Took down another Ash!

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Shame about the EAB. I got a lot of ash and keep checking them. Looks like it was leaning towards the street, how did you get it down without it dropping that way? Reason I ask is I have a victim of last years drought ( nice sized elm ) right near the street that I would like to take down. Its not leaning, but with my luck :msp_scared: ...
Thanks Zogger and Ya it was! It split into four about 5' from the ground which made it a pain to take down. It seemed all four leaned in different directions. We took one off a couple weeks ago from the left side you can see in the picture. There are probably 6 or 7 Ash trees within sight of that one and only 2 are still alive. Its a shame there were a lot in my neighborhood and all are dying.
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The beetles will continue to get them. Shame too, Ash are nice trees. We've been losing a bunch here in NY as well. I have three big trees I have to take down this fall. Took big trees down last year too. I keep hoping if I get rid of the infected ones the others will not be impacted by the beetles.
I have one in my front yard that need to come down,but im too busy cutting everyone elses to cut my own down.
I dropped 11 dead ash trees last weekend. Split and stacked them this weekend. Some was as dry as could be and ready to burn. There are enough dead ones in my neighbors woods that ill be cutting them for a few years. I don't know if its the ash boring beetles or ants getting them. Little tiny holes in the bark. It's kind of sad they are nice trees and there are about 89 trillion of them around here. Time will tell if the ash tree still exists in the future.
Beautiful wood... and great job. I guess I am a little envious. I like ash for firewood. First year in a long while that I do not have any ash in my stacks. Just did not run across any in my scrounging this year. Who would of thought with all the EAB trees out there?
Hi Dan nice job. I've been cutting a lot of ash myself, all dead. I've cut five last spring, five this spring and I've got two huge ones to do this fall. Been mixing it with (five year oak this year) all burned excellent. The little holes in it are from the ash borer they get in there and suck the life out of the tree. It's a shame but it's been keeping me with a good supply of wood.
Hey Ron I've gotten my share of Ash also. Another neighbor stopped a few weeks ago and asked me how serious I was about firewood! I said ill take all I can get. He has about 50 acres just down the street from me. He he said sometime this winter he's taking down a bunch of dead Ash on his property and a couple others and he will stop and let me know when so I can go help. So if that happens I'm sure I can get another year ahead on my firewood! Hate to see the Ash trees dying but I like the wood!
Nice haul!

I love cutting Ash, I just yesterday finished cleaning up one I cut down a couple weeks back. By far my favorite tree to split with the maul.
Ash is great.

I've got a big one waiting to be cut right next to my sauna that will provide a season worth of sauna heat. Darn lesser trees on the site keep getting wind damage so I have to cut them up first.
it is great to burn. It is even better on the sawmill! Makes some nice strong boards, great for trailer or wagon decking, or milled into flooring. Some day when it is all gone and people are looking for ash flooring we will think back and say Dang, I burned all that!
This winter when I take down a few more that are tall and straight I might try and see if there is anyone close to me with a mill that can cut some! It would be cool to mill some and use them in my house or trailer!
Hey Ron I've gotten my share of Ash also. Another neighbor stopped a few weeks ago and asked me how serious I was about firewood! I said ill take all I can get. He has about 50 acres just down the street from me. He he said sometime this winter he's taking down a bunch of dead Ash on his property and a couple others and he will stop and let me know when so I can go help. So if that happens I'm sure I can get another year ahead on my firewood! Hate to see the Ash trees dying but I like the wood!

Thats awesome Dan places like that are getting harder and harder to find.I found a place like that last year and am about five years ahead and still got more to cut. As long as you respect the land owner and the land (which i know you will) you will have wood for years to come. Happy cutting my friend.