Chainsaw forum questions and a poll

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Do we need the clicky drama? Are some guys more equal than others?

  • No, nobody needs no stinkin drama queens

    Votes: 25 41.7%
  • Yes, we need more clicks and drama

    Votes: 5 8.3%
  • No everybody is the same

    Votes: 12 20.0%
  • Yes, some members are the "elite"

    Votes: 23 38.3%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
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As a fairly new guy reading a Chain Saw Board to learn, let me sum up my new chain saw knowledge I have learned today. I guess someday when I'm out on the back 40 and my Chain Saw crapps-out I can look at my newly acquired info and fix-it.

Popeye and Pluto are not gay lovers
Yukonsawman admits he's a SOB
Fish bounces Checks
Brad S has powerful friends
Ohio chain saw Mafia does or does not exist.

I Feel Much More Confident Now
Thanks for all the great help and info.

Now that's funny! You're showing exemplary social skills by putting out the fire with gasoline. lol
I actually miss getting beat up on here on AS. It gives me a chance to assert my vast social skills. Even Spacedolt doesn't extend any respect like flaming me like he used to.:mad:

Shouldn't this thread be in the "Off Topic" section with the other trash and drivel???
I guess it wouldn't have the same "Troll Value" over there.

I actually miss getting beat up on here on AS. It gives me a chance to assert my vast social skills. Even Spacedolt doesn't extend any respect like flaming me like he used to.:mad:

That is because you are so old and crusty. Soon you will have a title like "emeritus".:cheers:
Ya, I remember well the fights between climbers and loggers and the ganging up on saw builders. It was all pretty funny and I don't hold any resentment.
Remember "Hell's Kitchen?" Now that was fun! What happened to Horst? lol

The lack of "outspoken" climbers and loggers is noticeable. There are a few that poke around but they are fairly civil.

The "kitchen" thing was odd. I did not follow that at all.

Saw builders better have a set of steel ones because the ceramic ones will not hold up to the abuse. To much dirt and they wear down fast and eventually disappear.

If you need some flaming might I suggest purchasing a Dolmar 5100 and destroying it. You can post about the saws problems but are forbidden to post photos.

Perhaps setting up shop in a remote area to modify chainsaws specifically specializing in making the saws louder, heavier, and certainly more expensive.

Got to go. Careful with the fire.
Ah yes, the girls in the sandbox are at it once again. :jawdrop:

Kindly refer to : Whiskey Tango Foxtrot, nobody gives a R.A. ( at least the intellligent among us ).

For the #2 time, I am dismissed. Maybe dissed.:cheers:
That is because you are so old and crusty. Soon you will have a title like "emeritus".:cheers:
Lol, very true, I'm just not worth the effort anymore.:mad: Why beat a dead horse? Lol. I'm just reduced to trolling for rep.
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There is a tendency for a "clique" of friends to group or congregate on
certain threads, and dominate the "discussion", but it seems to be sporadic,
and if any angst arises, sure, their friends will hop in to aid their buddy.

But the overall conspiracy theory is just plain silly.

Trimmed probably feels like a Nursery School teacher, keeping the toddlers
from hurting each other too much before the parents arrive.

He has smacked my peepee a few times, as he has had to have done to others, so grow up and get over it.

I did happen to enjoy it, however.......

But that is a different forum............

But all in all, let it drop. Make some constructive posts/threads...

Or, hell, don't.................

John, listen, this whole posse business arose when the few of us who live in relative close proximity and socialize together were erroneously reffered to as the Ohio Chainsaw Mafia. Brad decided to set the record straight and explain we were not said group. I jokingly suggested that we should be called the diaper posse as a result of the various photo chops. This was a joke. Now, gang mentality is alive and well and you are very much apart of it. You, and others like yourself take every opportunity to gang up on Brad. That kind of attitude is far more dangerous and pointless than a silly signature.

Am I clear?

Your view is biased. Brad is a personal friend of yours. You see things differently. I call it like I see it. The minute others agree, or vice versa, here comes the OCM muscle. See my join date Nik? I've seen alot of bickering on this site, but nothing to match what has happened in the past few months.

Loyalty is good. Brad is fortunate to have such a close group.


Hi Tzed, I hope you don't feel ganged up on by this post, but I was mentioned by you and I thought I should respond. When you said loyalty is good I was certain that you and I have common ground. I'm sure all good men know that one should, without exception, take care of their own.

If someone of good will disagrees with someone else, and even if it is on a regular basis, I don't consider that picking, however if some starts hurling vitriol at someone I respect or admire, or to a much broader extent, if I perceive a pattern I don't think it is reasonable for me to stay out of it.

These are not private discussions; this is a discussion forum wide open to the membership.

If you don't think that certain members are being picked on but you do think certain members are being protected by others, I think you should consider that you may be using some very selective reasoning.

IMO Some of the people you agree and disagree with on this site are being picked on and we can both agree that it is wrong. This posse you speak of (in my view) does not exist, but you may perceive a pattern of it existing and I should better consider why you would. You might have something, I just don't agree with you.

I do not remember how long ago i started reading but there has always been plenty of drama, lots of queens and an assortment of "clubs", "gangs", "cliques", "buddies", "pals", "friends" enemies, etc.

Without them most threads die off in half a page. With them many threads die off in half a page and then get necromanced into legend.

Poking the dead, while wearing diapers, drinking and chill'n by the stump all the while studying to become a lawyer is what chainsaws are all about.

At least nobody has lost any ones saw behind the work bench for a while or lately asked for some big stihls to be donated so they could be sold in africa.

If it gets to thick for you, leave and do not let the door hit you in your head helmut on the way out.

I voted for more drama and queens, the current ones are getting to predictable.

There is a tendency for a "clique" of friends to group or congregate on
certain threads, and dominate the "discussion", but it seems to be sporadic,
and if any angst arises, sure, their friends will hop in to aid their buddy.

But the overall conspiracy theory is just plain silly.

Trimmed probably feels like a Nursery School teacher, keeping the toddlers
from hurting each other too much before the parents arrive.

He has smacked my peepee a few times, as he has had to have done to others, so grow up and get over it.

I did happen to enjoy it, however.......

But that is a different forum............

But all in all, let it drop. Make some constructive posts/threads...

Or, hell, don't.................

I usually stay out of these threads but the red part made me laugh till my side hurt.
Hi Tzed, I hope you don't feel ganged up on by this post, but I was mentioned by you and I thought I should respond. When you said loyalty is good I was certain that you and I have common ground. I'm sure all good men know that one should, without exception, take care of their own.

If someone of good will disagrees with someone else, and even if it is on a regular basis, I don't consider that picking, however if some starts hurling vitriol at someone I respect or admire, or to a much broader extent, if I perceive a pattern I don't think it is reasonable for me to stay out of it.

These are not private discussions; this is a discussion forum wide open to the membership.

If you don't think that certain members are being picked on but you do think certain members are being protected by others, I think you should consider that you may be using some very selective reasoning.

IMO Some of the people you agree and disagree with on this site are being picked on and we can both agree that it is wrong. This posse you speak of (in my view) does not exist, but you may perceive a pattern of it existing and I should better consider why you would. You might have something, I just don't agree with you.

I can understand your disagreement.

I find it strange that your membership is yet 9 months old, but you find a strong desire to protect so vehemently. At least you stand behind your convictions.

You see what I marked in bold? That means anyone can say anything they like within the forum guidelines.

It will be one of two ways.

When a debate gets heated between two members all others can stay on topic and debate the issue, or those who feel assaulted can lash back off topic. The thread will go downhill and in the worst cases get locked.

I have been here almost 8 years and never had an infraction, though maybe I should have as I have acted childish and inappropriately at times.

A creationist and an evolutionist will likely never agree, but they must both live in the same world.

A creationist and an evolutionist will likely never agree, but they must both live in the same world.


I'm sorry, which one am I and which are you? I didn't know i was a "ist" of any variety with respect to Creationism and Evolution I hold out for a combo albeit Edisto has explained to me that my view is not supported by reputable existing science

Also what does it have to do with possies, or was your point only that two people with very different outlooks will not necessarily agree on much but should be respectful of one and other? If this is the case, I'm sorry to be contrary but I think we have found one more thing to agree upon:givebeer:

btw the OP is a troll of the highest order
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