Does your Wife help out?

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No wife...just me and Buck Henry my black lab.
He's a great hunter for just about anything but he's a bit clumsy with wood. Now I can toss a piece and he'll go get it.He'll even get his snoot under the big piece and push them like a bull dozer sometimes even flipping them in the air. He's not got the stacking part down yet.

He can clear a table with his tail,he can shower you with water from a good shake after coming out of the lake. He can clean plates with the deftist of toungue action. He can even make me feel better when I'm sick or mad and when I need someone to talk to he'll come up into my lap to listen for as long as I need to vent.

So when it comes to the wood I give him a break...after all he works hard enough just loving my sorry azz.
Uhhh, no.

Usually this is a good thing, sometimes I would like the help.

She does provide cold beverages and lunch if I'm working in our woods.

She is interested in starting a garden "together" which sounds like I do all the hard work but its a step in the right direction!
I canna stand being told how to do ma jobs

Wow, exactly what mine says, minus the accent. I tell her it's constructive criticisim, she just hears complainin'. Damn girl didn't know how to hold a rake nor paint a wall before she found me.

Yes, she helps stack and even loads the OWB when I'm gone.

My dog doesn't like the chainsaw too much so he usually only helps out when we stack = )
Wanda is a trooper when it comes to helping with firewood. Just last week-end we got two loads of wood from a friend who had a tree fall on her house. Wanda's shoulder was bothering her but she gave it her all anyways. She likes to help me, however, everytime she does, somehow she ges a big piece of wood falls on her toe or one pinches her finger......never fails !!!!!! She is a good stacker too....doesn't like the way I do it......which is just fine with me because I hate stacking to cut and split, but hate to stack !!!!!!!

The Missus will always go with me to "help". Of the 5 to 6 hours I am cutting and stacking she prolly helps about an hour by dragging branches out of the way, if a fire is going. She always runs the splitter lever for me, but it is rare to find a tree big enough to split around here. She will read the crap outta her books she brings with her while I run the saw and axes. But it is nice that she gets out there for my (our) quality time.
My wife helps a lot!after all she was the one that use to pay the propane man...

She wont run a saw yet,but she can run the splitter and stack.
If I could get the silver spoon out of her mouth long enough to do anything it would be a miracle. SO her helping with wood ain't happening. She's first in line with her hand out when the cash comes in though. boo me I fail. My third wife is gonna be worth the headache
Hell yeah my wife helps out and I love her all the more for it:heart:. She is in charge of splitting; her and my step-daughter-in-law run the spitter, sort by size, and divide the loads between our's and my step-son's trucks. After the wood is home she helps stack it outside, I carry it in as needed, but once its in the house there is hell to pay if I even touch "her stove" in the living room. She is definately doing something right, haven't had to put a match to the stove since its was lit for full time burning in October, and she is getting 12 hour burns out of a stove "rated" for 8. I, on the other hand, get to feed the wood pig of a furnace down in the basement, and that only gets lit when "her" stove can't keep up (usually not until the temps outside are in the teens), or the basement gets too cool or damp. Did I mention I love my wife!

youve got a rare one!!!!
I like the question "does your spouse help out?"

Sometimes my husband will help by calling a buddy for a load of wood from a local tree business. This stuff I need to buck, split, move and stack (sometimes he helps with pointers on Swiss precision stacking...:msp_rolleyes:)
I don't think he's lit a fire in the stove once in the past few years! That's okay; I need my fire and he does work hard to keep us in a great house where there is room in the yard for wood play.

I applaud all hardworkers everywhere (in the house or the woodpile!)

she runs the handle for the hyd on the splitter--you can sit on the tire for that!!! and theres times!!! when she aint watching properly!!:dizzy: so i have to watch the wood--and her,,off and on----
If I turn the thermostat up I don't hear the end of it, But my four year old son has split and stacked more wood in his short time than she has in the five we've been together. My two year old daughter is right behind him. I hope they learn my appreciation for manual labor and have her appreciation for someone else doing it.:msp_tongue:
The lucky ones

After reading this thread, it sounds like there are more than a few of us vying for title of luckiest guy in the world! My wife hasn't run a saw....yet, and never complains when it's time to go get wood. She's pretty good with the TW6 and driving the gator, her stacking technique could use some work. She's the first to say, "A bigger saw will help us get more wood faster". All in all she's the best!

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