I cut firewood because I ........

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Peripatetic Sawyer
Aug 26, 2010
All of the above, and especially:
1. I hate spending for something you burn up; investments in tools (chainsaws, mauls, etc.) with rapid & long-term payback no prob. Research into tools like mauls (love Wetterling) and chainsaws (Dolmar 6100 looking good) yields fruit at many levels.
2. Gotta "use it or lose it" and at my age that's a big motivator. I do NOT want hardening of the arteries to set in.

I even play with saws as a volunteer. Clears the mind & sinuses.


ArboristSite Operative
Apr 10, 2013
Because it is what I grew up doing. Helped my grandpa split wood for many years when I was a kid all through high school. When I got married & wife I built a house in our woods we heated with a heat pump. After a few years of that I decided enough was enough. I enjoy spending time in the woods so I bought a wood boiler. Now I cant hardly cut enough.:chainsaw:


Living the Medicare dream
AS Supporting Member
Dec 12, 2010
Highland Lakes, New Jersey
...became addicted to the feeling of accomplishment, self-sufficiency, and self worth. I like the fact that as hard as the activity is, my family is the sole beneficiary of that sweat and toil, NOT some empty suit boss.

I love NOT buying oil (well, that changed with the installation of a new hydronic Electric Thermal Storage unit), and I love the exercise.

Boss lady and I like to be warm.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Nov 20, 2011
mountains of nc
... because the wife won't let me teach the boy how to run the saw yet.
But hey, maybe this year... I mean, after all, today is his sixth birthday.
I say go for it. I can remember when I was about 6yrold. Daddy cutting beetle killed pine for pulp wood. He cut in 5 ft lenghts and hand loaded on the back of a 1ton flatbed truck. My brother and I where to small to help load the wood on the back of the truck so we stood on each side of the truckbed and would stack the wood up as daddy loaded the truck. I remember him with his hands wrapped around me to help me hold the saw while cutting. That was a half century ago and the memory is still crystal clear and brings a tear to my eye.

Thanks for reminding me of the good old days.
Sep 23, 2013
There is many reasons I cut firewood. The main reason I think is feeling of accomplishment when I have gotten good exercise and have something to show for it.

Other reasons are...

Since 1976 I have saved a lot of money. I'm cheap. Only other heat I have is a heat pump.

I cut for my in-laws that are both 84 and also for my hunting club.

Venting - No better way to get rid of anger than to work it out. This is when I get the most done and tear up the most equipment.

I'm 60 and I can do things younger guys can't or won't do.

It's gets me away from the boss, but sometimes she tags along and tells me how to do it. Don't know what I would do without her.

I get to spend time in the great outdoors.:rock:

Like another AS member said "use it or lose it". I have a next door neighbor that says the same thing. He is 92 and a Pearl Harbor survivor. Just 2 weeks ago I saw him splitting big poplar rounds with wedges and a sledge hammer. I'm to take him a load of red oak soon, but I will split it for him.

I really don't like golf. My father loved the game. I'd rather ride my Harley.

I'm not a city boy.



Where the Wild Things Are
Jul 9, 2011
For all of the reasons listed before - I have the wood, getting out in the woods, exercise, the feel of swinging a good axe, enjoying playing with saws, saving money, the magic of a fire and the radiant heat from a blazing stove.

But in truth a big part is because I believe our fossil fuel party is ending, extremely high prices and shortages lie on the horizon, and the costs (beyond direct monetary cost of fuel) are becoming catastrophic. These are just my beliefs, it is not required that anyone here share them nor that the thread turns into a debate on their merits - but it is a main motivation for me.

The oil burner is disconnected and I will be cutting up the remains of the tank shortly. Only the air handler remains for distributing the stove heat. The only back up is a couple of space heaters - I would like to have a pellet stove but can't figure out where to put one into our strange old house.


Tree Freak
Nov 23, 2010
North Georgia
I like cutting and smashing **** up. Eventually you have to burn or sell what you smash and cut up so you can smash and cut more **** up.

The circle of life.


That's why I added the shredded politician feed system to the zogger smogger....first you have to get them massaged into small enough chunks to fit in a home owners little shredder...


Hey you woodchucks, quit chucking my wood!
Feb 25, 2012
NE/Central Ohio
i cut wood so that when my wife asks me why i'm on the d@$# computer all the time ,i tell her i "need" to get on AS to find out something.

I think farmer Steve's wife has been talking to my wife about AS
Hmmm, this sounds vaguely familiar...:rolleyes:
We like a warm home without bank-breaking heating bills.
Yup, that about sums it up. Well, and the fact that I enjoy it and it is the best exercise I get! Gotta say though, just the last few days, a co-worker (who also heat with 100% wood) and I sure have enjoyed listening to the other guys bellyachin about the oil n propain prices. The same guys that think we're dumb for "doin all that work" meanwhile, they're running around their 65* houses all bundled up whining about being limited to only getting 150 Gall. high $$$ delivery! HA! I love being somewhat (at least for heat) "insulated" from all the price instability, the refinery broke down, hurricane xxxx, market demand, the grain crop was wet this year, Chinese demand, some sheiks camel farted sideways and ruined his best dress, BLAH BLAH BLAH whatever! :dizzy: :blob2:
I'll be back, gotta go throw another log in the stove, it just dropped to 77* in here...:laugh:
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Addicted to ArboristSite
Aug 31, 2009
Western Maine
Seriously though, I like cutting wood because I like watching widow makers just miss me - I like being slapped in the face by a branch when it's -20 - I like sweating profusely when it's 100 - I enjoy being chewed on by black flies until I need a transfusion - I like having my saw not start, and seeing how far I can throw it and I like CAD.


Addicted to ArboristSite
. AS Supporting Member.
Oct 26, 2008
ny state
I, like many others do it for the work out, to use my "toys" and because I like being warm. Wood heat just seems to be warmer than oil. I believe that if I worked at my job the total hours that I cut, split, haul and stack (not to mention load times) that I would be able to keep the oil man happy and have money in the bank!

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