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Support B.C. lumber

Open url have a read and decide.


From : Larry Hubich <[email protected]>
Sent : September 19, 2007 12:10:13 AM
To : "Larry Hubich" <[email protected]>
Subject : FW: Support the Coastal BC Forest Industry Strike -- Send a message to Home Depot

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Attached is an e-mail I received from Brother Bill Edwards USW) requesting that I circulate the attached on-line campaign being carred out through the BWI (Building and Wood Workers International). I have been advised by Brother Edwards that this is not a formal "Boycott Request" as contemplated in the SFL Boycott Policy, but rather a request to circulate the material for information and action as deemed appropriate.

In Solidarity,



Larry Hubich
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
220 - 2445 - 13th Avenue
Regina, Sk S4P 0W1
(306) 924-8573 (office)
(306) 537-7330 (cell)

e-mail: [email protected]


From: Bill Edwards [mailto:[email protected]]
Sent: Tue 18/09/2007 2:30 PM
To: Larry Hubich
Subject: Fw: Support the Coastal BC Forest Industry Strike -- Send a message to Home Depot

----- Original Message -----
From: Manz, Denise
To: [email protected] ; Bill Edwards ; Dale
Cc: Monty Clifford ; Lloyd Scott ; [email protected]
Sent: Tuesday, September 18, 2007 1:45 PM
Subject: FW: Support the Coastal BC Forest Industry Strike -- Send a message to Home Depot

Please forward to other members

From: Lunny, Scott
Sent: Monday, September 17, 2007 4:19 PM
To: Steelworkers -- IWA Council ([email protected])
Subject: Support the Coastal BC Forest Industry Strike -- Send a message to Home Depot

Sisters & Brothers:

With the help of BWI (Building & Woodworkers International), to which USW is affiliated, we now have a new tool that allows union members and supporters around the world to help put pressure on the BC coastal companies to get back to the bargaining table and sign a fair collective agreement. The campaign involves sending an email message to Home Depot, which sells wood produced by struck companies, including Western Forest Products.

It only takes a few seconds. Please visit this link to send a message:

Also, please pass this information along to your friends and neighbours and ask for their support as well.

Oh right,

Now we're supposed to stop buying lumber from Home depot because some union says so?
They mandate a strike that lasted for 8 weeks, all in the name of looking out for their people bulls:censored: hit.
I've worked 14-16 hours a day on oil rigs before, it was pert of the deal, varying schedules (that too) blaming 65 worker deaths on long shift and varying schedules, I don't buy into that either.
As for the statement made to the effect that if a group of companies is killing up to 65 employees, how many of these workers were "union protected"?
Sounds like a great plan, pay dues from each paycheck for representation that you don't really need. And then be forced to go on strike whether you can afford to or not. Missing out on 8 weeks of many can afford that?
Or what go to work anyway, because you have to for financial reasons, and have to face the harassment or violence from union drones that can't stand it if some HAVE to earn money.
Great angle...... "Brothers and sisters, lets band together and fight the evil company."
Here's a news flash for you: companies outsource because they can't afford to pay for collective, inefficient union workers and their wages, and still remain profitable. As for the union, they are making plenty of "profit"

Go to work, or find a new trade brothers and sisters. Or just continue not working until "they" tell you to go back to work.
I'm curious, what happens in regards to union dues while a worker is on strike?

(worker):buttkick:(your union).
Good luck with that Home depot boycott plan.....that'll teach 'em a lesson.
Oh right,

Now we're supposed to stop buying lumber from Home depot because some union says so?
They mandate a strike that lasted for 8 weeks, all in the name of looking out for their people bulls:censored: hit.
I've worked 14-16 hours a day on oil rigs before, it was pert of the deal, varying schedules (that too) blaming 65 worker deaths on long shift and varying schedules, I don't buy into that either.
As for the statement made to the effect that if a group of companies is killing up to 65 employees, how many of these workers were "union protected"?
Sounds like a great plan, pay dues from each paycheck for representation that you don't really need. And then be forced to go on strike whether you can afford to or not. Missing out on 8 weeks of many can afford that?
Or what go to work anyway, because you have to for financial reasons, and have to face the harassment or violence from union drones that can't stand it if some HAVE to earn money.
Great angle...... "Brothers and sisters, lets band together and fight the evil company."
Here's a news flash for you: companies outsource because they can't afford to pay for collective, inefficient union workers and their wages, and still remain profitable. As for the union, they are making plenty of "profit"

Go to work, or find a new trade brothers and sisters. Or just continue not working until "they" tell you to go back to work.
I'm curious, what happens in regards to union dues while a worker is on strike?

(worker):buttkick:(your union).
Good luck with that Home depot boycott plan.....that'll teach 'em a lesson.

I guess you did not really read the article.........there is no for your union views I imagine you had a bitter experience. Mine does well for me and has for 35 years that I have been in it. I was never forced to work 16 hours and I feel sorry for you and your family that you were. If you were not forced to work those kind of hours in that profession then I feel sorry for only your family. Don't bother replying because I did not come here to argue the logistics and values of a union. You need only punch up my past here if you want to know where I stand so with you I can safely say.......I agree to disagree....
News Release

For immediate release September 19, 2007

SFL Supports Re-opening of Pulp Mill

Saskatchewan Federation of Labour President Larry Hubich said today that the SFL supports the Communications, Energy and Paperworkers Local 1120, in their efforts to see the reopening of the Prince Albert Pulp Mill.

CEP 1120 plays an important role on the Premier’s Taskforce on Forest Development, which was struck after Weyerhaeuser pulled out of the mill in 2005. The union has worked closely with business groups, First Nations, and other stakeholders on the Taskforce.

The Province’s negotiations with Domtar to re-open the mill have been taking place for over a year.

“The members of CEP 1120 have always been strong union activists and we have been proud to call them our brothers and sisters. The workers who make up CEP 1120 are highly skilled and dedicated workers. Since Weyerhaeuser left Saskatchewan, it has been very difficult for our movement to see these members having to go outside of their home community to look for work,” says Hubich.

The government announced last week that workers can be cautiously optimistic about negotiations with Domtar to re-open the mill.

“We recognize that the memorandum of understanding between Domtar and the provincial government is only a first step to getting the mill up and running. We are hopeful that it marks the beginning of the restoration of thousands of good jobs for workers in the Prince Albert area. The benefits for mill workers and their families are obvious, but the spinoff effects are also important to consider. The deal takes into consideration the tax revenues for the city of Prince Albert, the implications for school enrollments, and the strength of community programs as a whole,” added Hubich.

The SFL represents over 93,500 unionized workers from 36 affiliated unions in Saskatchewan.

For more information, contact Larry Hubich at 537-7330 (cel.) or Ron Rucks, President CEP 1120 at 961-3420 (cel.)


Larry Hubich
Saskatchewan Federation of Labour
220 - 2445 - 13th Avenue
Regina, Sk S4P 0W1
(306) 924-8573 (office)
(306) 537-7330 (cell)

e-mail: [email protected]

I guess you did not really read the article.........there is no boycott.

*I did read it. It clearly says in the message that member will be "urged" to stop buying products from them if they don't stop carrying certain products.
You assumed that because I didn't agree with something, then it must mean that I didn't read.
I have no wish to argue with you either. But a boycott is alluded to in the link.
Best of luck, Sir.:cheers:

Oh right,

Sounds like a great plan, pay dues from each paycheck for representation that you don't really need.QUOTE]

Or want, but you're forced to pay anyways. My experience for three months with CUPE was they could have my money but that was the end of it. I was not to be placed on their membership rolls, sent literature or harassed or insulted by their left wing anti Israel spittle. Idiots expected me to go on an illegal wildcat strike while I was still on probation.

In this case let the individual decide whether they want to buy from Home Depot/where ever of not.

In that letter people may well think they are fighting for their livelihoods, but I hardly thinh they are "fighting for their lives."
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Fighting for their lives.

"fighting for their lives".

It make it sound more dramatic that way...prompting people to "act now, brothers and sisters!!!!"

It appeals to a simple minded way of thinking.

Are these workers required to still pay their union dues for the time that they are told or coerced to go on strike?