so how hot has it been

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Al Gore

July in Ky. has been the coolest July on record so far and it looks like it will stand. There has been only one 90 degree day recorded and only in one city.

We're going to have cool years and we're going to have hot years. Next year may be completely the opposite of this year. I don't know what it'll be and I know just as much as Al Gore.

Global Warming is a man made lie made to control us and to raise taxes.

you know more than Al Gore. right
its been in the high 90's here with 50% and higher humidity, we are NOT used to this kind of heat round these parts, today my house thermometer said 120 in the sun, and in the shade it was over 100* thankfully today was supposed to be the hottest day of the week
Yep..Ugghh... 103 today in Seattle, broke the all-time record by 3 degrees.

Hate it....Worked half days the last two..taking tomorrow off.
Al Gore is going to pay somebody to add up all the records highs on earth today and make another stupid movie.

I can just hear is slow (We are all too dumb to take care of ourselves) communist voice:

"I added up all the high temperatures on earth today, it was 14,000 degrees..............":hmm3grin2orange: