Tree vandalism why? how its done and ideas for prevention.

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Mar 20, 2009
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Victoria Australia
Here a few acts of public tree vandalism I will follow them by some methods of deterrent punishment or atonement.
Got any others post em here.
Each any every one has a sad story to tell of selfishness and ignorance on the part of the perp.


And some methods of deterrent.
My artist "Chisto" tree safely embalmed to prevent er any limb shed.


A few signs 8 metres high that may well deter and we leave the nuts loose so it rattles in the wind.

Often I just leave em for a long long time just to remind the perp of his error.
Some more with the perp excuse or claim of innocence.

The wind blew it ..

But the marks fit perfect with your excavator bucket..

Sorry I lost control with a coughing fit.

Yes of a stolen car that you dumped soon after.

These and other acts of will-full tree vandalism give me pauses to think, Mankind us monkeys who came down from the trees, really don't like trees at all.
These and other acts of will-full tree vandalism give me pauses to think, Mankind us monkeys who came down from the trees, really don't like trees at all.

See, there's the problem, i'm not descended from a monkey so honestly don't love and worship trees.
I've seen mother nature do a much worse job, have seen hurricanes and ice storms wipe out and damage tens of thousands of trees. If nature is so destructive of trees, why can't man be that destructive too?
See, there's the problem, i'm not descended from a monkey so honestly don't love and worship trees.
I've seen mother nature do a much worse job, have seen hurricanes and ice storms wipe out and damage tens of thousands of trees. If nature is so destructive of trees, why can't man be that destructive too?

FACT. FACT. and more FACT.

Nature makes a way for new trees....its called reproduction. Nature destroys, nature builds. Man is a part of nature...and thus we destroy, and build as well.

Whether a tree suffers one way or another, often the best recourse is removal, and replant. Many times another location, and or a different tree is better suited to a given situation.

When was the last time you saw a monkey care for a tree, right?

Clearly, true criminal vandalism to trees for no good reason is just that, criminal. But I'm seeing very little of that displayed here. More like propaganda.

If one thinks they are a monkey's uncle, and wants to worship trees, then by all means return away far from human progess, get natural with your ancestry, climb a tree and have at it. Let me know how that works out.:monkey:
See, there's the problem, i'm not descended from a monkey so honestly don't love and worship trees.
I've seen mother nature do a much worse job, have seen hurricanes and ice storms wipe out and damage tens of thousands of trees. If nature is so destructive of trees, why can't man be that destructive too?

I'm sorry...WHAT????
Comparing unpredictable and uncontrollable natural damage to trees to deliberate acts of vandalism?
Thats like saying cats and dogs get run down in the street from time to time so it should be ok to put one out there and do it on purpose.

Ignorant HO 'pruning' is somewhat excusable but deliberate vandalism is just stupid, especially breaking the tops off newly planted stock.

Storms damage trees, but then we either remove them or try and restore them, just going around and cutting and breaking bits off for some unknown reason with NO intention of trying to do the right thing after is NOT a valid comparison.
wow,this is one wierd thread!

Yup yer right there... I,ll try n get it back to my initial idea n drop the ref about simians.
Weekly I see acts of willfull tree vandalism, why do people do this??
I have shown a few response to deter. How would others do similar.
Tree vandalism is very emotional topic, some care, some don't. I,m cool with the debate but its a way big topic maybe for another thread this ones just to show how its done.
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:ices_rofl: this forum has turned in to a tree hugger's forum, and no, I will not leave so don't even go there.........good day mate.....

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bt 'Whether a tree suffers one way or another, often the best recourse is removal, and replant"

This solution has 2 problems: `1. It ignores the potential for tree care to rehabilitate, and 2. It ignores the many years of contributions lost to the owners until replacements actually replace.

bt "Clearly, true criminal vandalism to trees for no good reason is just that, criminal."

The majority of those pics had clear vandalism--gashes and holes not made by natural forces.

derwoodii, sorry to see that folks are that deranged down under.

Does anybody know why some fool would notch a tree for felling across the road, and then leave it standing there?

To explain this one. It was a nut-job bloke who attacked his house with an axe then moved on to the tree. The locals in fear called the cops. Who must of failed the "serve and protect" section of being cops, and did not turn up. They then called me, by that time the nut job after choppin awhile had run out of puff and moved on.
The house weeks after burnt down. The tree well perversely it still stands. It will go with a new home reconstruction. Till then kinda of an experiment in structure and Codit. Its a solid stout species, looks real wrong but is holding well.

I'll bite.

"Tree Vandalism" is a newish concept to me.

Trees are either Private or State property, so it's really a matter of property destruction.

At what point do trees get thier own seperate distinction?

I seriously doubt bored teenagers take umbrage at a haughty corner lot elm, and then torture the thing in reprisal...

Also, in your pics, most are examples of potential damage occuring due to the trees proximity to construction or property improvements nearby.

Except for the fence....what kinda lazy dork goes through that kind of trouble unless they are paid by the hour and paid by the taxpayers?
Unreal, that one is!

Stay safe!
bt 'Whether a tree suffers one way or another, often the best recourse is removal, and replant"

This solution has 2 problems: `1. It ignores the potential for tree care to rehabilitate, and 2. It ignores the many years of contributions lost to the owners until replacements actually replace.

bt "Clearly, true criminal vandalism to trees for no good reason is just that, criminal."

The majority of those pics had clear vandalism--gashes and holes not made by natural forces.

derwoodii, sorry to see that folks are that deranged down under.

I love you, man. lol.

No, no, not ignores...I said 'often' with you in mind.;)

Naturally leaving the door open to those with your dedicated expertise to see what can, and many times should, be done.

Howbeit, as usual, the case can be made that too often, but not always, the inevitable is simply being delayed, while a potentially hazardous situation is perpetuated, perhaps even allowed to progress.

A liability many are not willing to take on for a number of good reasons, if for nothing else, to 'error' on the side of caution for a greater good.

I believe that arborists have a moral obligation to protect people before trees. Don't get me wrong...I didn't say instead of trees, just before trees. Often times we can do both at the same time.

On your second point, owners are all too often guilty of gross negligence. A crime far more devastating and far reaching than true vandalism. Some even 'vandalize' their own trees every time the mow, or decide to prune.

They might like trees...alot, especially these days will the TV telling them what not, true and false, but they are as ignorant as they ever were about truly caring for trees. That might require something of them, like getting off the couch. The smarter ones at least call a good arborist, the not so smart change the channel and equally care about polar bears that might drown or what have you.

Naturally, you can imagine how often I deal with this in a day’s time. Folks worried about my taking a few branches to maintain clearance, but never cared for the tree any other day in their lives. It is truly a sad situation.

Nevertheless, you are right, trees do take time to grow, and replace. For the good owners, that have ensured proper care through manifold investments over the years, to lose a tree to vandalism is especially tragic.

A replant does little to console, I can see that, but sometimes you are better to cut your losses and start fresh. Why waste x amount of years and funds on a marginal tree with a poor liability factor? This is especially true with poor owners, to whom I’d rather recommend smaller trees. Something they can handle.

In any case, proper location and selection of a replant might insure that the effort is not in vain. Equally important in assurance of such is proper care throughout the life span.

Once again though, ignorant owners may commit some of the most heinous acts against trees with each act of misplanting.

On a final note, I do see some true criminal vandalism in these pics, but mostly just ignorance, willful or not. Sadly, ignorance abounds in both owners and those responsible for some of what we see here.

So I suppose an answer to the op's questions is that education is the best weapon to fight against such as we see here, down under, and abroad.
Good post, BT; no arguments there.

derwoodii, are the store owners resentful of the greening due to sign visibility? What is the motive of the last one you showed?
Yeah, this is not a 'save all trees regardless' thread, but the OP is focussing on trees that have been deliberately damaged or cut, either as a complete random act of madness or substance induced stupidity, or a subversive attempt to rid themselved of a perceived nuciance.

I can sympathise with those treemen who get abused when trying to carry out line clearance, or similar...some people have complete tree blinders on, they don't get it that some trees need to be managed in an urban environment, or where people go for recreation. I came across it when training in the UK, removing turkey oaks in common woodland, weed species that harbours a gall wasp that affect the nuts of the native english oak...try explaining it to the dogwalker tree huggers who don't know an oak from a chestnut...never mind something as esoteric as an invasive species!

Then there are those who don't want ANY trees at all and will wilfully damage them just to be rid of them... 'because they drop leaves' is a common excuse I hear!

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