I just joined the forum, and bought a used chainsaw :) Lol, quick questions

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Dec 17, 2022
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Hello, I am new to the forum, and so far have learned a ton!!! I have a small grass cutting/lawn care business, and have recently gotten into trees (2 years, nothing crazy, I don't take on what I don't feel comfortable chopping down or up....I like my arms attached lol)

I am a chainsaw addict, and should probably start looking for CA meetings (chainsaws anonymous....not the other one) :)

Recent pickup, was off a guy I cut some trees down with who is showing me how to climb, use a friction brake and lowering limbs.
It's a Stihl 660 Magnum. It started right up, runs good. I put a new chain on it (it only has a 24inch bar on it, and I have a new bar for it, but the one on it looks great)

I paid $300 for it. His only caveaut was, it is sometimes weird when you start it. (he has a 462, 500i ms201t, 194t etc.
I believe this is an older saw, and he is just used to the new stihls, and didn't realize the old way to start stihls, the choke stayed in the down position, once it turns over, you have to manualkly switch it up. I believe his 500i, you press it towards choke, and it pops up on its own.

Anyway, am I correct? Did I get a good deal? what should I look for (or take specific pictures of), I'm cutting a few logs of a tree I dropped yesterday, nothing crazy. This is way more saw than I need at this point, but in my life, when I buy a new tool, I suddenly start getting jobs that require it :)

I'm so glad I found this forum, and I look forward to learning how to work on chainsaws. (as it stands, I'm really proud of myself for being able to put a new bar on and chain lol I'm no mechanic yet.....But anything I do, I get insanley deep on (boots, tennis racquets, automatic watches) Former forum addict for sure lol

It's taken a lot of restraint, but I'm so happy my first post wasn't, "how can I put 10 point dogs, max out to 150CC, and run 80 inch bars on this MS201T for $35!!!! ;)

Here's some quick pics (my house was a mess, and my cats love chainsaws....and yes, there's a huge mirror on my dining room table, I just picked it up from a customer who was going to toss it lol)
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JBP! Welcome to the madness!!!

Don't bother with CA meetings - CAD (Chainsaw Acquisition Disorder) is incurable and terminal. Rather spend the time learning to file your chains to razor sharpness. Then you'll have much greater joy from your saws!

Barring obvious problems such as intake air leaks, seal leaks, and bad fuel tubing, I would spend $20 on a carb kit. This sorts out 90% of my problems, especially on older saws.

Hope this helps!

Thank you!! I have been watching Bucking Billy Ray and Guilty of Treeson on Youtube, learning to sharpen chains (I have round for cutters, and flat for rakers) I have to rewatch Guilty of Treeson where he explains all the different kinds of chains and parts of the chain.

I will search for the Carb Kit and get one. So far when doing the rakers, I only do 6 swipes with a flat file. Probably out of fear that I will take too much off and make the chain ultra grabby :)
I've been following the rule of every 2 tanks of gas, sharpen chains!!
The carb kits do solve some problems, IF you have "the" right problem needing the fix. IMO, get it, they are cheap, and nice to have on hand. I would not prioritize it unless necessary.

Two good YouTube channels, you'll learn a lot from both.

Get a raker gauge. Rakers are important, but not if they are okay. A gauge will tell you.
Lol, and I learned the hard way about wearing a helmet. I thought to myself, I'm careful, I don't need one. Luckily it wasn't too bad, but I was cutting a 25 foot tree, and when it dropped, it brushed another tree and it flung a decent sized branch that hit me right on top of my head (I had a 3 inch cut on my head)

Also cutting a bigger tree on a lift, I didn't realize just how much sawdust these bigger saws shoot sawdust. Luckily my boss, flipped out and grabbed a face shield/helmet combo. which helped tremendously.

Safety safety safety!!! I value my limbs, and don't want to be in a hurry to get hurt
Hello, I am new to the forum, and so far have learned a ton!!! I have a small grass cutting/lawn care business, and have recently gotten into trees (2 years, nothing crazy, I don't take on what I don't feel comfortable chopping down or up....I like my arms attached lol)

I am a chainsaw addict, and should probably start looking for CA meetings (chainsaws anonymous....not the other one) :)

Recent pickup, was off a guy I cut some trees down with who is showing me how to climb, use a friction brake and lowering limbs.
It's a Stihl 660 Magnum. It started right up, runs good. I put a new chain on it (it only has a 24inch bar on it, and I have a new bar for it, but the one on it looks great)

I paid $300 for it. His only caveaut was, it is sometimes weird when you start it. (he has a 462, 500i ms201t, 194t etc.
I believe this is an older saw, and he is just used to the new stihls, and didn't realize the old way to start stihls, the choke stayed in the down position, once it turns over, you have to manualkly switch it up. I believe his 500i, you press it towards choke, and it pops up on its own.

Anyway, am I correct? Did I get a good deal? what should I look for (or take specific pictures of), I'm cutting a few logs of a tree I dropped yesterday, nothing crazy. This is way more saw than I need at this point, but in my life, when I buy a new tool, I suddenly start getting jobs that require it :)

I'm so glad I found this forum, and I look forward to learning how to work on chainsaws. (as it stands, I'm really proud of myself for being able to put a new bar on and chain lol I'm no mechanic yet.....But anything I do, I get insanley deep on (boots, tennis racquets, automatic watches) Former forum addict for sure lol

It's taken a lot of restraint, but I'm so happy my first post wasn't, "how can I put 10 point dogs, max out to 150CC, and run 80 inch bars on this MS201T for $35!!!! ;)

Here's some quick pics (my house was a mess, and my cats love chainsaws....and yes, there's a huge mirror on my dining room table, I just picked it up from a customer who was going to toss it lol)
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660 Magnum?! For a new guy into chainsaws? Oh my... Hope you're carefull with it after it starts 😁
$300 US dollars for that saw is too good to be true!
I paid about $500-600 US dollars for a Makita 6100 (61cc) but new/in the box and delivered home/to my door! And "later".../ Not even 6 months I managed to almost cut my left leg... No scratches but the damn thing "crawled" up my left leg in about 0.5 seconds(before I realized what happened)...
But ,let me envy & congratulate you for those beautifull cats 👍😁
If I were to choose between anything else and cats, I"d choose cats! 😎
Lol, and I learned the hard way about wearing a helmet. I thought to myself, I'm careful, I don't need one. Luckily it wasn't too bad, but I was cutting a 25 foot tree, and when it dropped, it brushed another tree and it flung a decent sized branch that hit me right on top of my head (I had a 3 inch cut on my head)

Also cutting a bigger tree on a lift, I didn't realize just how much sawdust these bigger saws shoot sawdust. Luckily my boss, flipped out and grabbed a face shield/helmet combo. which helped tremendously.

Safety safety safety!!! I value my limbs, and don't want to be in a hurry to get hurt
In UK ,regardless where you work if you don't have PPE you don't work that day(even truck drivers entering into a company's yard/minimum safety boots in good condition,high visibility vest, head protection,gloves if handling dangerous goods and no loading help). Even here in Romania these things are respected by big companies that don't want problems with the Law and have many thousands of days without a work accident!
Welcome to AS fellow Keystoner@JohnBPittsburgh007. Yes, the older stihl saws are a different animal to start than the new stuff. Easier to flood out it you miss the 'pop" when the lever is in the full down position. Taking to much of the rakers will give you a grabby chain.
Chaps. Period. You DO need a nice top handle, and maybe a 50cc class, but have no fear- the disorder is going to take care fo that for you anyway.....

I had a good laugh at this quote.

It's taken a lot of restraint, but I'm so happy my first post wasn't, "how can I put 10 point dogs, max out to 150CC, and run 80 inch bars on this MS201T for $35!!!! ;)

You are wise already..... But be honest, you actually typed it out, but caught yourself and deleted it?

Now, just dont go replying to six or seven year old posts, and you're going to be okay, you're among friends here..... LOL.
Thank you!! I have been watching Bucking Billy Ray and Guilty of Treeson on Youtube, learning to sharpen chains (I have round for cutters, and flat for rakers) I have to rewatch Guilty of Treeson where he explains all the different kinds of chains and parts of the chain.

I will search for the Carb Kit and get one. So far when doing the rakers, I only do 6 swipes with a flat file. Probably out of fear that I will take too much off and make the chain ultra grabby :)
I've been following the rule of every 2 tanks of gas, sharpen chains!!

6 strokes w/good file is alot
get a gauge, check, take 1 or 2, check again, figure what they need
cant go back once theyre too low
6 strokes w/good file is alot
get a gauge, check, take 1 or 2, check again, figure what they need
cant go back once theyre too low
Good advice, IF every stroke was actuyyally doing any work. Becasue thats good advice. I can add if I may, be patient it aint a race, and it aint ten million cutters to do. So it often, and do less, just make each stroke count. Its all feel, in my opinion.
@Gabriel1982 The black and white kitten, is a 6 month old Maine Coon!!! :) He's going to grow into a monster cat!!!
I thought it's something "racy" after how bushy the tail is! They develop fully after about 3 years! Males are bigger! I had one but got run over by a car in 2016 right in front of my house,10-12 meters... And I found it just few minutes after it happen(3-5minutes)...
F.. trauma, couldn't get another cat after that... Take great care of yours!!!