Spring of 2012 I had hopes

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Are you drunk?

Your ranting reminds me of my own bi polar bear. I agree, I don't welfare and so i don't fare as well as my poor neighbor who does. It is my choice to not live like I'm on a reservation. At least we still have the choice to suffer with pride in America.

In all honesty farming has been F.ed my whole life. Where i grew up in eastern Oregon if you asked what a farmer was doing with a barren field somebody would tell you he was farming the government. Most farms grew and grow grain today. Their is less gov/farming/subsidizing but times are harder.

Good luck with your farm.
I have to say this is the first time I have been disappointed in the mods for letting this thread continue.

Why shouldn't it continue? He received an infraction for one of the posts and he hasn't continued his diatribe in over a week.

He hasn't actually broken any rules.

Maybe when he's feeling better he'll read what he's posted here and realize just how bad it made him sound.

Or then again...maybe not.
I'll be the first to admit that I am below average, but

if one farmer equals %100 and one farmer on average feeds 155 people, would it not stand to reason that %15,500 of the population is against/does not understand the average farmer?
As a doorprize, I got a big bruin that would make most of you run and hide,

that has 400 acres that he rents out, yet he comes here for $8 per hour and a meal............ and says that your the brains , I'm the grunt.
for that $8 I can use him in the shop, 9600 Ford now with PTO hub. Come back Blue Lady.

<iframe width="420" height="315" src="//www.youtube.com/embed/dTyeMjEzqUI?rel=0" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
I feel rotten, I stay home and help Pa and get the finger, for the way I did on ASVAP, I could have had fissionable material to blow you bung holes up by now.
I feel rotten, I stay home and help Pa and get the finger, for the way I did on ASVAP, I could have had fissionable material to blow you bung holes up by now.

I hear you, there are many things I could have done diff too. But sometimes we don't choose a path, it chooses us.