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I just got informed that Gary is in possession of a hotsaws101 ported 462c, take this info for what it’s worth.

So basically you are saying this guy is a lying sack of sh!t that is going to try and pose the Jack ported saw as his own work? All he is going to add is the red oil drips from his soaked K&N to the build? Should be good for 17%.
This is called a "hot woods port"...
Remember that 660 "Hot woods Port" video, boy what a screamer that thing was... My pro mac 55 would of out cut that thing in that log.
No cylinder/piston pics, we'll hear the same old story that he doesn't want to show his magic porting skills so nobody can steal them... Wonder what he grinds cylinders with a 7/32 round or a flat bastard file?

You got that fat bastard part right sir.

Looks like it's gayrees turn in the barrel.

Can you imagine logging with that hot saws dude? You might get 3 sticks on the landing in 8 hours between all the "by the grace uh gawd" and the "howdy boys and girls" and "imma set this little mini toad right off between those 2 stumps gawd willin" bull ****, lol
So basically you are saying this guy is a lying sack of sh!t that is going to try and pose the Jack ported saw as his own work? All he is going to add is the red oil drips from his soaked K&N to the build? Should be good for 17%.
The 462c was purchased new this past Saturday and is completely stock as of now ... I do not have a Hotsaws101 462c in any way shape or form ... this is complete nonsense
Yah ... horse-**** it wont !!! Monkey knows more air more torque even though it appears you haven’t the foggiest! In fact , Torque Monster hot-woods 362c at 59cc might just hang with Snailerizers’ gutted wonder 462c with each wearing an 18” bar ! Hard to tell cause he’s always cutting balsa-wood in his videos ... At least C.C is cutting hardwood - red-oak if I’m not mistaken ?

Maybe I do , Maybe I don’t

Yah , soon to add 660 to the header and when I get the 462c and dip it into the cauldron of performance it’ll be in the headline too !

Yeppers ! Finally someone who knows WTF they are talking about ! I woodnt waste my time with these “know-it-alls” especially the genius from Ohio who thinks the laws of physics don’t apply to him lol ! It wood take years to re-educate some of these tards , if in fact it were even possible at all !

Was that ported by Snelling?

Nah , that work has One Hung Lo written all over it !

That looks like One Hung Lo’s handiwork to me !

Yah , you cannot “patent” port/work or modifications my friend ... you CAN however make the stock saw cut/perform considerably better than a stocker ! Not saying I’m getting more power using less fuel whatsoever ... just saying some “builders” saws use considerably MORE fuel to get the SAME or LESS performance and the operator is exposed to excessive harmful fumes due to “lazy” or incompetent modding / port work !!! OUT !!!!!!!!

What ??? What’s this you say ??? A picture of Treemonkey holding a Snellerized Saw ? I simply don’t believe it ! Do show sir !!! Huh ? Don’t eat the stuffing ? Wtf

Wtf is this ? F with Frankie’s thread ? Heathens !!!

Jack ain’t tellin nobody nothin ! That’s how he makes a living along with logging work from what I gathered when speaking with him ... He builds some strong work saws - hi-rev with Torque ! Ya can tell by the SOUND !

Thanks for the reply ... I don’t think Jack goes to many gtg’s and isn’t involved in the forums ...

Yah , about a year then to Craigslist or EBay and buy another new saw

Yeah , I call BS ! A properly ported Saw will produce 30,40,50% MORE wood at the end of the day OR do the same amount that much quicker ! Time is $$$ my friend ! 2 men working with ported saws can do the work of 3 with stockers ... now if you are just cutting in the yard maybe not necessary, for steak on table different story !

A ripper 362c !!! Be getting me paws on a 462c shortly ! If I can get the gains on the 462c that I did with the 362c it will be goodnight Irene !

Haha ! You want some special sauce with that Crow ? Caw caw caw

You forgot the most important ingredient ..... chicken gizzards ! Good for 5% gains right there, IF you are at least a Wizard of the First Order

Have to get Saw in my hands first guy! Plan on doing 1) 3 cuts stock .... 2) 3 muffler modded (stock filter) 3) with adapter and K/N filter and finally 4) flow enhanced ..... as far as gains I won’t give any % until I can map the cylinder ....

Yah ... The how’s and why’s will stay behind the shop walls guy ... I will show each phase and gain (or loss) along the way until I’m satisfied with the results !

You are a real smart boy ! Tell me something smart boy ... whatcha gonna do when x+y+z comes down on you !

Yah , all use “nattering nabobs of negativity “ should get a life already ! When Saw is in my hands the testing will begin !

Ya think ? Von Blunder decided to follow me over there and mouth off , then claimed my claims were all “smoke and mirrors “ ...... Even ol bird legs had the smarts to agree that it was possible with a sharp chain ... But then again Von Blunder ain’t the brightest bulb in the stadium not by a long shot - tried to explain to him the concept of a tuned - exhaust but he refused to believe it ; reoccurring theme with him, if it don’t fit his agenda then it’s garbage or impossible to do ! Lmfao ! Like I said .... I’ll let the 462c speak for itself

I never said you were my lackey there junior ! You made a statement and I’m just asking where you got your info from that’s all ! Lotsa sizzle but no steak bro

No dude ... I’ve got your name and number punk and it’s getting spread far and wide ... seems like your big-mouth is writing checks your body just can’t cash .... oh well like I said FlabZ ... ya did it to yourself !

Yah , You would be surprised how much I’ve learned son ... Have the 462cm on the bench right now as we speak - All goes well I should have some red-oak by next week to test the saw

Is it mastermind or el moobs , treemonkey or crabby cooter ? Man I’m so confused - it’ll take me a day to sort out all these aliases ! Lmfao

Yah , Ol bird legs is so slow he couldn’t poor piss out of a boot if the instructions were written on the heel !
Another totally irrelevant post............
Hey Rob.. Kinda looks like a chart i saw one time."How green firewood dries under a blue tarp". Worthless as whale $h!t on the bottom of the ocean. Stay warm buddy.
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