Not gonna touch this

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(Extreme beavers)


I hope this isn't considered a :arg: but anyone remember the machine canon (just can't see calling it a minigun) Jessie Ventura carried in Predator? The one they used to mow down the jungle after he was killed? Take one O them up there and make sawdust out of it! :hmm3grin2orange:
I vote for knocking it out with another tree... Just because you get to cut another tree down. ;)

I saw this in Texas . .

I think that I posted this somewhere else on A.S., but seems appropriate here. Saw it in Texas being used to cut back right-of-way trees along state highways.

Pretty simple hybrid of a Sherman tank, utility bucket boom arm, and buzz saw. There is a seat, but I seem to recall seeing one operated with a remote control box so that the operator can walk behind at a safe distance.

Might be worth purchasing for this one tree?


Snatch block it to a tree back off in the woods and pull the bottom back till it falls.....or call one of these guys.....

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Believe it or not these are all over the country. I see them trim a major HV transmission line every couple of years. It's kinda freaky weird when you first see it. Google it or youtube it. There are alot of them.
No pictures of it for a while. I have to hang a lot of blue flagging in another area of the woods. And tear it down, wander about muttering to myself, and rehang it. Did I mention there's still snow? And it snowed and rained and sunned and rained and
But, when I can, if it hasn't blown down, I'll try for a picture.

Maybe draw it from memory?
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slowp, if you give it a look up top, see if you think if it will roll out maybe. If so, cut it from the top, watch the bind, and as it starts the roll just trim what wood is left with your tip till it falls, trimming out the non binding sideof the cut. If it don't look like its going to roll out, cut down from the top till its gonna bind, then undercut a good 4-6 inches out from your downcut for a sort-of-locking bypass. When it pops, it shouldn't move too much. hook chain and pull butt out down the road.

Yes, there's tension, but not tension like a dozer crammed it all up in there. Pretty simple tension.

Be careful, have someone with you. Way to go do it yourself! Or, have one of them logger types do it and be sure to pint fingers and laugh when they get hung.
I think that I posted this somewhere else on A.S., but seems appropriate here. Saw it in Texas being used to cut back right-of-way trees along state highways.

Pretty simple hybrid of a Sherman tank, utility bucket boom arm, and buzz saw. There is a seat, but I seem to recall seeing one operated with a remote control box so that the operator can walk behind at a safe distance.

Might be worth purchasing for this one tree?



Probably made by theese guys:

There was a wheeled one working the powerline right-of-ways in my area this spring. It was teamed up with a Cat tracked skidsteer that had a bull-hog on it.
The Jarraff dropped the limbs & the Cat ground it all up.

It was interesting when the operator got the saw blade stuck, the skidsteer operator would put on climbing gear, grab a chainsaw and climb up the tree to cut it loose.
slowp, if you give it a look up top, see if you think if it will roll out maybe. If so, cut it from the top, watch the bind, and as it starts the roll just trim what wood is left with your tip till it falls, trimming out the non binding sideof the cut. If it don't look like its going to roll out, cut down from the top till its gonna bind, then undercut a good 4-6 inches out from your downcut for a sort-of-locking bypass. When it pops, it shouldn't move too much. hook chain and pull butt out down the road.

Yes, there's tension, but not tension like a dozer crammed it all up in there. Pretty simple tension.

Be careful, have someone with you. Way to go do it yourself! Or, have one of them logger types do it and be sure to pint fingers and laugh when they get hung.

It'll have to be somebody else. That tree is too scary for me plus, I only have a card good for bucking. If it were on its side it would be OK. I can count on my fingers all the merch size standing trees I've fallen with a normal saw. That isn't very many, and certainly not enough to cut that thing down. The willow of doom was cut on my own time. But, thanks for the advice. :cheers:

Nope, I'm heading back up to do the walk on top of the snow most of the time with an occasional sudden breaking through the snow and muttering inefficient language, hanging up flagging, then more inefficient language, and tearing down flagging...we call it unit layout.
It'll have to be somebody else. That tree is too scary for me plus, I only have a card good for bucking. If it were on its side it would be OK. I can count on my fingers all the merch size standing trees I've fallen with a normal saw. That isn't very many, and certainly not enough to cut that thing down. The willow of doom was cut on my own time. But, thanks for the advice. :cheers:

Nope, I'm heading back up to do the walk on top of the snow most of the time with an occasional sudden breaking through the snow and muttering inefficient language, hanging up flagging, then more inefficient language, and tearing down flagging...we call it unit layout.

Slowp... Do you use a little hand held GPS to mark unit boundaries?
Just undercut it through at the bottom, one cut, no notch.
It'll drop down and stay hung up in the trees above, guarantee ya.
Then with a chain, Ford Tough it down in the road.

Hell even a Chevy or Dodge might do it.
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Just cut it like I said, you'll be fine.
You want me to do it?
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Of course it is 'Over Kill' for this single tree.

But it's still a very cool idea, and looks pretty practical for its intended purpose.

Thanks Ed*L for the link - turns out they are close to 'home'. Will have to swing by there sometime when I am in that part of the start.

Just undercut it through at the bottom, one cut, no notch. It'll drop down and stay hung up in the trees above, guarantee ya.
Then with a chain, Ford Tough it down in the road.

I was thinking of trying to pull it off of the spring tree before cutting - would be concerned about the cut tree getting 'launched' in an unpredictable direction once it got cut loose at the base.

Ford, Chevy, Dodge, International, Case, Cat, Deere, hand winch,. . . no preference.

See ya tonight....rain has stopped and I surely have something to do.

I was thinking of trying to pull it off of the spring tree before cutting - would be concerned about the cut tree getting 'launched' in an unpredictable direction once it got cut loose at the base.

Ford, Chevy, Dodge, International, Case, Cat, Deere, hand winch,. . . no preference.

Nah Philbert I've done many of these.
It WILL drop down two feet closer to the upright pines, staying put, like it is. Their is enough lean it wont fall. Just have to watch your toes is all. Just lean forward with the longest bar (don't even have to be long really) and go slow at the end, she'll fold, drop and stay put.

I hear ya though. When you have something with another tree involved something could go wrong. But in this case the other trees will help.
Nah Philbert I've done many of these.
It WILL drop down two feet closer to the upright pines, staying put, like it is. Their is enough lean it wont fall. Just have to watch your toes is all. Just lean forward with the longest bar (don't even have to be long really) and go slow at the end, she'll fold, drop and stay put.

I hear ya though. When you have something with another tree involved something could go wrong. But in this case the other trees will help.
And yeah undercut, no notch. Hell you could probably do it a couple more times but no need to.
And yeah undercut, no notch. Hell you could probably do it a couple more times but no need to.

i know one guy who use to undercut em till they stood straight, fell, or flopped over the other way lol, we somtimes he'd put a rope in it after a couple cuts to pull it our way

o course that tree has to much lean to ever come back but i thought i would share that