that the proceeds go to an AS member
who lost his job recently.
The hardhat heard around the world. I like it. PM sent. Rep, too. :)

Might wanna up the ante on that raffle to $5 per ticket.
One dollar a ticket? A dollar does not buy a coffee today.
The big winner will be USPS.

I have a suggestion....send it to several GTGs. That way, 10 or 20 people can sign...all on one shipping charge.

Another suggestion is that the proceeds go to an AS member
who lost his job recently.

you all have excellent ideas, keep em coming. I had figured to keep the cost down on the raffle tickets so everyone could join in without breaking the bank, but hey, if you want to up it to five bucks, thats fine. I had figured to start the bank with fifty bucks out myself since Baileys threw the helmet in.

As for who gets the proceeds after the raffle, we can decide that at our leisure, I just really wanted to get the ball rolling on signing the thing.
anyone have any gtg soon?
What a great idea. Maybe some of us could send a pdf or jpeg with our "Sig" and it could be traced with permanent marker onto the helmet? This will cut shipping to zero! Another idea maybe if you buy so many tix perhaps you can get a copy of the map. We can simply submit our screen names and hometowns and the dot can be put on the map. I would love to have a map of North America with everyone's name and location! Not trying to change the great concept you thought up, just tossing out a few ideas to help save $$ for those that need it. Scootermsp
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okay guys, if you want to participate, you need to pm me your name and address.simply sending me a message saying you want in doesnt help:)
great idea i just think finding that one person of the thousands who could use help will be the issue here. Id like to see AS start a fund and buy open land and keep it to just the wildlife for the future. Also if anyone around north east mass needs wood to heat your house next year and you are down on your luck i would be more then happy to help out or at least get you some wood at cost. Please keep in mind i dont have much to give away but always looking to help if i can.
As a few others have said... you may be best to send this to people holding GTG's... that saves an exponential amount on shipping! Imagine if this thing got sent to just 5 regional GTG's?? 5x shipping, but potentially 50+ names (assume average gtg is 10 guys +/-).
Av, Methinks you're gonna need a bigger helmet, something Paul Bunyan sized!

For you guys wanting a map showing members, there is one, just add yourself to it. Go to your control panel, and at the bottom is a "googlemap" link. I'm on there, along with quite a few others. Here's a Link to the map.
I spent a lot of time thinking about this last night, and here are a few of my thoughts on the subject matter.

I think it would be great to send the helmet to a GTG, but I also like the idea still of sending it to individuals for several reasons. For one, I think it lends a great deal of,hm,what is the word for it....well, lets just say it lends a lot to the idea that who ever is going to win this helmet will appreciate the fact that the thing has ridden all over the country and if we are lucky even to other countries to be signed.At least I know that even though I am excluded from the drawing for fairness sake, I would appreciate it even more knowing that it had ridden all over the country.If we have time, we can forward it to someone who is attending a GTG,but right now the requests are pouring in and I am having a time of it keeping up on it.When I get your request to be included I will simply reply "on the list".

I know the amount of postage is going to add up, but I would like everyone to consider the fact that you are taking part in a truly monumental effort to not only help someone, but helping to draw the community together.Because of the distance that we live from each other, some may never have the opportunity to meet some of the folks that we chat with every day.A signature on a helmet lends a great deal of realism to that person that you yack with each and every day.
Second, I wish in some ways someone else had launched this effort,because like a child on Christmas eve, I know I would be eagerly awaiting my turn for it to show up at my house.Again, I would hate to disappoint anyone of this opportunity if they look at like I do.I guess in many ways I can be accused of being childlike in this matter,but it tickles me every time I get a package in the mail.Even if its just parts for something!

Discounthunter has also added to the pot by offering custom turkey,crow and deer calls for the raffle.Everyone, rep him for his efforts!

I have also spent some time in trying to draw up a good way of dispersing the funds from the raffle, like many have pointed out there are many that have had a rough time lately.I dont have the answer right now,but considering there are wiser heads around here than mine I am sure that we can come up with a good candidate or candidates that are worthy of your time and resources.If you have an idea, post it.We have time to sort through the ideas and come up with something that most of us will agree on.

Last but not least, I want to thank each and everyone of you that have stepped up already and signed up.I hesitated for sometime on launching this, wondered if everyone would think I was a softhearted tard with an even more retarded idea but figured what the heck.I figure if it helps someone just a little bit, even if its nothing more than a dinner for two to take the mind off the troubles of the day, then it would be well worth my effort.

Thanks again guys, you all truly deserve a pat on the back!
I am in, I'll meet you somewhere and sign it... Just a thought on the Map, if you number your mark then the exact route can be seen, kinda like drawing by numbers.

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