"Bug Juice" Product = Worthless

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New Member
Apr 24, 2010
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I've been in a multi-year war with Carpenter Bees and my log home. This year on the recommendation of my stain supplier I coughed up the $50 a bottle for the Bug Juice Additive. ($300 for my 6 gallons of stain)

Worthless product. I applied the stain/insecticide solution to my home and it's done nothing to help the bee problem.

To illustrate this I applied the solution to portions of my porch and two weeks later I can go out and watch the sawdust fall from fresh borings, through the new solution THAT ISN'T EVEN DRY YET!

This makes it more efficient for me to buy a case of wasp spray and walk around on the weekend killing the damn things manually or knocking them out of the air with a broom.

Don't let the merchants on here sell you a bill of goods. Save your money for a few cans of RAID and walk right on by the Bug Juice display.
My son and I spend time together shooting them with BB guns - a red ryder rocks against the carpenter bees and wasps.
We camped at a koa campground and stayed in a cabin. Those bastages were flying around everywhere. My bud carved out a couple of wood paddles. We killed prob 30 in 3 days. If we missed they would get mad and fly in even closer. lol
Sevin, Bifenthrin, or any other pyrethrin insecticide in a squirt bottle. Squirt a jet of insecticide up the hole, they die. This is more effective than batting or shooting them, but not nearly as much fun. The insecticide remains in the hole to get other bees that try to move in.

The traps listed above might work as a preventative.

Carpenter Bees are harmless, as they have no stinger. I took out an entire nest of bumblebees with a 1x3 board. It did take me an entire saturday to do it though. A badminton racquet would have been a lot more practical, but I didn't have one.
the only thing that works for carpenter bees is a badminton racket and something cold to drink. have at it its fun and you get a little exircise to boot.plus the sound of pinging the little buggers is quite satisfieing.
Sevin, Bifenthrin, or any other pyrethrin insecticide in a squirt bottle. Squirt a jet of insecticide up the hole, they die. This is more effective than batting or shooting them, but not nearly as much fun. The insecticide remains in the hole to get other bees that try to move in.

The traps listed above might work as a preventative.

Carpenter Bees are harmless, as they have no stinger. I took out an entire nest of bumblebees with a 1x3 board. It did take me an entire saturday to do it though. A badminton racquet would have been a lot more practical, but I didn't have one.

I agree. Sevin. that is what I use(on the recommendation of an entomologist at the University of Illinois). Squirt in hole, next day seal hole with caulk(use tinted caulk to match topcoat). The U. of I entomologist said carpenter bees Love Linseed Oil Based Stain, so on eaves/fascia board it's best to use paint
or encase the area with aluminum/vinyl siding. We have them bad here in East Central Illinois. I've been dive-bombed while on ladders
Tennis racket, more area.

On our screened in porch they would accumulate on the inside screen (dog took out the screen door, so removed same). Try a squirt of ether on them. Instant death (don't know why). Works on wasps too.
