Tomorrow what are you all up to?

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Tomorrow it will be me, my saws, my splitting maul, my splitter, and my woodpile. Gonna dive into it again as I got a little start today.

The pile of Hard Maple in the back, yeah that's the ticket. Of course now it's covered in snow, but hey, most all of it will split sweet with the maul.

Tomorrow it will be me, my saws, my splitting maul, my splitter, and my woodpile. Gonna dive into it again as I got a little start today.

The pile of Hard Maple in the back, yeah that's the ticket. Of course now it's covered in snow, but hey, most all of it will split sweet with the maul.


wish i was there!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Stihlboy, I wish you the best of luck. Weekends are almost never available for me. This weekends agenda is quite full and most likely will spill over into the week. Steering components on a Grand Marquis, kiln hook up, brake work on the 350, fuel lines on the 150, Christmas shopping, firewood fetching, etc.. It never ends. If I am lucky there is a Pioneer 600 and a large old SkilSaw waiting for spark.

Have fun and be safe.
well...i just got back from the atlanta boston game, where i took this pic for you guys....i'm a little trashed, and will hopefully, after coffee in the wandering around the back 40 with the leaf blower

And I got to go see the elementary school Xmas program where my wife works...I think you came out ahead. :D

I'm still recovering from surgery on my elbow, so I'm going to sit here by the fire and watch Christmas specials with the kids for a while. I'll come up with something equally lazy to do this afternoon, I'm sure.
My brother called me last night,is comming out today with his sportsman 500 and his MS 361.He wanted to know if I wanted to help him haul some wood out and cut some up and split a couple cords.I got the trailer and the splitter,told him I would leave the key to the garage in the same hidding spot because I get to go with the wife to the cookie sale,crafts store,Wallmart,and a couple other places:( :givebeer: :dizzy::( :( :givebeer:
Sheltering from the rain...that east coast ice storm melted as it crossed the gulf stream...

Watching the leaks in my roof, thought I got them all yesterday...

Due to go out to the new Nature Reserve, walkabout with the committee to formulate the management plan...rain delay???
I'm milling some beech sunday - spent today cutting it to length and moving it to a flat spot. Came down in some winds about a week or so ago. DBH 30" max, down to about 20" smallest. Cut the stump (well, about 5 foot up from) for fire wood - up to ~ 40". Mostly very solid nice stuff. Was a 5####house day today - sleeting about 45 degrees, my back was soaked through. Hard as I tried though, couldn't slow the 076 down even with an 8pin 3/8 sprocket. RSC was throwing the chips - can't beet cutting green hardwood IMO! Funny how the 041 then feels like a light limbing saw...
Might take some pics, see if I get the chance, daylight's kinda a rarity round here at the mo!
As I suspected... snow on the ground, and right now somewhere between snow and rain...

Edit: 4.23pm, dark, snowing...
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well...i just got back from the atlanta boston game, where i took this pic for you guys....i'm a little trashed, and will hopefully, after coffee in the wandering around the back 40 with the leaf blower

Single best most awsome picture i have ever seen on my years of arborist site
I was using my snowblower yesterday and the whole time I was thinking about muffler moding it. Is that normal?

Here, yes.

Rich folks who live in containment villages (planned "communities," often gated) complain about the noisy blowers used by undocumented workers to keep their sidewalks pristine....
I fixed a Stihl 420C today where the stupid cactlytic muffler had come loose just from weight I suppose and couldn't be tightened. Had to re-tap the holes but didn't seem to be stripped.

Tomorrw I'm going to pull the mufflers off about a dozen saws and see what the pistons look like.