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Apr 10, 2007
Reaction score
West Coast
I am not a climber, but a friend of mine that I cut for wanted me to limb up a decent fir (30" dbh & 100' roughly) for a "view shed" to the river below his house. I grabbed some old spurs my dad had from way back, a belt & rope, and few things and decided to do it. Not too much advice from my dad, but how to climb and get down. I started up and down a few feet for the feel of it (10-15') then hooked up the little Husky and went up. I made it right to the desired 55-60' mark and was pretty stoked. Climbing is something I want to get into for side work from cutting timber and tree removals. I actually know a guy who climbs and thought about doing some training with him, like roping techniques, other methods, safety, etc. How much denaro are we talking for a decent set of spurs (that don't break your legs like antique logging spurs with rotten foam and indoor/outdoor carpet for supplimental padding) and rope?


I am not a climber, but a friend of mine that I cut for wanted me to limb up a decent fir (30" dbh & 100' roughly) for a "view shed" to the river below his house. I grabbed some old spurs my dad had from way back, a belt & rope, and few things and decided to do it. Not too much advice from my dad, but how to climb and get down. I started up and down a few feet for the feel of it (10-15') then hooked up the little Husky and went up. I made it right to the desired 55-60' mark and was pretty stoked. Climbing is something I want to get into for side work from cutting timber and tree removals. I actually know a guy who climbs and thought about doing some training with him, like roping techniques, other methods, safety, etc. How much denaro are we talking for a decent set of spurs (that don't break your legs like antique logging spurs with rotten foam and indoor/outdoor carpet for supplimental padding) and rope?



Good gravy get that man a trim saw and teach him to climb
without spur for goodnesssakes!
I told you I wasn't a climber, and the 55 was all I had. I just wanted to give it a go.
Hey man, way to go. with a little instruction and better gear you will be well on your way. You most definitly have the nerve and balls for it, so go for it. I can't say I limbed up 60' of fir with a felling saw on my first climb. stay at it.
Hey man, way to go. with a little instruction and better gear you will be well on your way. You most definitly have the nerve and balls for it, so go for it. I can't say I limbed up 60' of fir with a felling saw on my first climb. stay at it.

Yeah he has the guts just needs some coaching, good job
on your first, wait till ya get a climb saw it will seem lots easier!

very nice job the only way to learn is by doing it and experience.its a rush being in trees and climbing the more you do it the better you get at it.ropensaddle is right get your self a good top handle saw it will be a lot easier and you don't wear out as fast easier to control and lot safer good job brother.
What you are doing the way you are doing it is dangerous. You are not even tied in . Don't end up in the obits.
you've got balls. first time on spikes. see that bark you scalped off? if your spikes would off kicked out your flesh would resemble that bark. next time, tie in please.
The Hooktenders I've watched go just as I did. I thought about a safety rope and how it would be done, but I thought that if you had a bunch of gnarly limbs in the way, you would have to cut them, right? So I guess you would cut stubs for a ladder, or free climb then hook your rope? This is just the way that I saw it done.
The Hooktenders I've watched go just as I did. I thought about a safety rope and how it would be done, but I thought that if you had a bunch of gnarly limbs in the way, you would have to cut them, right? So I guess you would cut stubs for a ladder, or free climb then hook your rope? This is just the way that I saw it done.

No you set a climb rope with a throwball or big shot before climbing,
and then either body thrust as I do, or use many other options to climb.
tie in

be safe throw a line in and secure in.if you kick out for some reason you wont be eating bark or snapping an ankle.then when you are done you can repel safe seek info and training from your safe and most of all have fun.i use my bow with a canister to set my lines very acurate safe and fast.
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The Hooktenders I've watched go just as I did. I thought about a safety rope and how it would be done, but I thought that if you had a bunch of gnarly limbs in the way, you would have to cut them, right? So I guess you would cut stubs for a ladder, or free climb then hook your rope? This is just the way that I saw it done.

You need to take this one ropensaddle I'm going to bed.
Not that i am any kind of professional but i know when i climb i set rope or i dont climb at all. Safety is always first. Glad u tried it and liked it though. But for your safety and the sake of your family get a little more education before u go up again. Not trying to scold you by any means just trying to help. These guys are a never ending supply of knowledge. Listen to them as they will not steer you wrong. Good luck to ya
Looks as if he left its good that he tries, but he sure needs some direction
Why can't they just work for a reputable company, until they are trained at least? So many good young men end their life this way!

When i started i didnt exactly start working for a samll company but i did seek advice from everyone here and a pro who is a friend of mine. I worked for free for him for several months just to learn. I figured that was payment enough. I am still alive so he payed me very well as fas as im concerned
I'd suggest a decent set of spurs, Buckinghams, triple thick t pads, a good not too expensive saddle, like a weaver floating dee type, a climbing rope, a good double locking rope snap, helmet, throw bag and line the tree climbers companion book, and try to find some work learning with a local tree company. They will hopefully keep you alive and you will learn alot quicker and safer than by yourself. Everyone on here is a wealth of knowledge as well. As for making money don't expect to make any, you will mostly just be making the equipment manufacturers rich. That seems to be all I do.... haha
I'd suggest a decent set of spurs, Buckinghams, triple thick t pads, a good not too expensive saddle, like a weaver floating dee type, a climbing rope, a good double locking rope snap, helmet, throw bag and line the tree climbers companion book, and try to find some work learning with a local tree company. They will hopefully keep you alive and you will learn alot quicker and safer than by yourself. Everyone on here is a wealth of knowledge as well. As for making money don't expect to make any, you will mostly just be making the equipment manufacturers rich. That seems to be all I do.... haha
That is the truth, making them good coin but at the same time building net
worth or assets. I get the picture he does not have much money for gear,
books and such so his best option is to find a good company in his area!
Good for you man. Way to go.

About this tied in, setting a rope stuff, I could make some comments but I'll limit them. Thats the way hooktenders climb here as well, as do most tree guys. As long as your rope (lanyard, scare strap) has a steel core you do not need to be tied in as well, that is the WCB (OSHA equivelent) law here. Quit the crying folks, its the law.

I climb pretty much as you, but with a steelcore strap. I carry a climbing line coiled up and clipped to my saddle, its easier to come down on the rope. Also the rope doesn't get branches on it.

Yes, I know, its not good for trees to be spurred, admitted, but its a safe way to climb. I often drive by some firs I sidelimbed beside a powerline a few years back, they are doing just fine. When you are climbing, hold your lanyard with both hands, instead of the tree, if you gaff out you will not go far at all, been there.

And for what its worth, I have never set a rope in a tree, ever, and I have climbed thousands of trees. Some to kill, some to prune. More than one way to skin a cat. Make sure your spurs are sharp, get a steelcore and best wishes.
The Hooktenders I've watched go just as I did. I thought about a safety rope and how it would be done, but I thought that if you had a bunch of gnarly limbs in the way, you would have to cut them, right? So I guess you would cut stubs for a ladder, or free climb then hook your rope? This is just the way that I saw it done.
