Arborist Forum

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I just open three tabs with different forums on them, and post on whichever one loads first......
I noticed it was very slow too. The first day it up graded it was wicked fast but you guys are right now it is wicked slow... CLICK..wait......wait..............wait.........................CLICK............................wait........................CLICK..CLICK...CLICK.CLICK.CLICK. Oh Well, I will wait...... The addiction is too much to fight... I need my fix..... LOL!!!!!!!
I am on dialup and to me it seems faster.....they way you guys talk my dial up is loading quicker than your cable, dsl, t1 stuff.....a page without pics takes maybe 5 to 10 seconds.
Must be Net Neutrality kickin' in.............................................:mad:
In the evenings it is so slow the page times out before loading, during the daytime from say 6AM to 5.30PM it takes 30-45 secs to load, that is three times slower than before the changeover.
late morning is'nt too bad in the evening i get plenty of chances to check out site sponsors websites while waiting on a thread to load.