Is this poison ivy?

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Mar 5, 2004
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It been raining all night, so obviously the leaves look wet. Can anyone tell me for sure if this is PI? And how can I get rid of it? Someone mentioned Crosswalk in another thread. Where can I get that? Thanks, Roger.
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RB, if it is PI, it is a different variety than what we have down here. It's close enough to what I'm used to seeing that if I were allergic the 'Leaves of three, let it be' rule would apply.
It will be going away, since it is obviously an invasive vine coming over from the neighbors property. Just want to know how to handle it.
there are actually two different vines coming through the fence, the poison ivy, which is higher and has compound leaves and another vine closer to the ground with single leaves coming off the stem. I do not recognize it from your photo, but I might guess it is oriental bittersweet.
Ok, now how do I get rid of it?

Pay someone like me that does not get poison ivy/oak/sumac to rip it out! :cheers:

I think roundup does the job on that stuff. One sure way is to bundle yourself up, like your going to a beehive (minus the helmet), and rip it out. Put all clothes in a bag and wash immediately. The poison can remain active for years in a dry environment.

I think I saw some poison ivy specific killer at HD.

Will your neighbor rip it out or are they ok with you coming to kill it?
Will your neighbor rip it out or are they ok with you coming to kill it?

I think they will be ok with it, but I'll check anyway. It is at a junction of 3 properties, and grew from a wild area that is not maintained.
PI for sure. I have seen on some PI sites, (Yes there are a couple) that Ortho Brush-Be-Gone is the best.
Thanks for the info guys! I'm off to get a chem warfare suit!

Coupl'a a hints RB:

Killing it first is a good idea...easier to make sure the roots are dead and won't come back. HOWEVER, dead don't mean a thing when it comes to PI...that stuff remains toxic for years after it dies.

Also, in addition to wrapping/washing like everyone said, get yourself some Tecnu cleanser for washing-up afterwards...just in case. Several sponsors sell it. It deacitvates the toxic oil on your skin if you get to it right away. (Rubbing alcohol can also work well.)

One other thing...don't dare burn it. You will regret your own birth if you breathe any smoke.
Pic makes me scratch just looking at it but then I have PI hives on my legs right now.
I can eventually kill it with glyphosphate(sp?)---Roundup, but it takes a few years to get all the roots. I read that the urishol oil(the stuff that makes you itch) can keep for over 100 years. If you can get the stuff off of your skin in under 15 minutes, you will not have any trouble. The problem I have is not realizing I have the stuff on my in the first place. It is especially bad in the spring when all the dead leaves are mixed in with all the rest of the crud on the ground.
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Pay someone like me that does not get poison ivy/oak/sumac to rip it out! :cheers:

I read that though some people seem to have immunity, prolonged exposure will eventually cause a reaction. I have no idea how much time or how much exposure. The article did not say. I wish I had this immunity!
OK, got the Tecnu. Here's my plan.

1. Spray leaves with Brush-B-Gon
2. Wait until leaves wilt and die
3. Bundle up, and pull up vines by the root
4. ?

I know it will take some time (possibly years) and effort to get rid of this stuff. Is this a good plan? Thanks for all the help!
I read that though some people seem to have immunity, prolonged exposure will eventually cause a reaction. I have no idea how much time or how much exposure. The article did not say. I wish I had this immunity!

I read that too. Quite honestly, I am not going to start hanging out with the stuff to see if that is true. Hopefully I can retain my immunity through this lifetime. Holding my breath :taped:

My mom gets it pretty bad. I have not seen it but I met someone that inhaled it from a pile burn. Very nasty they said.

OK, got the Tecnu. Here's my plan.

1. Spray leaves with Brush-B-Gon
2. Wait until leaves wilt and die
3. Bundle up, and pull up vines by the root
4. ?

I know it will take some time (possibly years) and effort to get rid of this stuff. Is this a good plan? Thanks for all the help!

Sounds like a great plan. You'll probably get overspray on some unintended targets but it's better than having PI around. Maybe mark the vines with paint or tape in case you are unsure which ones to rip out after the leaves are wilted.

Good Luck!
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I read that too. Quite honestly, I am not going to start hanging out with the stuff to see if that is true. Hopefully I can retain my immunity through this lifetime. Holding my breath :taped:

My mom gets it pretty bad. I have not seen it but I met someone that inhaled it from a pile burn. Very nasty they said.

BTDT. I can't blame anyone but myself. I didn't have to go into the hospital, but I had that crap all over me. Had to get the steroid pack. I think they used to give shots for it years ago, but somebody died. They stopped doing it so that the rest of us would be "safe"
I once had immunity and sill have to a degree!
I used to get in trouble as a kid for chewing the leaves
dad said I chewed everything in the woods as a child.
but I have never had a bad reaction to the stuff. I used
to be able to lay in it and not get it but now after climbing
twenty years I occasionally get a few bumps on soft areas
when been exposed all day usually in a scratch inside of arms!
My wife gets it just looking at it and breaks out bad she has to
be careful washing my clothes.