No one needs firewood around here

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ArboristSite Operative
Feb 3, 2011
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Southwestern Wisconsin
Well, My third attempt to attract some woodboogas has failed.

I have a lot of internal fences on my farm that have not been maintained in.... well, ever. We're talking a couple miles of fences with cherry, elm, black locust, oak, mulberry. Of course, there's also Prickly Ash, Boxelder, Quaking Aspen, Multi-flora Rose, etc. I've been cleaning them up myself, but I'll never burn this much firewood and I don't have a lot of time over and above regular farm work.

I've posted three ads on Craigslist over the last couple months offering free wood. It's free for the dropping - no power lines, buildings, property lines. Just simple drops, lump up the wood, leave the brush where it lands, and take your prize home. My one rule is you start at the beginning and drop everything as you go - no cherry picking. Leave anything you don't want, but it has to be dropped and lumped.

Not one serious call or email. Maybe I'd drum up more interest if I dropped them, lumped the wood into 18 inch pieces, and split it. Think I'd get some takers for free wood then? Not gonna happen, but I'd bet I'd have a lot more interest.
Well, My third attempt to attract some woodboogas has failed.

I have a lot of internal fences on my farm that have not been maintained in.... well, ever. We're talking a couple miles of fences with cherry, elm, black locust, oak, mulberry. Of course, there's also Prickly Ash, Boxelder, Quaking Aspen, Multi-flora Rose, etc. I've been cleaning them up myself, but I'll never burn this much firewood and I don't have a lot of time over and above regular farm work.

I've posted three ads on Craigslist over the last couple months offering free wood. It's free for the dropping - no power lines, buildings, property lines. Just simple drops, lump up the wood, leave the brush where it lands, and take your prize home. My one rule is you start at the beginning and drop everything as you go - no cherry picking. Leave anything you don't want, but it has to be dropped and lumped.

Not one serious call or email. Maybe I'd drum up more interest if I dropped them, lumped the wood into 18 inch pieces, and split it. Think I'd get some takers for free wood then? Not gonna happen, but I'd bet I'd have a lot more interest.

It's a little too far away for me to drive all the way down there and stuff, but dang, if you could deliver it, I sure could use it up for ya at no charge to you!:redface:

Where in SW WI are you? All the CL ads I've seen on the Madison CL for dropping fenceline wood are around areas North/East of here.

Oh- there was that ad from the Argyle area but it sounded like it was a bunch of willow along a creek bottom & nothing worth driving an hour one-way to go get.

And, unfortunately, if I'm going down that way to get firewood, I'm going to my in-law's farm to help my FIL clear his fencelines and get his firewood cut/split/stacked. I'll take home a trunk full but I've got two kids and a wife to haul along with me. My mother-in-law would kill me if I showed up without her grandchildren. :)

Sorry I can't take advantage of the available supply.
Reverse psychology and post it for $20/cord or best offer?

That's a good idea. but then I'd be getting calls on if it's split, whether I'll deliver it for $20, and if it'll burn this season... Frankly, I'm not too surprised I haven't got much - err any - interest. There's too many guys around here that will deliver a seasoned pickup load for $45-65. My county is 1183 square miles and 51,000 people.

Wet, I'm in Lancaster - I can be at the intersection of Verona Rd and the Beltline in one and a half hours. You need to persuade the Missus to let you buy a quad cab one ton diesel dually and a gooseneck dump trailer. Just tell her you'll make a killing selling wood in Madison and you'll have the rig paid off in no time. Just don't tell the DNR you're hauling it more'n 50 miles...
That's a good idea. but then I'd be getting calls on if it's split, whether I'll deliver it for $20, and if it'll burn this season... Frankly, I'm not too surprised I haven't got much - err any - interest. There's too many guys around here that will deliver a seasoned pickup load for $45-65. My county is 1183 square miles and 51,000 people.

Wet, I'm in Lancaster - I can be at the intersection of Verona Rd and the Beltline in one and a half hours. You need to persuade the Missus to let you buy a quad cab one ton diesel dually and a gooseneck dump trailer. Just tell her you'll make a killing selling wood in Madison and you'll have the rig paid off in no time. Just don't tell the DNR you're hauling it more'n 50 miles...

Yeah... my In-Laws are in Cassville - so if'n I go that far, I might as well go down to their place & use his skid steer. :) Sorry, man.

Hey, see my new thread on a one-ton diesel... I've got questions & don't want to hijack this thread.
Dunno if you're scaring some potential sawyers/boogas off by asking them to "lump" it. You know, as in "like it or lump it." You might say it's theirs, taking trees in sequence, to drop, limb, and buck them. Then haul them away. Might get more hits.

Sure wish I was nearby, or had a gondola (freight car) and you a rail siding. Good luck and Merry Christmas.

Cut down a couple trees take off most of the limbs and just drag them to the front of your proprety.
Cut them into 16" rounds if you like, they will be taken much faster that way.

Plant a big sign that says (free wood help yourself).(more wood free just ask at the door).
Put the name of wood on that sign and i bet they are gone fast and you have a couple people asking about the rest.

If you were in my area i would already be working on removing all the hardwood trees :)
Would be an ideal source of wood for a small wood sales place like me.
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I'd love to have a problem like that. :)

From standing in the woodlot to stacks in the yard, that's our scenario. Believe me, if the neighbors gave me OK to cut I'd be thrilled.

Just supposing here... it could be that many of the local boogas are already committed and have more work than they can handle.
Pile a bunch and light a match. Once the locals know you're serious that it needs gone, you might get some takers. If not, enjoy the industrial sized weenie roast!

Every bigger farmer around here is taking out all the fencelines they can to make fields bigger. For people willing to work, there's no shortage of free wood. There does seem to be a shortage of people willing to work, however :msp_sad:

I'll put up a standing offer for anyone that wants free box elder, with a little cherry and elm out of my fencelines. I'll help cut and load. Star Prairie area. If I do it myself, the elm and cherry go on the stacks, most of the box elder goes up in smoke out in the field.
Wow, I'm surprised no offers. If it was a bit closer I'd love to have a place to cut wood like that. It is how we got a lot of our firewood as kid was on family farms tree lines/fence rows. I'm surprised no one is jumping at the chance but sounds like wood is cheap near you and. They are getting 110 for wood near me and a lot some are selling grabage for that price. Might want try some other sources for advertising if Craigslist isn't getting it. Worst case could akways have a big tree cutting party.
I'd love to have a problem like that. :)

From standing in the woodlot to stacks in the yard, that's our scenario. Believe me, if the neighbors gave me OK to cut I'd be thrilled.

Just supposing here... it could be that many of the local boogas are already committed and have more work than they can handle.

That's absolutely the problem. I'm in the driftless area and very close to the Mississippi river valley. Farms fro sale are listed with total acres and acres tillable. Many around here are 50/50. For example, mine is 360 acres with 200 tillable. that leaves 160 acres of ground that is grassland pasture, creek bottom, and wooded bluffs. I estimate I have 90 acres of trees in wooded hillsides and treelines.

Were I really serious about cleaning them up, I'd be hiring and paying someone to take them out. That's NOT gonna happen... At least not until winter of 2015/2016 when the rest of my cropground comes out of CRP. Then I will be paying for removal, but to a guy with a dozer, not to a guy with a saw.


I didn't know woodboogas could be so easily offended... :)


If I cut them, they are going in MY pile. Also, my road is very lightly traveled. If 50 vehicles go by in a 24 hour period, someone must be having a party further down the road.
Looked it up and it would be a long trip in the deuce to get wood at 873 miles, give or take. Would love to try different hard woods in my stove, almost half dam tempting. Plus I can get $250-300 cord for hardwood here.
I am going to Kingsley Iowa sometime in the next month. It's about 30 minutes from sioux city. Maybe I could....

Oops, almost said something stooopid. Never mind :msp_mellow:
Pics or it never happened, right?

A Mennonite neighbor of mine and I are cutting one of the treelines now. HE's taking the dead elm and I'm just piling anything else. I have enough seasoned that I don't mind giving him the stuff ready to go. He' pretty happy with how the elm burns. We are saving back some of the larger, straight trees to see if a logger wants 'em.

Is this a pin oak?

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