Chopping contest! How good are you?

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My 'stache is bigger than yours.
. AS Supporting Member.
Jan 22, 2009
Reaction score
S. Il. near St. Louis
OK, gents! Here's the deal - Get a good thick stump and take 10 whacks (and not wimpy ones, either) and try and get them all in the same place. Put a tape measure on it and take a photo. How good are you?

I'm sure some of you will get them all in the same place, but I was rather happy with my results here. I got six in the same place, and the other four not too far away, but then, I've not been chopping all that long.

Good luck and don't cheat, ya lazy brutes.
Ahhh nooooby

you'll learn to use those chops for something more productive and worthwhile .... Like producing 10 cords of heat for your family. and you'll learn that a missed chop is a wasted chop. don't worry it will come in time. LOL J/K man.... not bad, keep practicing! :cheers:
My concern is getting the wood split, if I hit the same spot so be it but hitting the same spot isn't always the best way to split. I read the wood then see what happens when I hit it and go from there. Find where the weakness is and exploit it.
i grabbed the maul the other day from my truck just for the hell of it. i get home from work about an hour before dark and i didnt wanna drag the splitter outta the cellar. so i set up some rounds and started swinging the hammer. took about 5 minutes before i said screw this. thats why i bought the splitter lol. i dont consider myself lazy nor does anyone who knows me but my maul is retired.
yesterday I split with the splitter for an hour, then busted up all the big rounds with the Fiskars. Decided to keep splitting for the rest of the hour with the ax.

Even the big rounds didn't take 10 whacks to get the initial split. Of course, I walk em across the round cuz i really DO want it to split :)
Well, of course the purpose of this is to increase one's accuracy, so that when one is splitting, they hit where they want to, rather than swinging away like some teenage drummer. I don't 'split' wood this way, but I don't always hit where I want to, so I always strive to be more accurate. I simply wanted to test my accuracy against some of you older/wiser folk.

I suppose there are two reasons for the lack of people stepping up to this challenge:
1) You really are a bunch of humorless wood-snobs who can't be bothered with a little fun while splitting :laugh:
2) You've been unable to get more than six chops in the same place, and don't want to post a photo until you better my record :bang:

Be that as it may, I'm slow on work these days and have too much time on my hands. The challenge still stands! :sword:
Well, of course the purpose of this is to increase one's accuracy, so that when one is splitting, they hit where they want to, rather than swinging away like some teenage drummer. I don't 'split' wood this way, but I don't always hit where I want to, so I always strive to be more accurate. I simply wanted to test my accuracy against some of you older/wiser folk.

I suppose there are two reasons for the lack of people stepping up to this challenge:
1) You really are a bunch of humorless wood-snobs who can't be bothered with a little fun while splitting :laugh:
2) You've been unable to get more than six chops in the same place, and don't want to post a photo until you better my record :bang:

Be that as it may, I'm slow on work these days and have too much time on my hands. The challenge still stands! :sword:
There's my problem.
Hats off to you guys that split w/ an axe, all I use mine for is chopping roots, or the heads off of rattlesnakes.
UNCLE MUSKRAT, Humorless wood snobs? Maybe, just maybe we have work to do , and not enough time to go wack a stump for your ridiculous challenge.
With six wacks, I can have enough wood split to heat my house for about six hours. During which I can enjoy my wife, or my grandkids......Lanny
Damn, that did sound humourless, how about this....I dont want to join your whacking ### contest. Go plant a garden....Lanny
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If I had a maul I would gladly give it a go. I started my wood career with access to my father in laws splitter and haven't had the need yet. I am moving shortly and will be going to Lee Valley and picking one up for the house, maybe then i'll drag this one up again;)
Really, I would be curious on that one. I bet with Oak or Ash or something that splits well I could beat a splitter, but couldn't keep it up for very long.

Straight grained ash you can split faster than a splitter I'd think. If anything just because you could split it right on the ground where you cut it instead of lifting big chunks onto the splitter.