I know now why I made my dad so mad

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ArboristSite Lurker
Jul 18, 2012
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When I used to cut wood with my dad, I was not real careful to remove all the twigs and branches. I would also leave the ones I cut off a little long. He would just pitch a fit. I would let him know he could just prune them with the axe.

Fast forward, I'm the one cutting and stacking now and I'll tell you, I want them the same length, and I want them clean. I never want to cut the same piece more than once.


I am a fanatic on I don't want to see a single leaf/weed remnant/grass stem, anything but wood in the stack, including no sticky outy lil branches.

I stack three deep, so a bit more relaxed on sizes, regular close to 16 inch (splits or small rounds) on the outside, shorts/uglies/oddballs/ crotchedy night log chunkers for the middle row
Those little nubbies, if too long, can wreck the stack. I'm trying to be in the league as some of you here. Some of your stacks are amazing with the perfect symmetry, I'm not worthy....
i'm still the same I have to harvest and cut 12 cords total a year for me and my parents. bye myself I'm in such a hurry to get it done before the july heat. my father still complains i don't cut each log to the same length or split to the same size and i use a processior!!! some things i just cant change. i just tell him. you will be warm this winter dad
I do use smaller nubbs and cutoffs to help level the stacks, it's the little sucker branches that bother me. You would think that they would just break off, but they hang in there no matter how much you bend and twist. I need to get a smaller hatchet to take care of these. I'm using my double bit and it's real cumbersome.
Isn't it amazing how the older you get the smarter your parents get.

Especially when you make the transition from the son of a father to the father of the son!
At the same time, my father did make some mistakes and lord knows I do also... I just try not to make the same mistakes he did.
Me and my dad are the exact opposite. I need everything neat with no branches etc. and he could care less as long as it burns. Then we will be stackin and it will get messed up by the pieces he didn't take the branches off on and he's still doesn't learn!
Anything that wont stack properly usually ends up in the fire-pit pile for friends & beers night...

If I can't get a round to split (I split with an axe only) also goes that route!
Our father didn't cut wood but he did a lot of other things around the house. Being the kid I was I thought he did everything the hard way. Now I'm his age and see why he did what he did. :D

Those little sucker branches can be a PITA. Stumbled backward over one once and plopped arse-down in the mud. I buzz 'em off at the stem now before bucking. One little bitty branch can catch ahold of your boot. :(
My father is now, and always was the smartest man I know. Now when I know something he doesn't, I am a little disappointed. I am an a$$.
My father is now, and always was the smartest man I know. Now when I know something he doesn't, I am a little disappointed. I am an a$$.

:agree2: Yeah, me too. My Dad was just awesome and always seemed to know everything and be able to do anything. I'm a lucky guy just to have known him, but to have him as my Dad... There's just nothing better in the world!
:agree2: Yeah, me too. My Dad was just awesome and always seemed to know everything and be able to do anything. I'm a lucky guy just to have known him, but to have him as my Dad... There's just nothing better in the world!

I'm at year 60 learning from my Dad. Here is where I will always fondly remember being. On a knee learning something from him. I am a very lucky man to have had all this time to learn. So, why do I still do so many stupid things?


BTW, here we just moved a cairn he had built many years ago. He built it to honor his older brother, and he decided to move it to his Sister-in-law's home. We decided to move it using only stuff around the farm. Another fun project.

View attachment 307597

I do use smaller nubbs and cutoffs to help level the stacks, it's the little sucker branches that bother me. You would think that they would just break off, but they hang in there no matter how much you bend and twist. I need to get a smaller hatchet to take care of these. I'm using my double bit and it's real cumbersome.
works great.
For the most part if it makes it past the delimber and it feeds into my processor it gets sent out like that. Don't like it, cut it off. It's firewood, not lumber for expensive cabinets!
My father is now, and always was the smartest man I know. Now when I know something he doesn't, I am a little disappointed. I am an a$$.
This. All Dat Everyday.

My Dad is the Smartest Person I know
Especially when you make the transition from the son of a father to the father of the son!
At the same time, my father did make some mistakes and lord knows I do also... I just try not to make the same mistakes he did.

WS, there's a lot of wisdom here. From one dad to another, thanks.
Me and my father are opposite as well.

I thought I did a pretty nice job but here this fall I bought a mingo. Did a cord and a half last week and kicked out all the crotches and uglies. It was the absolute fastest and best looking stack I have ever done. Neighbor got the half load of uglies to throw in his large shop stove.