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You got is scottr... pic 7 that says "rip on the radial arm saw". Pic shows me crosscutting. Although you "can" rip wood on radial arm saw by twisting the carriage/blade carrier sideways and feeding board along the fence like a tablesaw with inverted blade, its dangerous and real messy, and few people use it that way.

Don't know what a Ross mill is, so no didn't get my idea from that. I actually dreamed that contraption up from scratch. I had a lot of figured maple chunks that were only a few feet long, was slicing them up on my resaw bandsaw in shop, but messy and slow, and resaw only has 12" capacity, so designed that rig to do it quicker and easier with my ripsaw. But it can only do up to a 5 ft long log. I have plans to design a longer one, using steel angle iron for the carraige, that will allow me to resaw as thin as 1 1/2" thick planks, and up to 8 ft long log or board. It will also be mobile, with locking wheels so I can move it around easier. Have rough plans in head, just haven't put them on paper yet. It will be similar design, just fefined a bit and bigger.
MasterBlaster said:
OK, dumb question... what do you do with those?
not a dumb question at all MB... actually its usually the first thing somebody asks me when they see it. It has no real function as it. I made one just for pure fun... just because I could, and thought it was cool looking. Took it to work and everybody that saw it sitting there "had" to pick it up and spin the nut back and forth on the bolt, and wanted one. So designed the jigs to semi-mass produce them in the shop. I do make it functional though by when I put a clock fit-up in the bolt head. I also designed a fully functional wooden monkey wrench to go with the nut/bolt. Will post pic of it shortly so you can see what I mean.
Thanks for the awesome pics. It's really cool to see a progression from standing tree to finished product. BTW, what is you first name? Later, Roger.
For sale

MasterBlaster said:
So you sell them? Cool. And if you don't, you outta!

Hey, I'll take one! How much?

Me too would look real nice on some of my wifes old antiques.
MasterBlaster said:
So you sell them? Cool. And if you don't, you outta!
Hey, I'll take one! How much?

When I put a clock in them, they become more functional... I also designed a wooden monkey wrench to go with it, makes a nice gift for a handyman type. Catch with the wrench is that as it is fully functional, it takes some fancy (read time-consuming) woodwork to make it because of the close tolerances needed. I wanted it to feel tight like a real wrench, if sloppy I didn't want my name on it. Example, that maple adjusting nut that moves the lower jaw up and down can only be made from certain wood, like rock maple or dogwood or it won't thread to such close tolerances. Most ring porous wood like oak or ash or walnut fall apart if you try to do this with them. It has to be drilled and tapped DEAD-on or it won't turn smoothly. Bottom line is I haven't gotten the wrench to down under 2 hours per yet. Thus can't sell it cheap enough that folks want to buy it. The nut/bolts I can do in about 30 minutes per if I make a run of 20 or more.

As for selling them here... gosh I'm not allowed to do that am I? Don't want Darin sending me to the corner 'cause I broke some rules here :)
Woodie003 said:
Gee Woodshop, My little shop is jealous... Nice compact operation! Not to be critical and I understand that a lot of craftspeople do it, but didn't I see a gas water heater in your shop being exposed to wood dust? Do you spray lacquer in the same area? Do you have some type of explosion proof exhaust fan vented to the outside in use? I would hate to see your efforts go BOOM. As I said, not being critical, just cautious! Regards, David
Thanks for the concern... I have a wife and daughters living upstairs and would hate to see them go "boom" also :) I'm on top of it. Have a whole house fan on one side of shop sucking air through grate to upstairs through shop, and also two air cleaners hanging from ceiling, each one capable of exchanging whole shop air in 15 minutes, so no problem there. No, don't spray lacquer in actual shop much at all... done up in attic with fan going usually, and in summer outside of course.
Hey WoodShop,

The tree you felled looks like a poplar, maybe a tulip poplar, but your finished nut and bolt looks like some type of Oak, by the tight grain. Are you using the same tree or am I just going crazy?
Woodie003 said:
Here is my "newest" acquisition. This was originally bought new by my grandfather in the 50's and handed down to my dad and then my oldest brother, then to his son and finally to me. It is the first real machine I ever used. I totally rebuilt it. Mom still has the first bowl I turned 38 years ago. Thought you might enjoy! I haven't figured out how to resize my photos. My bad. :dizzy:
wow... "labor of love" woodie.. nice machine. I run into lots of guys using shopsmiths, they tend to be pretty loyal to their equipment and have a large following.

As for removing guard... in the operation in the pic, just like with a dado blade, can't use guard, it would interfere with the operation. I DO keep a splitter with kickback pawls on the saw right behind blade ALL OTHER TIMES though. Didn't always... but after two accidents, one that put 8 stitches in my chin from a block of maple that shot back and hit me in the face approx 80mph, I got religion, and always use the splitter. I've heard that a mugged liberal makes the best conservative, a formerly smitten young lady makes the best wife... well a close brush with death in the woods or woodshop makes the best woodsmen/woodworkers.
woodshop said:
glens I'm a little slow... figured out what you mean... no, while these pics are in sequence timeline wise for making the avatar, the actual wood/trees involved are not physically in sequence. For example, notice I am cutting down a tulip poplar tree in beginning pics... but some of the wood in the shop pics is oak. The final avatar is Red Oak. You're pretty sharp to catch that apparent inconsistency. Didn't mean to suggest I cut down a tree 2 years ago with a saw that was not in dealers at the time. Sorry for the confusion. :dizzy:

Husky... as glens pointed out before... operations in pics are in sequence, but actual tree/wood is not. Should have made that clear in beginning of thread.
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dave, i dont know why but i want one too. a piece of art like that needs no function. the only diff. between you and norm is marketing. :angel:
jason j ladue said:
dave, i dont know why but i want one too. a piece of art like that needs no function. the only diff. between you and norm is marketing. :angel:
I just boxed a maple nut/bolt up for masterblaster, it will go in mail tomorrow. I certainly didn't intend to market or sell anything using this forum though. If anybody else wants one of these, PM me for details and I would be glad to help. Just don't wanna go breakin' any rules here :cool:

jason again... I assure you comparing me to Norm is really pushing it :) You are right about marketing though... one thing I found is that my wooden stool can be light years ahead of the other guys, better wood, better finish, quality joints etc... but if his is priced 2 bucks less than mine, I will lose the sale to him. Average Joe is not looking for quality woodworking, nor would many folks know it if they saw it. Thats OK... nature of the beast, I don't lose sleep over that. But I have no desire to make junk... wouldn't be fun anymore, would be like another job, and I have too many monkeys on my back from my real job now.

I haven't used the PM stuff here in a while, but it used to be that the messages in all "boxes" counted toward the total, so merely having the "inbox" empty did not mean you're able to accept new ones.
glens said:
I haven't used the PM stuff here in a while, but it used to be that the messages in all "boxes" counted toward the total, so merely having the "inbox" empty did not mean you're able to accept new ones.
ok... not sure how this works, but I will go back and move ALL messages, inbox and sent... to another folder, that should clear it. Thanks glens
Like I'd said, I haven't used the system in a while. It certainly sounds as though the restrictions are still in place, however, and if that's the case, merely moving them to another folder will not help if you're max'd out. If you want to keep the messages, I recommend downloading them in the three available formats to see which you like best, and deleting everything or at least keeping only the very few you feel need to stay on the server.

Thats my fault woodshop, I didn't read your hole thread.

I see your a Penn State-er too, did you get a degree in Forest Management, Forest Biology, Watershed Management, or Urban Forestry.

I'm working on a BS degree in Urban Forestry.
thanks glens, I d/l everything, and sure enough, now I see I do have a message waiting. Hey, gimme a few years in this place, I'll get the hang.