KABOOM!! Oh No, My Truck!!!

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Nov 2, 2009
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I was coming down rt 70 yesterday, about 20 degrees outside, high winds. I was in the right lane, cruise control on 70 mph. My passenger window exploded. Sounded like a shotgun go off. No cars in front, shoulder to the side, nothing moving on the shoulder. What the heck happened? My brother in law said he was traveling the same stretch of highway and a big blast of wind hit him in his Tacoma. He said it sounded like he drove through a tornado with all of the "Ice Debris" blowing off the trees on the side of the road. The window pretty much imploded, all of the glass was on my lap and seat. Well I needed a windshield, now I'm getting a window and windshield, Joe.

My car was shot by a pellet gun once driving down the highway. Hit the metal, but certainly would have shattered glass.
That was my first thought. I got shot in the arm by some kids shooting at cars with their BB guns. I went back and caught them and took their guns. Went home and called the police. Cops told me to give the guns back. I could get in more trouble for taking them, than the kids would get for shooting me. Turned out one of them was the son of a friend. He got his azz tore up. The other one said he was shooting at tin cans and missed, Joe.
I was coming down rt 70 yesterday, about 20 degrees outside, high winds. I was in the right lane, cruise control on 70 mph. My passenger window exploded. Sounded like a shotgun go off. No cars in front, shoulder to the side, nothing moving on the shoulder. What the heck happened? My brother in law said he was traveling the same stretch of highway and a big blast of wind hit him in his Tacoma. He said it sounded like he drove through a tornado with all of the "Ice Debris" blowing off the trees on the side of the road. The window pretty much imploded, all of the glass was on my lap and seat. Well I needed a windshield, now I'm getting a window and windshield, Joe.

At work, so haven't been smoking anything but why can't I see the bed of the truck?? Messing with my mind looking at that picture, thinking of the angle and everything should be able to see some of the bed even if it was a 6ft box.:confused:
At work, so haven't been smoking anything but why can't I see the bed of the truck?? Messing with my mind looking at that picture, thinking of the angle and everything should be able to see some of the bed even if it was a 6ft box.:confused:

Looks the back door of truck is open, blocking the view
High winds, doing 70 probably wasn't the smartest of speeds to be at. But probably got hit with flying debris of some sort. You can bang away on a window with a large object and it won't break. But a tiny one will shatter it in a second. At least you and your dogs didnt get glass in your eyes
I thought this was going to be a Ram frame twisting and glass shattering story. I'm glad you are safe.

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I was coming down rt 70 yesterday, about 20 degrees outside, high winds. I was in the right lane, cruise control on 70 mph. My passenger window exploded. Sounded like a shotgun go off. No cars in front, shoulder to the side, nothing moving on the shoulder. What the heck happened? My brother in law said he was traveling the same stretch of highway and a big blast of wind hit him in his Tacoma. He said it sounded like he drove through a tornado with all of the "Ice Debris" blowing off the trees on the side of the road. The window pretty much imploded, all of the glass was on my lap and seat. Well I needed a windshield, now I'm getting a window and windshield, Joe.

I had big sheet of ice blow off top of semi trailer. Busted chunk out of grill and dented hood, ricocheted off windshield.

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Few years ago they got done with one of the new stretches of Highway 20 in Iowa, thought we'd come home that way one night from Des Moines and crossed a bridge and were blown into the other lane just like that. Woke my g/f up in the passenger seat and bought crapped myself as well. Numerous people have mentioned the same thing so we now avoid 20 altogether.
At work, so haven't been smoking anything but why can't I see the bed of the truck?? Messing with my mind looking at that picture, thinking of the angle and everything should be able to see some of the bed even if it was a 6ft box.:confused:

After I posted the pic I thought the same thing, where's my bed. It's just the angle, and as said, the short door is open, Joe.