Of course not. We'll use laser pruning devices from the ground or from the hands of jet-pack equipped arborists.
Suppose I do have employees doing something in violation of the ANSI standard one day. --I'm sure it will happen at some point.
I would hope that you would follow biblical standard of problem solving and
first approach me personally about the issue. Tell me that you're concerned about it and would like to see it resolved.
Second, bring in someone else who would have an opinion I would respect. In this scenario, it would be difficult for me to misunderstand the message. If I allowed it to continue, I would be clearly bottom-line oriented. If I stopped it, I think everyone would benefit.
Suppose I don't put a stop to the practice, go to the
third step and bring the subject before my peers and others in a constructive manner. If after that, I still don't change the policies - you at least made the best effort possible, and it would be perfectly acceptable to degrade your perception of me and the company as a whole.
To skip to the last step, as it appears this thread is doing, is doing an injustice to the victim. From this day forward, I refuse to speak poorly of other companies UNLESS I have gone through that process. I've tried this in the past, but now I commit to it 100%. Otherwise I'm a hypocrite.