Serious Tree Accident

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I know guys who died in the woods, and have heared many other stories of guys i didnt know, and many of them, the guy will still be concious and everything, but right after the tree is lifted the guy passes, and another i heared was that a foreman made the right call and left the tree on a guy for 45 min. while an airship arrived and he was in the helicopter 2 min after they pulled the tree off and he survived, something to think about. looks like that 660 took it hard too, might have helped the guy a bit by relieving some of the pressure. that tree didnt look terribly big, but big enough i guess, sounds like he got lucky.
It could be the way the tree is laying, but I don't see much of a face cut at all.

Pioneerguy600 is right on the money. I work in the insurance industry and unfortunately have to respond to and investigate catastrophic injuries and fatalities. This is absolutely the worst part of my job, and I hate it. One of the worst incidents I've ever investigated was a massive groin injury via a chain saw. The fellow, a compact Latino, was drop starting his saw with no PPE on. The saw started and somehow the handle safety and throttle were depressed, causing it to rev high. The bar and chain, due to the drop starting angles, swung back towards the fellow and began to cut. It destroyed parts of his genital area and swept down his leg. He nearly bleed to death before he was flown out to a trauma unit. He recovered but I don't know specifics. Makes you think twice when you're in the woods, and drop starting. I hope this fellow makes a full recovery after having the tree lay upon him. Keep is posted. Best, Max.
All, I did forget to mention one thing regarding the incident I described in the previous post. The compact Latino was a non-English speaking worker who had not received any/an adequate amount of training with chainsaws. Inadequate training, documentation, PPE usage, and immigration status led to an OSHA Willful Citation for his employeer and an audit via INS as well. His compact stature allowed for more concentrated and serious injuries in his groin and leg areas. Chaps would have stopped or drastically reduced his injuries. A true testament to training, familiarization with tree cutting "Best Practices", and PPE. Best, Max.
Well there is something to be said for sitting on your ass and doing nothing waiting for an expert. However, a close friend of mine died while being crushed by a piece of farm equipment that pinned him while rolling off the trailer with 5+ people standing around who were advised by 911 to do nothing. He died of asphixiation because he couldn't breath. The so called experts 911 was waiting for took 45 minutes to show up. He sufficated to death. If the people waiting for the "experts" would have unpinned him, he would be alive today......