Deer prevention. Any simple ideas?

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Sep 30, 2016
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Somerset NY
I have a few silver maple trees that are about 3 years old that I transplanted this spring. They are doing good but the taller one is apparently the perfect height, for I'm assuming a deer to eat. I've used that deer screen stuff before and had some luck but it seems to rip easily.

Any simple ideas?
Well here's the issue my house is 500 feet back in the woods I planted these trees by the road to make more woods to keep the house covered up. I don't see the trees much. Just want to protect them till they are big and strong lol.

I've been losing hair since I was 18 I grow more on my face than my head lol.
Like already said, 30cal works good -- or 10 ft chain link fence.

Am basically in town, but next door neighbor dispatched 3 deer IN his garden over a 5 year period with subsonic 22 SHORTs.

He had an 8 ft fence around his garden which deer jumped to get to his 'goodies'.

He died at 94 YO last year so no harm now discussing his 'poaching'. He immediately buried them with his backhoe.

Doubt you have a backhoe though?

Coyotes hauled one down in our yard, 100% eaten within 2 days, only some tufts of hair visible on the 2nd day.
Do you have any coyotes?

We have a 10 ft chain link fence around our garden with horizontal wires over it with aluminized mylar streamers attached, deer have never tried to jump that, they must be able to see the horizontal wires and streamers.

OOps, hear the black game dept. helicopters already...... <g>
Like already said, 30cal works good -- or 10 ft chain link fence.

Am basically in town, but next door neighbor dispatched 3 deer IN his garden over a 5 year period with subsonic 22 SHORTs.

He had an 8 ft fence around his garden which deer jumped to get to his 'goodies'.

He died at 94 YO last year so no harm now discussing his 'poaching'. He immediately buried them with his backhoe.

Doubt you have a backhoe though?

Coyotes hauled one down in our yard, 100% eaten within 2 days, only some tufts of hair visible on the 2nd day.
Do you have any coyotes?

We have a 10 ft chain link fence around our garden with horizontal wires over it with aluminized mylar streamers attached, deer have never tried to jump that, they must be able to see the horizontal wires and streamers.

OOps, hear the black game dept. helicopters already...... <g>
One question: Why didn't your neighbor eat the deer he shot?
One question: Why didn't your neighbor eat the deer he shot?

Too bad state laws are contra common sense and wastefull!

FELONY in WA state to eat it or even skin it.

You can kill a deer doing damage, but supposed to call game dept to come get it, otherwise a felony.

About 20 years ago had a deer die in our yard due to car hit. Deer population 20 years ago still manageable.

Called game dept to come get it.

game dept (GD): "WE got no budget for that"
Me: "Can I skin it and jerk it?"
GD: "That is a FELONY, officially classified as poaching, you can get X years at WallaWalla"
ME: "so what can I do with it"
GD: "call you local animal control for pickup"
County animal control (AC): "We can only pick it up if in the street"
So I drug it into the street ! They did pick it up. This being a do-gooder liberal area, had a few irate neighbors pound on the door demanding to know what killed poor Bambi!

Fast forward another few years, another road kill deer. Many more deer now.
AC: "don't have sufficient budget for deer pickup anymore"
ME: "GD says I cannot do anything with it, not even bury it"
AC: " the bury part is no longer enforced, too many deer nowadays, go ahead and bury it - but you can get charged with a FELONY if you skin it, you must bury the whole deer, antlers and all"
Part 2:
Oldest grandson was about 11 YO.

Roadkill # 3.

Let him dig the hole with our backhoe, 6 ft deep, dropped in the deer.
"Josh, ya want to see what the insides look like"
"Drop the back side of the bucket on it"
Insides mostly came out the back end, kinda grossed poor Josh out a bit.

Surprised me too, thought the skin would split, pretty good tensile strength for most the inners to extrude out the back end.
We have a nuisance bear at the cabin that's become unafraid of people and has her cubs with her when she's raiding bird feeders 20' from lake homes. I called the game warden and offered to shoot it if I could keep it (I want the pelt and the meat). "No. You can shoot it, but we'll take it."
Part 3:
Coyote story. Cold December week.
Saw what I though was a discarded brown cardboard box laying partly in our pond and in blackberry bushes after a windstorm, did not go to pick it up until next day - thought it was box that had blown into the yard.
Next day: NOT a cardboard box, all that was there now was the back 1/2 of a deer, pretty chewed up, looked like the whole head and front quarter had been drug off.
3rd day: Grand-daughter over "ya want to see what back half of a deer looks like" = "OK" says she
we go around the pond, nothing left except a few tufts of hair -- hooves, every bone, everything gone.
Got a good happy well fed coyote serenade that night also <G>

Part 4, old thread:
Well here's the issue my house is 500 feet back in the woods I planted these trees by the road to make more woods to keep the house covered up. I don't see the trees much. Just want to protect them till they are big and strong lol.

I've been losing hair since I was 18 I grow more on my face than my head lol.

We've found 5' "remesh" cages work well for apple trees. Reinforcement mesh used in concrete, that is. A 150' roll sells for around $100 and will make 10 4.5' cages sufficient for keeping deer from eating an apple tree until it's big enough to handle it (or be out of reach).
I'm not a big fan of poaching deer especially if it's not for survival. If it were near my house I could let the for out or take a shot in their direction.

I like the cage idea. I've done it with snow fence which looks stupid and that deer screen but never anything metal.
I'm not a big fan of poaching deer especially if it's not for survival. If it were near my house I could let the for out or take a shot in their direction.

I like the cage idea. I've done it with snow fence which looks stupid and that deer screen but never anything metal.

I put marking tape "flags" on 3 sides because the metal wire disappears into the landscape. If you don't want to see it, it's not there at any distance beyond close proximity. The tape lets me do a summary visual inspection for tampering without having to walk the orchard.
Wrap barbed wire around the trunk of the tree. They'll get the point.