Hey guys. Keep my father in your thoughts and prayers.

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Sorry to hear of your dad's passing Chuck'r.

Unfortunately, I have no great words of wisdom for you. Eventually, the hurt will get less, and the good memories will take over. You never do find any replacement for that figure that your father was. His words, advice,a lifetime of wisdom. But..... the emptiness eventually lessens. I lost my father to cancer years ago. I'm grateful I was able to stay overnight in the hospital on his last day here. I feel fortunte he really only suffered his last two weeks here. Now there is no more suffering.

One thing I can say, after meeting your brother and yourself this past fall. Your father was a very SUCCESSFUL man !

My condolences to you and your family Jason. . . It's hardest for us who are left behind. I'll be praying for you.

God Bless,

Robert George Brozic

7/14/48 - 12/6/11

Rest in peace dad, rest in peace.

So sorry to hear of your loss there Chucker. Today was your dads moment, yes all his. No one can fight forever. He's no longer fighting or suffering and though sad to you its a plus for your dad. He's in a much better place now than in that bed clinging to life, he's resting now and he earned his rest.

I'm sure your sad and thinking to yourself dad is gone, is he really? He's more alive in you now than ever before. Your every thought right now is about him because he lives in you more now and always will. Your dad is not gone Chucker, his body is but everything you ever knew about him is with you and always will be, remember that..
"Even though I walk through the valley of the shadow of death, I fear no evil, for You are with me; Your rod and Your staff, they comfort me."
The words of wisdom always seem to comfort me!

Psalm 23 is a very powerful verse. Everytime I hear it, I think of it being read to my wife's grandfather 15 minutes before he passed away.

Chuck'r, you and your family are being blessed by the thoughts and prayers of so many people, many whom you've never met and I hope that is a little comfort for you. Keep the memories alive and he will live on forever in your heart. Maybe you and your family could plant an oak tree or similar rugged looking tree(big old oaks in my area are gnarly, massive trees that stand out) that could remind you of his rugged exterior, but is still neat to look at as it grows each year.

Just a thought.

Very sorry to read about your father's passing. The upcoming days will be tough, just get off to yourself and think about the great times, let the tears roll and embrace that he is in peace and is enjoying eternal life, no more sorrow, no more pain, living in awe of heaven's glory. He will never be gone, trust me he will live on through you and your kids, the lessons and life's values he taught you will only become stronger and more engrained. There's not a day that goes by I don't use a lesson that my late father taught me in some way, whether it's raising a child, farming, just how to live a good meaningful life. May the Lord give you and your family strength and comfort in the upcoming days. It's been 15 years since I lost mine, sometimes I'll be by myself and remember one of the good times, and the tears roll, to me that is a good sign of the legacy of a wonderful loving father, may you always have those thoughts.
I'm sorry your dad passed on J. Like Tom said, our folks live on us through us and there's things you can remember about your dad that no one else has memories of. It's the little things, like the times he showed you how to do stuff or the first time he shared a beer with you or the first time he teased you about girls.
My condolences to the Brozic family... RIP
The pain has ended!!!!! now healing just takes time.
Jason, I posted on FB also .. but wanted to say we are sorry.. and we will be keeping you and yours in out thoughts and prayers... I know its hard .. been there 2x.... but take comfort in the fact that he is no longer suffering. and it sounds as though he put up one hell of a fight... hang in there.
Man I am sorry to here this. Both of my parents are gone. It is very hard but it will get better.
Really sorry to hear this, I know this has been painful for you and your family, give it time and the grieving will slow and the good memories will surface. Hang in there Jason.
He's now at peace, Chuck'r, and that in the end is what we all seek. Give yourself and others time to grieve, and remember him as he lived. He did quite well from the looks of it here raising you. God bless the rest of your family and you also.
Robert George Brozic

7/14/48 - 12/6/11

Rest in peace dad, rest in peace.


I'm sorry that you and the rest of your family must soldier on without your dad. But, I'm so happy that you have a dad whose life is remembered, whose life is worthy of celebration, whose life has obviously shaped and molded others into being the great persons that they have come to be. That, my friend, is the highest mark.

May Mr. Brozic find eternal peace, rest and grace. May you and your family be comforted and sustained by the memories of Mr. Brozic,
