Sure is quiet in I need to start a fight?

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Dang you just plain suck !! LOL
Sure sounds great !!
You coming back to the real world ?? LOL

Yep....back in San Jose today.....going further up in the mountains today to a semi active volcano and stay at a big family hotel for the night......then back here again and fly out Mon morning....7AM back in Boston Mon night....then home Tues.....missing Hoss and my dogs........Still Feeking Snowing folks are sayin!!!!!
Hows your wife and Daughter doing ?
Good....we all have had a good visit......and near non stop adventures.....a real joy to watch my daughter navigate this world.....haggeling with taxi drivers and other merchants in their own language...always gets it for less than the asking price (Woulda made my father smile)......just a common way of doing business...but if your not used to it or don't speak espanole....and have the look of a lose. ...

She leaves tomorrow night for Guatamala for class......won't see her again until May or so........
Good....we all have had a good visit......and near non stop adventures.....a real joy to watch my daughter navigate this world.....haggeling with taxi drivers and other merchants in their own language...always gets it for less than the asking price (Woulda made my father smile)......just a common way of doing business...but if your not used to it or don't speak espanole....and have the look of a lose. ...

She leaves tomorrow night for Guatamala for class......won't see her again until May or so........
Sounds like she is doing very well !! And a chip off the ol block as well !! LOL
Stay another week , should be all gone by then ! LOL

Love to......but fraid that's not in the cards.......all these adventures have hammered the funds....but OL is laying plans already for our return.....
The lady who managed the place where we stayed in Coplas was 'Nadian xpat from just above Toronto....very nice.....took wonderful care of us.....she and her husband owned a resort at the same place as our cabin which we had full use of as beer, breakfast, WIFI, always called for cabs etc. Had to force a hundred dollars on her....she asked for $ way....even I ain't that cheep......wonderful folks...
Way more talk of ZZzzlacknesss than about saws, seems to me.........Man a full week of adventures for us.....Wed, went reef snorckeling .....Thurs was zip lining through the canopy in never cut, old growth rain forest.....Whee!! Man!! did 18 lines and 23 a 200 ft. Tarzan swing across a deep ravine.....some lines were over 1000-1200 ft....120 feet up...3/4 inch carbon fibre...... back in San Jose this mountain air is better for me than that hot, humid, coastal Carribe air......95 degrees....100% humidity....wasn't at all dry for a week. But it had it's benefits., wink..wink..nudge..nudge!! LOL!!
Life sounds Good!!!
Good....we all have had a good visit......and near non stop adventures.....a real joy to watch my daughter navigate this world.....haggeling with taxi drivers and other merchants in their own language...always gets it for less than the asking price (Woulda made my father smile)......just a common way of doing business...but if your not used to it or don't speak espanole....and have the look of a lose. ...

She leaves tomorrow night for Guatamala for class......won't see her again until May or so........
Traveling is great.
With someone who knows the area even better.
With your kids........the best.