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This site may earn a commission from merchant affiliate links, including eBay, Amazon, and others. much rep would it cost to get a full pic of your avatar??? What??? :D

edit...the "rep" nazis won't let me give you anymore yet! LULLZ!

Can they possibly grow them like that here in Mich? OK maybe I've seen a few.

Not a total newb, but I'm gettin'the hang of things here....

They are only friending you to get a full picture of your avater, be careful!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

So am I like the only person who knows how to use Google image search?
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I hate to do this but that picture had to go. stihl023/5 had it in his signature and he had to remove fair is fair.

I'll just take another look to make sure it's the same one...
I hate to do this but that picture had to go. stihl023/5 had it in his signature and he had to remove fair is fair.

I'll just take another look to make sure it's the same one...

I assume this is because the picture shows a little too much. Sorry if I crossed the line.

FWIW I unchecked the "Retrieve remote file and reference locally" to avoid any copyright issues.
What did I miss? Am I in trouble again?:help:

No, you're good. Somebody posted a full size picture of your avatar. Since we made you take the same picture out of your signature I figured removing it was the right thing to do.

And, like I said, I stared at the picture for quite awhile...just to make sure it was the same one. ;)
No, you're good. Somebody posted a full size picture of your avatar. Since we made you take the same picture out of your signature I figured removing it was the right thing to do.

And, like I said, I stared at the picture for quite awhile...just to make sure it was the same one. ;)

Yeah I remember that spanking. If I decide to switch I will show you first. Take your time thanks:msp_biggrin:
No, you're good. Somebody posted a full size picture of your avatar. Since we made you take the same picture out of your signature I figured removing it was the right thing to do.

And, like I said, I stared at the picture for quite awhile...just to make sure it was the same one. ;)

Oh; sometimes I read too fast. I didn't see that pic, besides, it can have adverse effects on an ole feller's heart.