This is just flat unbelievable!

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Nov 17, 2010
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On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
It's the 5[sup]th[/sup] of January and it's 55[sup]o[/sup] outside with an absolutely clear blue sky. The motorcycles are out in full force and I didn't even grab a light jacket when I left the house this morning. Just ran home for lunch and the wife had both doors wide open and she's wearing a t-shirt and shorts. The little boy was out in the yard, sitting in the dead grass, playing with toy trucks wearing nothing but a sweatshirt, sweatpants and tennis shoes. Ain't been any snow so the ground is dry... and warm(ish). I'm bettin' I won't need to start a fire until Sunday or Monday.
:msp_smile: I know i'm not complaining.. I have siding to finish up and trim.. Then some cedar shingles for extra trim..
Yup, gettin lots of wood cut and split for next winter. This is awesome for Jan.
Al Gore may be grinning, but not near as wide as me. We’re almost a week into January and I haven’t even moved any of my “cold weather” wood into the house… for that matter, I’m not burning any wood at all today (and probably not for the next couple days). My “early season” wood isn’t even half gone yet! I haven’t had any need to turn on the supplemental LP furnace (I don’t even know if it will fire-up… probably should test it one of these days). Far as I’m concerned this so-called Global Warming can stick around until April or so.
Thought today would be slow because of this heat wave we have goin on, but sold 3 cords of wood in spite of it! Really would prefer an extended cold snap though. Heck, if I wanted this weather all winter I would move somewhere south! :( I really enjoy cold weather, dang it.

Political hot air?

Maybe it's the last of the hot air fronts coming through from all of the republicans that have been camped out there in Iowa? Oh NO, I'm gonna get blasted for that one! :taped:
BTW I'm a republican. Just want to see if I can get a rise from anyone.

The global warming is coming from Washinton DC, With 90% of that eminating from the White House. ( flame away)

In reality, what we are experiencing is mostly due to mother nature blowing her various stacks that last couple years. ( Volcanoes that is) Man's total contribution, contrary to popular stories, isn't even close to what one of those eruptions spews in a matter of hours.
The planet has always had natural warming and cooling cycles, In the 50's and 60's the talking heads were ringing there hands about an impending ice age. That is besides the nuclear ice age that was also being floated at the time. IIRC due to some of the massive eruptions of the last few years some of the ocean current paths have been altered. Just that by itself has a rather profound effect on weather patterns.
To me Gore's award ranks on the same scale as obama's peace award. Both smoke and mirrors.
less snow = less ground water = dry wells = droughts = ponds drying up = brush fires etc etc
The global warming is coming from Washinton DC, With 90% of that eminating from the White House. ( flame away)

In reality, what we are experiencing is mostly due to mother nature blowing her various stacks that last couple years. ( Volcanoes that is) Man's total contribution, contrary to popular stories, isn't even close to what one of those eruptions spews in a matter of hours.

I don't want to hijack the thread here but this isn't completely accurate. Volcanic eruptions in no way answer the question of why CO2 in the atmosphere and average global temps have been rising at an exponential rate since the start of the industrial revolution. Global warming could be a huge joke or it could be the truth who am I to say, but I will say that as a species I think we need to change the way view the future of our home, instead of not worrying about it. I think we have a responsibility to do that at least.

On another note, the warm weather brought back memories for us here in Northern Illinois of a few years ago when we had a tornado rip through this week!
I don't want to hijack the thread here but this isn't completely accurate. Volcanic eruptions in no way answer the question of why CO2 in the atmosphere and average global temps have been rising at an exponential rate since the start of the industrial revolution. Global warming could be a huge joke or it could be the truth who am I to say, but I will say that as a species I think we need to change the way view the future of our home, instead of not worrying about it. I think we have a responsibility to do that at least.

On another note, the warm weather brought back memories for us here in Northern Illinois of a few years ago when we had a tornado rip through this week!

I dont want to start a global warming debate. But the universe is always changing and there is nothing we can do about whatever changes mother natures brings on. Here in Minnesota, where I live, was once covered by glaciers a mile high. They all melted and left us with 10,000 lakes, a fair trade in my book. I love to fish.

Besides, it was 51 degrees here today, virtually no snow to speak of and I had a great afternoon of splitting wood. Something January, doesnt bring us often, so I'll take advantage of it without guilt. A small gift for all of the times I froze my tail off working outside in sub zero weather most of my adult life.
I'm freaking out, man...I'm just waiting for it to turn a tad colder and gobsmacker us with a couple three day blizzards in February and March.

If it was COLD and dry, I wouldn't worry.

Just I figure this warm weather means we got humidity from down south being pumped up north and eventually it will get cold...
Yup, gettin lots of wood cut and split for next winter. This is awesome for Jan.

I wish! Haven't had time to cut for close to a month. It's driving me crazy! :msp_cursing:
All this great weather and I can't take advantage of it to start working on next season's wood! :msp_angry:

I guess the bright side is that if these temps keep up I already have next season's wood ready...:cheers:
I'm freaking out, man...I'm just waiting for it to turn a tad colder and gobsmacker us with a couple three day blizzards in February and March.

If it was COLD and dry, I wouldn't worry.

Just I figure this warm weather means we got humidity from down south being pumped up north and eventually it will get cold...

That's what I keep thinking are we going to be paying for all this warm weather later?? Record high in NE Kansas today. 70 degrees F....WOW. Average high is 38.
Thought today would be slow because of this heat wave we have goin on, but sold 3 cords of wood in spite of it! Really would prefer an extended cold snap though. Heck, if I wanted this weather all winter I would move somewhere south! :( I really enjoy cold weather, dang it.



I work w/ another guy to supplment my meager income doing lawn care w/ firewood in the winter.
Might not even do it this year!
I glad I didn't borrow money for a plow for my truck!!!!
I have wood to burn up, so I can cut more, and sleds to tune!
If I want 70 and sunny I'd be a snow bird!!!!
LET IT SNOW!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Keep complainin Spidey! Every week that gets a "holy crap it's warm" post from ya is a week closer to spring.

The only downside I see is I should be driving out to the fish shack instead of parking on shore and walking a quarter mile to it.

Gonna be low on junk wood for campfires next summer at this rate, but I've already saved nearly all of my December oak and maple budget, and the ironwood vault ain't been touched at all yet. Lucky me though, I can cut enough box elder within 100 yards of the house to keep a campfire burning from now till the end of time...

My upbringing taught me one thing, that we will pay for this good weather soon enough.

Just make sure to save some nice IA weather for when I come down for the races in May!
it has nothing to do with global warming.

la nina in the pacific ocean is controlling our weather paterns and it'll be back to freezing very soon as the jet stream once again dips south.

el nino and la nina are interesting factors in our weather patterns.....if people knew more about them they'd be less apt to believe the sky is falling and mankind is doomed.

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