Canola oil as bar lube

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361 Junkie
Sep 24, 2006
Reaction score
The longbar PNW
Just what this site needs, another oil thread!


But hey, this topic has been floating around for a long time now. My 'bash the oil threads' thread has boiled down to discussion about using canola for bar oil. There seems to still be a lot of confusion about it, but at the same time there seems to be a growing number on this site and out there that use Canola oil as bar oil in their chainsaws. I flipped to using it about 2 years ago. At first I used 50/50 Canola oil and regular 30wt bar oil. Then I switched to plain Canola oil. I have run 10 gallons through my saws now and have noticed virtually no difference in cutting, wear, chain stretch, bar burn, or burring. I also use filtered used Canola fryer oil in my saws, and other than the odd smell, it works the same as virgin Canola oil.
Thanks for this info. I've been meaning to try veg oil and never got to it. I actually have hundreds of gallons of the dang stuff stockpiled for making biodiesel (which I've been doing for ten years).

I've been hesitant to try veg oil with my nice new Cannon bar, but maybe I shouldn't worry about it. I was going to try it in some of my other saws first.
My wife was laughing at how I was dressed a few minutes ago. I told her that I need to have my strategies to keep young women from falling in love with me. That's why I chew tobacco and wear goofy hats.

I'd like to see some more input on using veg oil, if anybody has experience with it.
I'd like to see some more input on using veg oil, if anybody has experience with it

Look around on some of the Arborist-oriented forums. They are usually complaining about how hard canola oil is to remove from all their saws and gear when the state they live in forces them to use it. I've switched to coconut oil for french fries and channel cat.

Canola for loggers is basically yet another southpaw ploy to undermine a way of life.
Yah, listen to the Brush Ape who is a psychopath and certified con artist and does not know snot from gold. .404 is one of the latest incarnations of the Brush Ape. Has nothing better to do than pretend to know things and post it on this site. For some reason they do not ban this incarnation from this site, like at least 100 other BA incarnations. He does not know diddly about saws, arborist stuff, or even how to wipe his own arse. But he slept in a flea bag motel last night.

But do read around. You will find that canola is not a problem for anyone that is actually using it in chainsaws.
Yah, listen to the Brush Ape who is a psychopath and certified con artist and does not know snot from gold. .404 is one of the latest incarnations of the Brush Ape. Has nothing better to do than pretend to know things and post it on this site. For some reason they do not ban this incarnation from this site, like at least 100 other BA incarnations. He does not know diddly about saws, arborist stuff, or even how to wipe his own arse. But he slept in a flea bag motel last night.

But do read around. You will find that canola is not a problem for anyone that is actually using it in chainsaws.

i never minded brush ape. one things for certain though. if a guy does mind him your certainly better off letting him be .404 then 25 other usernames. i picked out .404 as brushape when mystihlwontstart (brushape) had his 170 thread going. no worries.
When a new ape turd incarnation stinks up the place I point out where the stench is coming from. He has a huge pile of enemies here and in other places. Keeps him busy. My latest oil threads are just a test here. Amusing catches: WS and BA. Quite the pair. They seem to be estranged lovers.
BTW windthrown, shortly after I got you fired from your janitor position at General Dynamics, I decided to quit my post as Lead Scientist over the Rocket Department and go to play for the Lakers for a few seasons. Remember me your boss Kurt Rambis? I always felt a twinge of guilt about the whole deal, but I needed more exercise.

Maybe in another department the supervisors would have enjoyed having you on their staff. When you were caught peeping in Piltz's window, I really didn't have much choice. I truly hope though you were able to rebound as well as I did.

The Ramster

Canola aint fit for human consumption.sorry either way of ingestion through food or sawdust.i burned one tank with 50:1 canola and non ethanol and that little 018 still smells like it.even though your talking bar oil i still wouldn't want to use it for that.actually i did try it in the oil tank and :rare2:
Gimme hog lard.:laugh:
You fellas have it all wrong, chicks dig the smell of Johnsons baby shampoo. It brings out the nuturing and suckling instincts.:)
You fellas have it all wrong, chicks dig the smell of Johnsons baby shampoo. It brings out the nuturing and suckling instincts.:)
Beat ya to that one.thats what sasquatch bath in.;) cute little lonely blondes love it.just gotta knock her on the head and drag her to the man cave.:laughing:

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