How much oil?

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jan 11, 2007
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You know I've used my 2 cylinder ecco saw(610 evl) for about 20 years now but have never really known just what I was doing, nobody taught me. But reading here on this site has opened my eyes a little.
My saw has an adjustable oiler, I use about 5 tanks of oil fer fill of mix. I have come to understand that I must be wasting lots of oil. Question... How can I tell if I has enough oil going on my chain? What happens when you have not quite enough?
I use the saw to clear small areas and for firewood for my house and for my outside cooking place. Sometimes run it every day for 2 weeks and sometimes it sits for 2 months.
YOW, Manfred. you should be going through less than one tank of oil per tank of gas mix.

If you're running the saw regularly, you can use canola oil from the grocer. You're putting a lot of oil out onto the ground, unnecessarily. Put regular bar oil back in if you plan to let the saw sit idle for a couple months.

Adjust way back. I wouldn't be surprised if your oiler adjustment is broken. That's a lot of oil, way more than is needed, or you're trolling us big time.

If you can hear your chain getting chattery, too little oil. If it 'sounds' dry, too little oil. If it looks dry, too little oil. If it feels dry too little oil. If it doesn't chatter, sound, look or feel dry and your chain doesn't tighten up on you unexpectedly, you're getting enough lube.

The acid test is to place the saw tip close to some surface, gun the saw and if you see an oil footprint, you're getting lube.

You should never have to refill your oil tank midway through a tank of gas, and refilling 4 or 5 times, that's excessively exceedingly way too much.
Too much

I'll agree that it is WAY to much. You should try to use less than one tank of oil for one tank of fuel.
I am not with the cooking oil croud, but I do not argue with them. It could be OK.
sounds like a little too much oil!
way back when we used manual oiling homelites we would usually pump the oiler once or twice while bucking 24" wood. pumping it all the time just uses too much and the sawdust builds up all over the saw and makes a mess of things. if while you're cutting you see smoke coming from the chain/bar or if a sharp chain dosent seem to be cutting the same than you probably need to pump the oiler more often. next time you use it point the tip at a peice of cardboard and watch how much oil comes off the chain without pumping, then push it 1 time , see how much comes out and for how long it keeps spraying off the chain. it'll give you an idea how many times you need to pump to keep the chain oiled without wasting too much.
good luck,be safe
I guess it didn't really use 5 tanks oil per gas fill, i usually refilled it about 5 times
But it did seem pretty empty but may not have been that close. It has an adjustable oiler and I try and set it about half way.
I just picked up a 028 super, it has no adjustment so I should be OK now.
The first company I worked with hired a new guy as a groundman. During the week I worked clearing lines for a utility contract and on Saturdays I'd work on the homeowner jobs. This new guy came to me and said the chain wouldn't turn. After looking at it you could tell that it was completely dry of oil. I asked him "Does it have oil?" He said "Yeah, I checked it first thing this morning." He thought it was like motor oil I guess. :hmm3grin2orange: