Barkside up or down?

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I usually put the bark up, as it is a natural rain/water shedder. However if it makes a pile come together better, split pieces are placed any which way. It isn't all that important to me. Actually I prefer to keep as much of the wood in rounds as possible, then it makes no difference at all! I love round wood as it lasts longer in the fire.

I use 2x6's for runners under my stacks. Split side of firewood faces up until the just before the top of the stack, then I place the remaining pieces with the split side down. I keep the stacks uncovered unless severe weather is forecast. A small rainstorm or even snowstorm doesn't really penetrate into the stack with the barkside up on the tops of my stacks.
bark side up except on the bottom, i use pallets, so on the bottom i put them bark side down to add more moisture protection to the pile
Me too, at least when I can be bothered to pay any attention to it.
I do bark down on the bottom row and toss the splits with out bark in the center of my stacks and bark up on the top 2-3 rows to shed any rain that may fall.

i stack my wood north to south ,on the north side i angle all the bark at 45 degrees to fend off driving rain from the north , on the south side i do the same 45 but facing south[ you kno for the south aproaching weather ] the middle of the pile gets covered with a strip of tarp that i pull down tight to form a conduit to direct the water down to a piece of gutter pipe that supplies water for a family of ground squirrels that live about 6 feet to the west of my wood pile ,i have named the male fred and the female berty [ she seems to get knocked up quit alot ] some of their kids have taken up residence over ................oh dammit i started rambling ... off topic off topic my bad
Mine go up, down or anything in-between... I doubt it makes enough difference to waste the time doing it any particular way. But, hey, whatever makes you sleep better. Is there a "wrong" way to stack firewood? Sure there is... if the stack falls over before you burn the wood, you can be pretty darn sure that you did something wrong. My thinkin' is that exposing the stack to as much sun and wind as possible (that means single rows) will be 1000 times more effective than which way the bark is planted in the stack. I don't worry about rain falling on my stacks, most of the water just runs along the sides of the splits and drips off the ends... But around Halloween I do cover the tops of the stacks that I think I may burn that year, using whatever is handy... old shingles, steel roofing, vinyl siding, plastic sheeting, leaky air mattress, even old barn boards work fine... just to keep the snow and ice from sticking to the top layer. The stacks I know I won't be using this year don't get covered at all (shrug).
I usualy stack mine in a teepee shape as well. Wide at the base and tapering inward and up. The bark is always out but only on the outer exterior layer. I then place a 6 inch diameter piece about 5 feet long on the top of the stack and always point it to the north.
i always orient the stacks to point at sunrise on the winter solstice.

Or not.
bark down on the bottom row...if it's in contact with the dirt...and if the splits have bark

otherwise just stacked so as to defy Ms. Gravity...she's a harsh mistress :heart:
100% completely random. My Gf does the stacking, and even when I go over and slap some pieces on there, she has to then rearrange them.

I don't care either..she wants it that way, fine just fine and keeping peace in the family leads to more fun with said GF....this is a good tradeoff methinks..

So I notice our stacks are completely random as to bark side up or down, however..I make a point if the bark is loose to get it all the way off. Even on rounds that aren't split, if it is loose, off it comes, less dirt and bugs.

Big chunks of bark get sun dried someplace outta the way, and then burnt, smaller stuff eventually mulches down to compost and I shovel that area out once in awhile and wheelbarrow it to the garden and spread it out.

I cover the top of the split stacks, so it doesn't matter for running rain off one way or the other. If it was uncovered, bark up all the way down makes the most sense to me.