Was this caused from winter freeze?

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And this is on a norway spruce. Could these injuries be caused by winter freeze? I notice they are all on top of the branches..

And can the orange (fungi?) be some kind of canker that infected thru the lesions caused by freeze?

Im probly way off, just takin a stab at it.

(The tree is the one on the right in last picture)

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Contrary to popular belief, there is really no such thing as frost cracks, in other words, the cracks were already there, winter can add to the crack just thru expansion and contraction but it does not cause it. Can ya flip the other pics, hard to look at
It's called South west injury. The sun heats up the bark on that side causing this injury.

...the sun being on a southerly pass across the sky in winter months in the northern hemisphere.

Will it be helpful if I rap a thin layer of black breathable cloth (from Lowes) around the trunk (maybe till about next spring)?
Old school thought was that trunk wraps were acceptable, new research as shown that the wraps can have a negative effect on the tree receiving the wrap.

wraps can change the temperature of the trunk by holding heat in, some insects hide under the wraps giving them a perfect spot to breed in a protected space.

The biggest problem was the wraps that did not decompose if left in place, they will girdle the tree, though it may take time to actually occur, most people would never remove the wraps, so they were creating additional problems with the wraps.