Older Paper Birch thriving

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New Member
Feb 21, 2007
Reaction score
Buffalo NY Area
I have a customer with 50-60 year old white paper birch that are thriving. They have never been fertilized. They are in an open field with little competition for nutrients, sunlight or water. Why would they need additional fertilization, ever? Any input would be great.
They would need fertilization if there are nutrient deficiencies. Many things can cause different deficiencies. The only way to know that is to test. Soil testing is the simple/easy way. Plant tissue testing in addition to soil testing is the best way to get the full picture.

Why do you ask? Is there something not right, or is somebody just trying to make a dime putting sugar water down?
The customer just added the property and the Birches came with it. The customer wants to know if they should just let them be. They were not chlorotic last season when we sneaked a peak at them. We will likely treat for borers but the customer would like no other treatments.
It may be worth getting a $10 soil test. Let the client know that you don't suspect anything is needed, but you just want to confirm that since they tree is "irreplaceable". $10 later, you have your answer and - more importantly - you client's confidence.
If the trees are Ok, and they want you to do something, I'd deep root feed them with a good organic amendment. Bolster liquid, a micorhizal innocculant, plant health care has a lot of different products you can use. You certainly won't be cheating them out of anything, and in this economy, every $$ counts.