Friday's Speedline Removal

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do I detect a little sarcasm in that post?:monkey:

Actually my hopes were that other climbers, whether much better, or worse than I, would post up some pics or vids of their speedline techniques on the job.

That's a subtle hint to either post up some of YOUR speedlining techniques, or quit buggering up my thread with your snobbish superiority rubbish.

quit buggering up my thread with your snobbish superiority rubbish.


Just pointing out that might not be the best technique. You gotta keep your eyes open and if you are teaching gotta teach that too. Check all the tools in the bag.

You know we used to be sort of buddys. You even called me up to chat (remember) and you thought I was someone with the exact name as mine that you were in a perpetual beef with out there and I could not convince you that I had the same name but I am not your nemesis.

Then one day you blindsided me about something I posted on another forum that had nothing to do with you.

Since then....when you say it is black me it is white, and so on and so on. I won't be back to this thread.

I'll stay out of your thread which is a pretty good thread I must admit.
Come on guys!

Post some pics of your removals!

Speedlines, chunkdowns, snapcuts?


That removal was 9 days ago Treeslayer.

The camera's an expensive new digital job, with a sports setting that allows you to take a rapid fire series of pics, very cool. It has an 8 gig SD card.

I am not worthy of fouling this thread with my garbage hack like practices , but I must say the weather there looks great and I enjoy your pics ...
Fear not TC101, for Tv has promised not to meddle in this thread again, making it safe for even climbers using an echo trimsaw to post pics without fear of ridicule and derision!

The echo's are caddillacs compared to the old magnesium homelite super2's that I used for far too long!

The dual triggers were cool though!

That removal was 9 days ago Treeslayer.
The camera's an expensive new digital job, with a sports setting that allows you to take a rapid fire series of pics, very cool. It has an 8 gig SD card.

man, I miss the green stuff. everything is gray or white here. :laugh:

I 've got a nikon D70 SLR, does like yours. I just need to learn it better.I'm doing a big red oak this week would be a good speedline candidate, ( over a pool/deck) but do not have enough stuff here or the help to run it. It will be a nice rope and lower though. my 2 guys here do well enough with basics.

will be posting pics.
man, I miss the green stuff. everything is gray or white here. :laugh:

I 've got a nikon D70 SLR, does like yours. I just need to learn it better.I'm doing a big red oak this week would be a good speedline candidate, ( over a pool/deck) but do not have enough stuff here or the help to run it. It will be a nice rope and lower though. my 2 guys here do well enough with basics.

will be posting pics.

Like most climbers, I can't mess around with a camera when I'm concentrating on getting the tree down safely, period. If not for my friend getting that camera for xmas and bringing it out on the job that day, none of the pics that started this thread would have been taken.

I bought the wrong helmetcam, and it has frustrated me to the point that I no longer vid any of my work with it.

I do intend to buy a POV1 helmetcam like Reg and others use so well due to the wide angle lens.

I keep thinking that if I wait a little longer, a smaller better helmetcam will come out that has a 16 gig SD card, capable of recording a full 8-10 hour work day.

I think the cops are testing just such a very small lightweight vid camera now?

Finally got the resizing figured out. My Nikon needs to be dialed down for this website.
my next big one, a big Red Oak, this will be a cut and run, gonna have to lower the pool side around and maybe lower the off side out of another tree.
add a foot of snow and ice and its a current pic. :)


The pool sits under the left side of this pic.
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Finally got the resizing figured out. My Nikon needs to be dialed down for this website.
my next big one, a big Red Oak, this will be a cut and run, gonna have to lower the pool side around and maybe lower the off side out of another tree.
add a foot of snow and ice and its a current pic. :)


The pool sits under the left side of this pic.

You accidentally posted a tiny oak dwarfed by a 200. Please post a pic of that big red oak.
Co-doms sure make good speedline anchors but then you knew that already.

Why don't you bring someone in to shoot a video for ya TS?Most of my videos cost me a grand total of $50 to shoot. I throw the cash to a young friend of the family so the crew can do their thing and he shoots what he sees. After the first one we sat down at the pc and I showed him the shots I liked and the things he needed to work on and he has been good as gold ever since. ;)
I've had someone shooting pics for me already on some bigger jobs, the video is the logical next step.

I don't know anybody here yet with video equipment, and can't afford it anyway until the season change.

guess I need to buy the vid cam myself, we shot some the other day with cell phones, only one was worth posting, and its still on the camera.
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I found another very useful aspect of a simple speedline today, in a windstorm.

Little 50 foot tall canary island pine uprooting and leaning precariously over a main street bldg and two lanes of traffic, wind at about 30 mph, the rootball rising and falling with the wind.

I go up cutting every lateral off as fast as I can to reduce windsail, but halfway up, the wind wants to take every lateral onto the bldg's roof, so I start hinging and pushing away from the roof. But with the twenty foot head left, even a lowering line would have still landed it on the roof in that wind. Right as the tree service owner I was subbing for yelled at me to come down because the tree's roots were snapping, I secured my trueblue climbing line at 2/3rds up, told the owner to take a few wraps on an upwind pine behind me, and zipped the rest of the tree in one piece away from the lean over the bldg, landing the head next to it, and then relaxing as I chunked the 30 foot single trunk down onto the brush.

Had I tried to catch that head using a lowering line, the chances are very good that both the tree and I would have gone over onto the roof!

Another nifty aspect of strategic speedlining in extreme weather.

Speedlines save lives and time!

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I found another very useful aspect of a simple speedline today, in a windstorm.
I go up cutting every lateral off as fast as I can to reduce windsail, but halfway up, the wind wants to take every lateral onto the bldg's roof, so I start hinging and pushing away from the roof. But with the twenty foot head left, even a lowering line would have still landed it on the roof in that wind. Right as the tree service owner I was subbing for yelled at me to come down because the tree's roots were snapping, I secured my trueblue climbing line at 2/3rds up, told the owner to take a few wraps on an upwind pine behind me, and zipped the rest of the tree in one piece away from the lean over the bldg, landing the head next to it, and then relaxing as I chunked the 30 foot single trunk down onto the brush.
Had I tried to catch that head using a lowering line, the chances are very good that both the tree and I would have gone over onto the roof!
Another nifty aspect of strategic speedlining in extreme weather.
Speedlines save lives and time!

I've done a good amount of windy climbing, and its amazing how far the wind takes limbs, I've freecut limbs, and watched them sail 40' - 50' + away, limbs that were hard for one man to even drag. I get the GM's to stand clear, and send em to the chipper, stategically placed downwind, looks really good when they hit and the butt flops over pointed in the chipper. :D

Cause you know, I MEANT to do that.......:cool:

Need help, I fly.:cheers:

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