Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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Mornin all.. Got to mill some 2x10's finally..

View attachment 396015
Good morning.

What are you using to seal the ends of the boards? I'd been told latex, but then someone said it's not that great for sealing ends.
I think this Honey Locust I've been cutting was cracking before it fell. I can see cracks under the bark running the length of the trunk. May just have to follow the cracks as much as possible.
Good morning. Is that the same engine that Bailey's sells? I've been tempted to try one.

Morning midlanders!

I have no idea. It's just a complete China copy of a MS390 engine at 49mm bore. I'm using the remains of three MS290's to provide the gingerbread to make a complete power head. Came to 86 bux delivered.
Morning all. Getting ready to head to bed and then work my last day of this set before taking some leave for the Wife's B-Day festivities and a bit of Hedge cutting. I have to clean up the saws from the last fling as I got side-tracked with other things. That 9010 pulls that 36" bar with semi-skip like a champ. I'd love to try square chisel in fir or something like that. That would make for chips the size of lathe shavings...
Good morning.

What are you using to seal the ends of the boards? I'd been told latex, but then someone said it's not that great for sealing ends.
I think this Honey Locust I've been cutting was cracking before it fell. I can see cracks under the bark running the length of the trunk. May just have to follow the cracks as much as possible.
I won't seal em..
I'll just get em used and in place as soon as possible.. They do make a waxy compound just for that purpose though..
Morning midlanders!

I have no idea. It's just a complete China copy of a MS390 engine at 49mm bore. I'm using the remains of three MS290's to provide the gingerbread to make a complete power head. Came to 86 bux delivered.
I'll have to check that out. The entire engine that Bailey's sells is 160, big difference in price.
Bad day, today. My wife, Goldie, woke me up at 6am. Her face, eyes and lips swollen beyond belief. Hands, too. Was able to get into the Dr first thing. 2 weeks ago she had her upper teeth removed, what few she had, and got dentures. They put her on penicillin to ward off infection. Been taking penicillin most of her life. All of a sudden turned allergic to it. Still has swelling, but is not as bad. Scared me bad. Real bad.
Bad day, today. My wife, Goldie, woke me up at 6am. Her face, eyes and lips swollen beyond belief. Hands, too. Was able to get into the Dr first thing. 2 weeks ago she had her upper teeth removed, what few she had, and got dentures. They put her on penicillin to ward off infection. Been taking penicillin most of her life. All of a sudden turned allergic to it. Still has swelling, but is not as bad. Scared me bad. Real bad.

Oh my is she doing better now?:(:(:(
Bad day, today. My wife, Goldie, woke me up at 6am. Her face, eyes and lips swollen beyond belief. Hands, too. Was able to get into the Dr first thing. 2 weeks ago she had her upper teeth removed, what few she had, and got dentures. They put her on penicillin to ward off infection. Been taking penicillin most of her life. All of a sudden turned allergic to it. Still has swelling, but is not as bad. Scared me bad. Real bad.

I was eating dinner with a family years ago. One of their kids was eating shrimp, just as he had many times before. On the way home from the restaurant the same thing happened to him, face swelled, including his eyeballs. It freaked his parents and I out, understandably. Apparently he developed an allergy to shellfish that never affected him before. Glad she is ok....
Good morning.

What are you using to seal the ends of the boards? I'd been told latex, but then someone said it's not that great for sealing ends.
I think this Honey Locust I've been cutting was cracking before it fell. I can see cracks under the bark running the length of the trunk. May just have to follow the cracks as much as possible.
I wouldn't recommend latex. I used those once, and have 2 kids from it. They don't work. :(

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