my new three saw plan

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Jan 2, 2009
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ported 372 32"
ported ms 440 28" stihl bar
muff modded base gasket dropped 044 28" husky bar

i think the plan is to to pull the 20" bar off the 034 and put it on the 044 then leave the 28" on the 440 and the 372 with the 32" sounds like a decent plan to me

slung some bar oil around the garage with the 440 , hopn to get a chance to cut a few cookies with it soon and do 70cc saw shoot out. these saws are the coolest thing. 2 years ago i couldnt imagine havn 3 70cc saws plus a few 60cc and even 50cc saws all at my exsposure
ive thought about the max flows but havent found these to be lacking yet so ill think ill keep them as is the 044 at the bottom with the 3/4 wrap is my go to saw and will stay that way but i will get good use out of all them .

I know. i realy want a 660 but i dont necesarly need one. ill just keep the 32" on the 372 till it dies then ill probly big bore it and do it again. till i run into 066 660 project saw. ive decided theres realy no reason for me to spend 1200 on 660 when these three saws are filling on my needs. id be willing to spend 150-200 on a preoject 066/660, but am keepn my fingers crossed for a 50 dollar like these 044 440s have been.
theres on more stihl dealer i havent hit up yet. im hopn theyre hidn a blown up one even a 064 . but theyre about 100 miles from here ill make the drive one of these snow days when were not working.
If you ever get a wild hair up your arse, give the max-flow a shot. They really add some snap (acceleration) to the 44's and 46's- they're the real deal, a real nice complement to a muff mod. Anyhow, the saws look good. Did you ever end up doing anything with that 084 you snagged? I don't keep up on things to well around here, but that looked like it could be a real nice saw- Sam
084 was a great saw. but it wasnt a for me. it was to heavy for bucking firewood. after i got it built it only cut cookies in the wood pile. i tradd it for the 372 in the picture. i feel i gave the guy good deal because i ended up havn to put piston in the 372 but because i had it apart i did alittle grinding in the ports

my 44s are missing part of the filter cover so they may be flowing more then stock. but i may try it just because one of these days
Good trade, the 372's are great every day saws. It's a tough call for me between the 372 and 44 for favorite saw, so you've got your bases pretty well covered (better than me!). Either one is about the perfect falling saw for this Montana/Idaho country. Have fun - Sam
the one with the 3/4 wrap will get used the most. it may end up on the 440 depnds on how strong it is.
still havent got the dang 440 in some wood yet. this is the slowest build ive done yet , im usualy doing this when were slow in the winter and i have all day to work on saws and cut cookies.

im looking into some new carbide burs and may hog open the 372 piston windows and work on the upper and lower trasfers like brad did. ounce we slow down . but i might find a 90cc project saw by then so who knows what ill be doing this winter.

im doen doing firewood for sure this time. its under snow now and un reachable. howeve im looking into to some free locust and elm trees so i can keep the saws cutn atleast alittle

how are elm and locust for firewood?