Ever try this when it's really cold out?

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And this crap has what to do with firewood ???

I'll be in Phoenix next week:) so you just go on debating old wives tales:monkey:
I read somewhere, that your spit will freeze, before it hits the ground, at -40* or below.

Not "before" at -40° Celsius, but just after it hits the ground. Or was that - 40° F. Oh who cares, it all the same.;)

I did try a throwing a cup of water up in the air at -40° many times. The water droplets didn't freeze in the air. Maybe I wasn't throwing it high enough?!
at these temps..

I could probably still write my name in the snow.. Although the writing would be a lot smaller.

-6° F right now

Same water (exact temp according to oven thermometer 120°)

Very visible vapor cloud but still droplets getting to the ground.

Now I'm only half a failure!

I'll be up at least another hour and they are calling for -15° tonight so we'll check it out again.
I saw the banana thing too

It's fun to do, even for us older kids. It's funny how it works with boiling water, but not cooler water. It's been explained to me, but still does not seem to make sense.

Today on the news, they were hammering nails into boards with a frozen banana.

-20 something in Minnesota

I saw the banana thing too

Just a few mins. ago I went outside the shop -28° and pee'd on the side of a front end loader steel bucket, it froze to the side of the bucket before it was able to drip to the ground. Ok I guess cabin fever is starting to set in.
BTW boiling water works a lot better if throwing it up in the air.
I ain't poundin nuttin with my frozen nanner!!! Well maybe...:hmm3grin2orange:
If you want me to try that....you'll need to send some of those cold temps down this way. 54º F right now outside.
If you can write your name in the snow at -40 C, is there a sound ? :dizzy:

Calling Mr. Moderator ! Calling Mr. Moderator !
Had the grandkids yesterday - 15° in the morning. One cup of cold water and one cup of boiling water. The cold water when thrown up just came down. The boiling water when thrown gave off a pretty big steam cloud with very little hitting the ground. My wife and kids were impressed.

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