I'm feeling like Al Bundy from "Married with Children" right about now....

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supreme scrounger
Dec 23, 2012
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Northeastern P.A.
2 cars and a van, all needing repairs of some kind. Short on cash because of bills. No overtime coming my way at work. No raise this year either (3rd year in a row). Had to sell a week of vacation to pay for the upcoming vehicle repairs. :( About the only difference between me and him right now is that I don't sell shoes, plus I love my wife, while he hated his. At least the Gods of Fortune smiled on Al once in a while and tossed him a bone. Like when he was able to throw one of Kelly's boyfriends off of the front porch. Sorry for the rant guys. I'm sure we've all been there. On the plus side, I've got a ton of seasoned firewood ready for this winter!!
Hang in there buddy, I to know the feeling, getting divorced after 21 years I guess I didn't realize my best friend wanted to date my wife. Money, you guessed it divorce is a expensive thing so I'm financially embarrassed at the moment. But on the bright side I still have my boy although he's more of a young man now. And we both have our health. I have a friend who's wife that he loves dearly is battling cancer for the second time and the outcome isn't looking good. So whenever I'm feeling down I always think of him, it could be worse.
The equipment maintenance is killing me - it seems to suck up all my time as well as money. My truck needed leaf spring hangers this summer, which was a big job, and so I had no transport for materials. I can never manage to get materials, money and time all together at once to get a project done. And I have 2 other cars to work on soon too.

The peak of per-capita income in the US was in the early 1970's, so if it feels like it's harder to get by - it is.
I hear ya.
My utility trailer that I haul firewood, wood pellets and everything else I need moved recently fell apart. The main beam snapped and hit the ground while I was hauling a load of wood. But the worst part was that I was on a narrow trail in an isolated, heavy wooded area. I got lucky and only had to move the load behind the axle to get it to pop back up and I slowly rolled home.
Now it's been two weeks of cutting and grinding and welding to get it back on the road.
Oh...and lots of cash for metal and a new grinder.
But it can always be worse.
I have a friend that's battling cancer right now. Helluva guy, helps a ton of people, well respected. I won't even go into the list of what he and his wife have been through over the years but he recently lost the use of RH side of body. Speech was bad and had a helluva time typing, too. Tumor in the brain. Docs said inoperable but radiated him, maybe chemo, too, but not sure. 2nd or 3rd round with cancer so the odds of something coming back are high. Before radiation they'd given him six months.

It's hard to talk with him. He's in a hospital on the other side of the country. He's tired all the time and speech is hard for him so when I do get through the calls are fairly short. He called 2x last night but I just couldn't wake up enough to answer. Can't tell what's in the messages... just whispering. And my hearing is going bad in a way that makes air leaks and whispering very hard to hear. So later today I've got to call back and see what's going on.

I've been in a similar situation a few times before with friends and family. It's a tough place to be. But it's not quite as bad when people are nearby. You can visit, help out, try to do good for the family. What to do when your friend is 2800 miles away and he can't even use the two forms of communication that are available? I'm going to call, like I always do, and ask, like I always do. We'll see what happens.
Ya, sucks, comes in bunches too, the vehicle repairs. Do you have a garage to work in at least?

Finances..getting sick a few weeks back made me go apply for my social security, at least I'll have some extra coin coming in for stuff like that. Vehicle repairs and most likely get a power splitter then. But..all that might work out, be able to cut and process a lot extra and sell more. The little bit I sold last winter and this year just about paid for new tires on my ratsun, so that helped, well it will when I get the final payment from the guy, took a deposit already.
Yeah... broke... hang in there.
The increase in the cost of living has been outpacing the increase in income for most of us for over a decade or so now. I pretty much do all my own repairs/maintenance to keep expenses down... ain't paid labor for anything in 20 some years. But it still seems like I get hit with something often enough to keep me just a little behind... son got married last year, the daughter graduated this year, the well pump quits, tires, batteries, we're gonna' be needing vehicle replacements soon, the carpet looks like crap and no doubt the 25-year-old water heater will start leaking any day now. I really don't know how you guys livin' in those high cost of living areas (like out east, or west) make it... heck, lots of weeks my checking account has a balance less than ten bucks by mid-week.

Energy costs are driving all expenses higher right now... I could get into the politics of how our current federal administration has made that so much worse than it needs to be, but this ain't the proper forum for that.

Hang in there, you ain't alone... just keep pushin' forward, getting depressed solves nothing...
I have a friend that's battling cancer right now. Helluva guy, helps a ton of people, well respected. I won't even go into the list of what he and his wife have been through over the years but he recently lost the use of RH side of body. Speech was bad and had a helluva time typing, too. Tumor in the brain. Docs said inoperable but radiated him, maybe chemo, too, but not sure. 2nd or 3rd round with cancer so the odds of something coming back are high. Before radiation they'd given him six months.

It's hard to talk with him. He's in a hospital on the other side of the country. He's tired all the time and speech is hard for him so when I do get through the calls are fairly short. He called 2x last night but I just couldn't wake up enough to answer. Can't tell what's in the messages... just whispering. And my hearing is going bad in a way that makes air leaks and whispering very hard to hear. So later today I've got to call back and see what's going on.

I've been in a similar situation a few times before with friends and family. It's a tough place to be. But it's not quite as bad when people are nearby. You can visit, help out, try to do good for the family. What to do when your friend is 2800 miles away and he can't even use the two forms of communication that are available? I'm going to call, like I always do, and ask, like I always do. We'll see what happens.

^^^^That right there really does put things in perspective. At least everyone in the house is well on my end. Sorry to hear about what your friend is going through. Dam that sounds rough....
Ya, sucks, comes in bunches too, the vehicle repairs. Do you have a garage to work in at least?

Finances..getting sick a few weeks back made me go apply for my social security, at least I'll have some extra coin coming in for stuff like that. Vehicle repairs and most likely get a power splitter then. But..all that might work out, be able to cut and process a lot extra and sell more. The little bit I sold last winter and this year just about paid for new tires on my ratsun, so that helped, well it will when I get the final payment from the guy, took a deposit already.

No garage bro, only a small 12x12 shed to keep the tools and power equipment in. I'm going to try getting everything repaired before it starts really cooling down. I'm just keeping my fingers crossed nothing happens to the vehicles in the dead of winter! :eek:
Yeah... broke... hang in there.
The increase in the cost of living has been outpacing the increase in income for most of us for over a decade or so now. I pretty much do all my own repairs/maintenance to keep expenses down... ain't paid labor for anything in 20 some years. But it still seems like I get hit with something often enough to keep me just a little behind... son got married last year, the daughter graduated this year, the well pump quits, tires, batteries, we're gonna' be needing vehicle replacements soon, the carpet looks like crap and no doubt the 25-year-old water heater will start leaking any day now. I really don't know how you guys livin' in those high cost of living areas (like out east, or west) make it... heck, lots of weeks my checking account has a balance less than ten bucks by mid-week.

Energy costs are driving all expenses higher right now... I could get into the politics of how our current federal administration has made that so much worse than it needs to be, but this ain't the proper forum for that.

Hang in there, you ain't alone... just keep pushin' forward, getting depressed solves nothing...

Midweek?? LOL. I'm hoping with the income tax return we get next year the wife can start her little produce/veggie selling on the side like she wanted. It's tough being the sole income for the house. Most of the appliances in the house (save for the well pump) have already been replaced, so knock on wood, hopefully it'll last me a bit longer. My cars are an old '90 dodge spirit, the wifey's '97 olds cutlass, and my '99 ford E-250 so I definitely feel your pain about the old vehicles needing replacement soon thing. When I was little my old man used to cart me and my sister around in his (new at the time) '86 chevy S10, and it seems like every time I get another car, I go BACKWARDS on the years instead of forward. I make a joke to my wife saying soon I'll be driving a car that's as old as the one my dad was driving me around in as a kid. It's like I've come full circle!! :laugh:
Alot of us are in same boat trying to make it to the next day. Someone somewhere would trade for your situation in a second because they have it worst so always keep that in the back of your mind. Coming to AS is torture for me...I want to heat with wood but furnace won't break down spendy to switch, my log splitter build is crap after seeing everyone elses and I had no chainsaws for the last 3-4yrs because of no extra cash (I have 2 now). The people here are great so I keep coming back.:rock:
Midweek?? LOL. I'm hoping with the income tax return we get next year the wife can start her little produce/veggie selling on the side like she wanted. It's tough being the sole income for the house. Most of the appliances in the house (save for the well pump) have already been replaced, so knock on wood, hopefully it'll last me a bit longer. My cars are an old '90 dodge spirit, the wifey's '97 olds cutlass, and my '99 ford E-250 so I definitely feel your pain about the old vehicles needing replacement soon thing. When I was little my old man used to cart me and my sister around in his (new at the time) '86 chevy S10, and it seems like every time I get another car, I go BACKWARDS on the years instead of forward. I make a joke to my wife saying soon I'll be driving a car that's as old as the one my dad was driving me around in as a kid. It's like I've come full circle!! :laugh:

I like 80s and 70s vehicles the best for ease of working on and robustness and cost and features.

Now I do know more modern expensive diesel trucks are real nice and go hundreds of thousands of miles, but geez, anything busts on them costs more than a running used (gasser) truck around here. They also cost heaps upfront.
Hang in there buddy, I to know the feeling, getting divorced after 21 years I guess I didn't realize my best friend wanted to date my wife. Money, you guessed it divorce is a expensive thing so I'm financially embarrassed at the moment. But on the bright side I still have my boy although he's more of a young man now. And we both have our health. I have a friend who's wife that he loves dearly is battling cancer for the second time and the outcome isn't looking good. So whenever I'm feeling down I always think of him, it could be worse.
Man that's bad and not a friend. ..
Things been bad here ever since the drought of 2012, can't seem to catch up to the livestock debt it created, might not have any livestock left in a year. Went back to cutting timber to help but not much work now. Then I found out one of my best friends is going to more than likely get to watch his 25 yo son die of cancer. Me, my wife and our kids are all healthy as far as we know. I feel like the most blessed man alive.
If you have more wood than you think you will need, maybe you could sell some. From the sounds of things, you should have no problem finding buyers. Just a thought, best of luck to ya!
I know how you're feeling as well. Just had to replace the manifold gasket on my beat up 2001 truck to the tune of $800. The whole front end of the truck bet is rusted thru so when you stand on the tailgate the front of the bed lifts up off the frame and i was told the lower ball joint in the front is bad. There will be no new trucks in my future til my kids are 18 and im done with child support. I have noticed over the years looking back that even the suckiest times weren't really as bad as they seemed and theres always something to enjoy and savor even in bad moments. Life goes by fast, life changes fast, enjoy each precious second you have, good or bad cause soon they will be just memories.
Hang in there.
I have a friend that's battling cancer right now. Helluva guy, helps a ton of people, well respected. I won't even go into the list of what he and his wife have been through over the years but he recently lost the use of RH side of body. Speech was bad and had a helluva time typing, too. Tumor in the brain. Docs said inoperable but radiated him, maybe chemo, too, but not sure. 2nd or 3rd round with cancer so the odds of something coming back are high. Before radiation they'd given him six months.

It's hard to talk with him. He's in a hospital on the other side of the country. He's tired all the time and speech is hard for him so when I do get through the calls are fairly short. He called 2x last night but I just couldn't wake up enough to answer. Can't tell what's in the messages... just whispering. And my hearing is going bad in a way that makes air leaks and whispering very hard to hear. So later today I've got to call back and see what's going on.

Just a followup, spoke with my friend on Tuesday and he's actually doing better. His speech is clearer and he's starting to get some feeling back. He plans to enjoy whatever time he's got left while he can so he's got the best attitude he can have. It was definitely good news to hear.

OTOH, my sister in law's house just burned down last night.

And the reason I haven't posted anything vehicle related? Well, I'm the fleet manager for a non-profit bus company and I have nine personal vehicles at home. If you think you've got a few repairs due, well, I could mention a few myself. ;)
Here's one you'll like 1project. I was leaving work Thursday night and started driving home when I heard this godawful grinding/clunking noise every time I hit some imperfection in the road. So I pull over to have a look thinking it was the hub bearing finally getting ready to give up on me. Imagine my surprise when I wiggled the tire and the whole strut assembly moved with it! Apparently at some point in time rust and salt had eaten away at the upper part where it connects to the underside of the wheel well. I limped it back home and made a call to the local auto parts store down the road the following morning, and even though they didn't have it in stock, they could have it delivered for around noon time. Long story made short, I had to shell out money (again), for stuff auto related and had to push back utility bills (again) for another month. But it was either fix it, or start walking to work, because the other two were down for the count for the time being. The van has a blown brake line, and the red dodge needs a tune up because it's running so crappy.

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