Long Burn vs Efficiently

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I believe it is called freedom of speech. Not everyone who posts on here gives accurate info. Should we all ge banned. Your getting a little desperate.

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Was that the time when you weren't paying close enough attention to your young son, he came into the drop zone, the tree nearly hits him and you then went on to deny how any of that was your fault? Or were you talking about some other instance??
Well, that was one of a string of three... although, your selective memory is a bit skewed.
It wasn't the "tree" that near hit him, and I never denied all fault.
In fact, I'd ask that you to point-out where I've ever claimed to be immune to the pitfalls intrinsic to humanity.

You are right, it wasn't the tree itself but rather a throwback from an adjacent tree (not sure how that really matters).

For those that are bored, the full-on denial of responsibility begins at around post #22.
I believe the only thing I denied was being a bad parent.
I believe I only responded to personal attacks, name calling and threats against my person.
And I'm 100% sure I never said I was not responsible for my son... I'm 100% sure of that‼
Not saying "It's all my fault"... is no where near the same thing as saying "No fault can be attached to me".
Not one single place in that thread did anyone ask me if I held myself in anyway "responsible" for the instance... not one single person.
Instead I received multiple dressings-down from people who weren't even there; yet they were positive I had acted in a reckless, unsafe manner constituting removal of my parental rights... or even that I deserved a serious azz-woopin'.
I was simply defending character assassinations...
Heck, I even say somewhere in that thread that the "rules" my son was to follow when he was with me had been modified because of that instance.
So, you're saying that recognizing there was a "fault" in my rules/procedures, and making changes to remedy that "fault", constitutes a "full-on denial of responsibility"??
Or is it simply because I didn't make the changes according to what you think is appropriate for my son that constitutes a "full-on denial of responsibility"??
Give me a friggin' break‼

So quote my "full-on denial of responsibility"... quote were I "full-on" stated "I am not responsible"??
Here you go...

And how would training have changed this? I did everything correctly… used the proper face cut… proper back cut… felling wedge… stepped back at a 45-degree angle, walking backwards, keeping an eye on the tree … looked up to watch for falling debris… and reacted when said debris came my way…
Now, as far as my son being there… it isn’t as though I loaded him up and took him out with me. The woodlot surrounds my house and I have a road (for the pickup if needed) and several trails (the tractor and trailer can navigate) criss-crossing throughout. The woodlot is just an extension of our yard, and my son drives his battery-powered toy Gator through those trails. He ain’t babied or coddled, and he‘s extremely independent… he is allowed to “play” in the woodlot, per se. He and his siblings run around in the woodlot with our golf cart and bicycles, play hide-n-seek, build forts, walk the dogs, and whatnot. He had driven his Gator out to see what I was up to, and he knows not to approach when the saw is running… he had only stepped closer after the saw was shut-down and the tree had fallen into the branches… and he was still a reasonably safe distance back (still a few steps behind me, just as he has been taught). Yes, I know anything can happen when felling… but having a log launched from upper branches, as though from a catapult? C’mon, would one-hundred yards be far enough back for ya’? I never turn my back to a falling tree like I see many do… and if I would have turned my back, in this instance, I and my son would have gotten creamed. It’s only because I did everything right that I was able to react in time, just barely… but still in time.

Instead of admitting that allowing him to get to within a few steps of you during the falling process (this does include the period shortly after the tree actually falls) was irresponsible, you try to portray yourself as some sort of hero for saving your kid from a situation that was 100% your responsibility for keeping him out of in the first place.

Anyway, as was mentioned in the original thread we can only hope that somewhere, someone learned from that whole situation.
Alright you shitheads, cut it out. We (well, I, I won't speak for the rest of the staff/owners here) do care. If I didn't, I wouldn't be doing this job - which might I add, is NOT a paying job. Much of the reason I left this thread go is because it was keeping this sort of crap out of other threads.

I'm not gonna defend what I do or don't do as a moderator, but I will say that there's no "leave Spidey alone, he gets us clicks" edict out there. Don't believe me, just ask Spidey if the beds are comfy at banned camp. It's also worth noting that if I were just a LITTLE more cranky right now, there'd be several complaining about site moderation warnings handed out.

Being a total by-the-book Barney Fife mod would kill half the threads around here, but if you guys really want that, I can arrange it. I'm working 60+ hour weeks and come home and wade through this ****, it puts me in a great mood to be a prick.

You guys wanna argue in circles forever like they do in politics, fine. Start with any pokes, prods, jabs, attacks, trying to provoke each other, etc. etc. etc. and I'll get my flyswatter out.