How do you motivate the wife to cut tops...

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:biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2: :biggrinbounce2: :blob2:
Shes a keeper splits and stacks also
I'm all confused. I read the title of this thread and immediately thought..... " I dunno...... some of my wife's tops are already too small !!"
my wife dosent even like to laod the stove when im at work. only time she has ever helped with wood is when i bring a bunch in the house before winter hits. well she did last year for a little while. we will see what happens this year. i got a feeling im gonna be flying solo again.
LOML started helping me stack the wood outside last year and stoke the stove to help keep the fire going. I consider these spousal accomplishments to be major steps forward. So, I make sure that I cut a few logs undersize that she can easily handle.

On a couple of occasions last year, she even lit a fire that had burned out, right after I told her about TreeCo's easy, top-down startup method. I was flabbergasted that she succeeded, and I came home that night to a warm stove.

Things may be looking up for 2008-2009. :cheers:
the thing is if the fire goes out or she dosent load the stove it gets cold fast lol. i drained the oil burner, radiators and all the lines. so thats all she has for a heat source. wood or nothing baby lol. my wife likes it to be very warm so i know shell keep it going.
My wife will load/unload the trailer,run the splitter and stack...hasnt asked to run a saw yet.

She picked out the truck.
My wife would help if I went to her and made a serious case for needing help otherwise she does what she feels a housewife should be doing while the men are working. I love to come home to these kinds of things on the counter, kinda makes it worth cutting by myself.

my Girlfriend hasn't helped me yet. but after her mom lets her spend time with me im sure she will help. when we are out driving around she notices the nice wood piles before i do!
and it makes me smile. she is like i never noticed the piles till i started hanging around you!
I enjoy it, she helped an older friend of ours with his wood, and she loved it. she is like i can't believe you do all that work every day. but she liked it and she will be glad to help me out. she i scared of the saw though which is a good thing, id hate to see her get hurt. she is only 80 pounds and 5 ft so a saw wouldn't be good in her hands.
Congratulations to all of you who do get help, its wonderful.
I'm all confused. I read the title of this thread and immediately thought..... " I dunno...... some of my wife's tops are already too small !!"
You better not let her see this thread or your gonna have a headache. LOL Some of you guys are lucky when comes to the sawing wives. I'm just happy if mine is motivated enough to put it in the stove. When her backside gets a little cool that usually will get her motivated.
My wife has no problems running the stove. The gas bill is her's to pay.:) She has helped a few times stacking but I don't push it. I have a couple of young boys that I need to push.

I like to cut down trees and haul them away. But only big trees, and to be more specific the big parts of the big trees. Less trips to the trailer, everything just piles up nice and get a lot of bang for the buck on the big part, and it stacks up quick. That's why I settled on a cb 6048. Huge door and no splitting. I'm sure all you smart people have found ways to motivate your wives or significant others to cut up and haul the tops. I showed her where, and told her how much fun it would be, I even found a little saw she can call her own but nothings working.........I even told her if she cuts her own she can go ahead and load the stove with it in the winter...nothings seems to work.

Why waste the wood ? Half of it is in the tops.

When I go cut wood it is to get away from the current GF and put it all behind me for a while. Like a mini-vacation, that pays.
My wife hunts with me (killer at heart), helps milling, can back the trailer up better than me (really cool showing this off on the Tug Hill), drives a Fat boy, and can run with anyone on a wheeler. She will split wood all day and will work right beside me till I drop. We have built two camps and house together. She never showed any interest in a chain saw and I will never push it. She is a beautiful woman who knows how to handle a AR15. I think she would shot my "manly" a.. if I ever pushed it. Pick the good women to start with and you will never have a problem. Keep in mind the disposal fee is very high.

Now here is a boy with a brain and smart choice. :clap: :agree2:

Where are all you Neanderthals coming out of the woodpiles ??:confused:
You dorks want to give birth, cook, clean, wipe snot.......and look pretty ?:monkey: Oh yeah, and have a career to feed your bubba ?

What's this "THE WIFE" thing ? This is a partnership boys, not a platoon. Besides, you don't get it in a platoon. Then again, maybe some don't get any with all that 'Tude.:cheers:
My wife will jump right in the middle of any of my woodcutting/splitting. She's always been that way and never afraid of work. Without my better half, life would be a LOT tougher.
Now here is a boy with a brain and smart choice. :clap: :agree2:

Where are all you Neanderthals coming out of the woodpiles ??:confused:
You dorks want to give birth, cook, clean, wipe snot.......and look pretty ?:monkey: Oh yeah, and have a career to feed your bubba ?

What's this "THE WIFE" thing ? This is a partnership boys, not a platoon. Besides, you don't get it in a platoon. Then again, maybe some don't get any with all that 'Tude.:cheers:

Guess I messed up, I just picked the one with the biggest chest!:clap:
my wife stacks the wood I split and I am thankful for that. Although the price I pay is lots of advice on how to do stuff better than how I currently do it.

My wife isn't afraid to get out in the woods either and keeps up pretty good with me hauling the rounds to the trailer. She won't touch the chainsaw, which I would rather her not anyway.

She occasionally complains a little here and there when it's really hot, but I think she does it to brag to her friends about what a hard working chick she is. Surprisingly, she's not a complete beast either. :laugh:

Ditto.. I know what you mean! I thinks she just does it to mess with me and tell all of her family that I work her too hard!
Interesting - I remember my father telling me a woman is only as good as the man standing next to it and my mother laughing and saying sure, a woman is only as good as the man standing next to it. I think they are both right. Than the sign to leave, BOY go do wood, your mother and I need to talk.... Some topics just need to die!