Paul's pix

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¡Aquí están!

Here's my pix, sorry, I had a bit of mix up trying to add more and then lost the god???? lot, take's bloody ages to upload them.
Ciao hasta pronto amigos
tinman44 said:
hablo in englis
That's good-I'm glad that you speak in English because your Spanish spelling is a bit off. :p I agree that we should post primarily in English-But we have to make "The Surgeon" from Spain welcome. :angel:
just a guess, but i dont think he's spanish- cool to have another international contingent in any case! btw...multi-lingualism rocks! my wife and i are going to spain (analucia) for our honeymoon vacation in aug-sep. i cant freakin wait- no puedo esperarme!
Thanks for making me feel welcomed guys! Your right Jason I'm not Spanish - I'm an englishman just hiding out in Spain. So luna de miel in Andalucía eh, nice one¡! Make sure you don't miss the Alhambra Palace in Granada, its mind blowing.
I'm supposed to be going to Granada myself in march to help out on a felling job, just waiting for the job to be confirmed, I'll send some photies if i remember camara.
this will be my fourth time in andalucia. last time i was working in an irish pub in Rota for 6 mos. sevilla es mi favorito-mejor que paris. i still have yet to visit the Alhambra. ive read extensively about it though. cant wait! cannot wait! thanks i'd love to see more photos- always.
EL CIRUJANO ...welcome to the site ,check out the guy's on the Brit thread if you get chance..question for ya how much work is there for a tree firm in spain and what's the money like ..what species of tree are you mainly working on ???

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