Oklahoma,AR,MO,KS,TX GTG (Next GTG 08/27/2016 ) Fort Scott, KS

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I spent six hours at the VA hospital getting my gimpy leg looked at. I have a appointment with a vascular specialist to find out if they have to operate on it. I told them I had to be healed up by the third week of April as I had plans for the last week. Oh well sounds like a personal problem to me.
On a brighter note,I stopped at the neighbors when I got back and scored a plate of fresh caught catfish filets and deep fried sliced potatoes.
Fresh caught catfish? In northen Mo?

Hope the leg heals up quick Jim!
Yes it is! You must not use it much anymore? :D
It has had the hell beat out of it for 2 years.. BIL bought a new 7910 and said he didn't need it any more...
It needed a new diaphragm in the carb...
Back swingin'!!!
Got a new bar and chain.. It's coming to the charity cut... I defy you guys to kill it!!!
Mmmmmmmm. Catfish filets. Not much better than that. I hope your leg is OK, Jim.
Got my 361 bearings in and case halves together tonight. Never done that before, it was different to say the least. Just waiting on the rings to arrive. Not bad for a box full of atoms.
Not unusual, except for the time of year. This winter especially!
These were caught out of the Mo. river, we had two nice days before the last cold snap moved in. They were catching the heck out of 2 to 16 pounders. These diehard river guys fish year around as long as the river isn't iced over.
Rise and shine you slackers, looking at 70 degrees here today, working on a pot of Black Silk while I wait for daylight. I just heard on the radio that the highway patrol sobrity check points St.Pats day checked 794 cars and only netted one DUI. Have a good one.
I'll start watching this thread
i've seen this post on other threads on AS too. if he is, in fact, an administrator then he should be watching; why advertise it unless he's trying the big brother routine. if that's the case - screw you for your heavy-handedness.
if he's not an admin then he's just gotta be out chain yanking OR he can't figure any other way to subscribe to the thread - he joined in september 2013 and has a limited number of posts.
go figure.
either way - meh!!!
course this could be my last post on AS too. lol
yall have a good day

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