Cleaned Chimney Today, Too Much Creosote???

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I'd be very happy to see that in my pipe after a week. 8' of single-wall pipe outside, with an old stove, and the wood didn't dry out nearly as well as I had hoped. I sweep about once a month and probably fill a 2 gallon bucket every time. Next time I'm up there I'll try to remember to take a picture of it, probably give you guys nightmares!
the cooler the pipe, the more creosote build up, which is why the last several inches has the most.

is that pipe inside a chimney?

pipe caps will get the most creosote because they are the coolest point.
the cooler the pipe, the more creosote build up, which is why the last several inches has the most.

is that pipe inside a chimney?

pipe caps will get the most creosote because they are the coolest point.
Yes & I wonder if the creosote at the top doesnt act as an insulator?
no, not in a chimney, and I knew the creosote would be a problem because of it. stove runs through a few feet of doublewall horizontally to the outside, then 8 feet of singlewall up to the cap. Not the ideal situation, but cheap on the materials, easy to install, and took the least amount of space from the inside of the house. All safely done, all clearances observed, and installed under the supervision of a professional. I just sweep it often, and if there is a chimney fire, it's all outside the house, minimizing risk to lives and property.
no, not in a chimney, and I knew the creosote would be a problem because of it. stove runs through a few feet of doublewall horizontally to the outside, then 8 feet of singlewall up to the cap. Not the ideal situation, but cheap on the materials, easy to install, and took the least amount of space from the inside of the house. All safely done, all clearances observed, and installed under the supervision of a professional. I just sweep it often, and if there is a chimney fire, it's all outside the house, minimizing risk to lives and property.

i know of a guy with basically the same set up.

the creosote is literally dripping out of that thing, out of every joint and opening it can find. his pipe outside the house is single wall.

i don't think he cleans his as often as you do.
Chimney Sweeps, the Bird

This thread, more than any I have read, really opened up my eyes to the creosote problem. I have been very negligent regarding cleaning my chimney. In fact I have never cleaned it. Reading this thread made me take a closer look at mine. Surprisingly it is very clean. A little build up in some areas but not as bad as in the pictures posted here. Today I went looking for a brush for my chimney but will have to order online. Mine is an 11x11 brick and I could not find any locally. Cleaning will be done as soon as I get that brush.

I do have a question regarding the chimney sweep birds. When I first moved to Texas these birds built a nest at the base of the chimney. A family relative said they were chimney sweeps. I do not know the true name of these birds but they come every summer and build a nest in the chimney. It is quite a treat to hear them especially when the babies are fed. They do make a racket. So every year I remove the stove pipe to clean the nest, the pipe and the stove. At that time I see creosote debris and black powder like substance in the chimney. I believe that these birds tend to clean the chimney at they travel up and down the chimney. This may be why my chimney is a lot cleaner than I expected. Anyone familair with these birds and what their true name is? I would like to read about them. I have tried to look to see if I can ID them outside but have only caught a quick glimpse.