Strange things you find in wood.

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I posted this in the off topic forum:
I was helping my FIL grind stumps today and check out what we found......

One of my favorites.

I've never seen that one before, but I had seen this bike:

I've never really found anything unique though, just a few spikes and rocks, and the one bullet I recently posted in the milling section. Though I guess HOW I hit the bullet was fairly unique.

cjnspecial - I'm curious to know exactly W-T-F that is going to turn into. And I'm almost afraid to ask if those are some sort of crazy Cajun delicacy down there!
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Best one that I ever saw was an old flint lock gun that a guy found in a tree. It used to be over the bar in a very small town in NE Iowa. No one knows where the gun came from or how it got there. The local legend was that some very early explorer leaned it on the tree to get a drink from the stream the tree was located by and died or was killed by indians, a bear, or who knows what, and the tree just grew around the gun. Gun was in pretty fair shape considering, and the story of how and when it was found was sort of vague. Don't know if all of this was true, but why ruin a good story with the facts, right? JR

Maybe I should visit that watering hole in 2 weeks.:laugh:

You always hit something IMMEDIATELY after installing a fresh chain. That was what happened to me. I hit a maple syrup tap buried in a maple tree.

There is a local sawmill that has quite the collection of items found with the band saw and the metal detectors. Horseshoes, insulators, various pieces of steel, etc.


I recently had cut some of our own walnut logs and had them milled for new kitchen cabinets. There was a well preserved walnut buried deep in the wood. The saw blade cut it right in half and it stayed stuck in the board.
I posted this in the off topic forum:
Biggest cutworms I ever saw were about this size, living in a hollowed out ash tree. Apparently, these guys coexist very nicely with carpenter ants and can get to be huge--about the size of your index finger. All they have to do is get enough dead wood to eat. This ash was 26" across and hollowed out about 10' up.

I found a possom in a downed Sassafrass this past spring

Well minus his rear end

He was a might pi$$ed
. . . things came to a halt with sparks and a dull chain. . . It was then that he remembered he'd poured cement into the tree to seal a hollow spot.

Same thing happened to a neighbor who had a tree service removing a large tree. looked like someone tried to plug a hole, rather than fill a hollow trunk, but the coffee can sized plug fell down right to the spot where he tried to cut.

Must have been done a long time before the current homeowner moved in. Thought it was an isolated incident before reading this thread.

Thanks for the heads up.

I don't know how...

Not sure how I missed these when cutting, I guess Murphy was busy somewhere else that day.

I found the spike and the wrench in the ashes in the bottom of the wood burner.

The worst thing I ever hit was a plug of concrete in the middle of a stump. Must have been 2-3" in diameter and a foot or so high/long. The saw certainly stopped cutting when I hit that.

I found a dead squirrel one time and laid it on the log where my son would lay the next cut, needless to say he didn't find the humor in it.


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When I was in high school I worked one summer as a "off bearer" in a sawmill. You see all kinds of stuf in logs, but the one I remember most is the 4" cast iron ball, that some local Civil War buff said was a cannon ball. Don't know if he was right, but it was the best explanation I heard. I know it took several teeth off of the saw
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buddy of mine was cutting down a thing there was blood flying everywhere, thought he cut himself, checked and no, found out the stump was hollow and a 3 foot snake had been living there...cut it up into 5 or 6 pieces....never heard of that one....
Cut a 30"dbh sweet gum into lumber on my old belsaw mill and sawed a lead bullet right in half. It was an oldie with no copper jacket and was way down near the center. Just happened to saw that board so that half of the bullet and its entrance path were revealed.