Falling Pics

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Hey, I'm an average Finlander. Let's sum up yesterday consumption. I drink coffee in mugs, which is approximately 2 cups.

Morning, reading newspaper 4 cups

Refill at the gas station 2 cups

After work goss... updating information
at the gas station again 2 cups

Dinner 4 cups

Assembled a bookshelf for MIL 4 cups

total 16 cups

A regular day. No shakes. Well, I have to reduce it in the summer too.
I'm half Swede and if I took in that much coffee I'd shake like a dog pooping peach seeds. There's no way I could handle that much coffee. I'd feel like a bottle rocket lit and tied to the ground. Two cups is all this light weight can handle and that's early in the morning.
I remember reading in a National Geographic several years back an article about coffee. It said the average Finlander drinks 11 cups a day. If thats average, I knew that 20 was ok. Too bad the hotter weather is coming and actually have to regulate myself or else cramps.

Ice tea or cola drinks cause me to cramp. Bummer too because I love ice tea. However if I take my vitamins at lunch or afternoon break then I only rarely cramp. It is a real drag trying to drive home when my hands are in the shape of a claw. BTW I never developed a liking for coffee. Or tobacco. Or much a liking for alcohol. My biggest vices are food and cola soft drinks.
Sure is interesting to see where these threads go. From falling pics to coffee. Who'd have guessed that? Don't get me wrong, it's all good.

It's just how the logging and forestry brain works. Thought processes wandering all over the place, can't stay focused, distracted by shiny things and big chainsaws, etc.
It's just how the logging and forestry brain works. Thought processes wandering all over the place, can't stay focused, distracted by shiny things and big chainsaws, etc.

No kiddin'. I sit here in my office chatting with you guys and wishing I was out there making logs. Opps! Guess I'd better get with it.
As in non-practicing LDS?

That's what my smokin', gave up drinking but hit the coffee dad said.
Mom (the Scandihoovian side) disagreed. I do remember going to that Sunday School briefly, then an argument happened and we did not. We became heathens. :msp_smile:

I do like the Candy Coffee (carmel and espresso) at the MacDonalds that is a ways from here. I managed to pass it up today.
Luzianne Dark Roast with chicory. That is coffee.

Folgers Dark Silk is the next choice.

After that it's anything at 7-11 that doesn't have an oil slick floating on top.

Me likes dark coffee...strong enough to float an axe head! I have been drinking that dark silk for a while...In my hoity toity little french press coffee cup...no bs, the closest to cowboy coffee a guy can get. Taking Nates advice I just recenty bought a bag of dark roast beans from costco and started grinding...me really likes!
anything at 7-11 that doesn't have an oil slick floating on top.

That rot gut stuff is what got me out of coffee. A thermos or two of that a day will take a toll on ya. I still love the smell of a fresh brewed pot but I'll be darned if I can get back into drink'er it again.

Tobacco has me hooked deep. I sure do like a pinch of fresh stuff and a smoke now and then. Mrs brought home a can of Cope the other day and I thought my head was gonna spin off I mowed right through that sucker. Man O man do I like that stuff, I like it a little to much so I just stick with the grizzly.

I don't get the tobacco dependency thing. I was a smoke before I was old enough to buy them, then about the time I could, there was no more desire to except on occasion. Cigarettes just ain't worth it, they don't do anything as far as making you feel good and they cost a lot. Then snuff and leaves are just as expensive and some of that stuff is hardly tobacco with all that fruit and gum flavor stuff (gag)..
That rot gut stuff is what got me out of coffee. A thermos or two of that a day will take a toll on ya. I still love the smell of a fresh brewed pot but I'll be darned if I can get back into drink'er it again.

Tobacco has me hooked deep. I sure do like a pinch of fresh stuff and a smoke now and then. Mrs brought home a can of Cope the other day and I thought my head was gonna spin off I mowed right through that sucker. Man O man do I like that stuff, I like it a little to much so I just stick with the grizzly.


Yup, copehagen long cut, snuff, and grizzly straight. A couple Pall Mall menthols a day.