Weekend Report 12/19 - 12/21

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Shoveled snow
Baked chocolate chip cookies
Shoveled snow..again
Made pickled shrimp
Used the loader to clear a path through the snow in the pasture to the barn
Stacked a pickup load of Oak in the woodshed
Helped my neighbor mount the snowblower on his DR mower
Went to the family Christmas party at my dad's
Pushed more snow around with the loader
Wished I had more time to pull the jug off the 024(got run with straight gas)
Been fighting power outages all weekend :censored: .

Damn ice storms. Cut up a white pine limb out of the way of the nieghbor widow ladys garage Saturday, took about 5 minutes with the S25CVA.

Proceded to drink a bunch of Miller High Life by the woodstove in the shop Sat night.
get up, saw all the snow that came over night, drank a pot of coffee, took the kids out sledding, had fun driving in the snow in my truck, burned lots of wood.
yesterday i cleaned the basement and relxed a little. today i cut and split a truck load of wood for the future father in law, in turn he give me a truck load of scrap 2x4's cut to 18" for kinlin: cheers:
A wonderful weekend...

well.... apart from 18 inches of snow... I feel like frigg’in dying. Got Gout yesterday and took a new (to me) drug…. You take it once per hour until “adverse side effects occur”. Not frigg’in anywhere did it say “NEVER take more than 10”, (but… it does on rx.com… ) I got up to 16 .. about 4 over the danger level. I have hit the pot 15 minutes for the past 16 hours…

So.. I read on further and it says “opiates” may be needed to control the intestinal issues, and that bleeding for the rectum, bone marrow damage, white blood cell death and hair-loss may occur.. Oh.. good news - I’m past the respiratory failure part. I don’t think I’ve been so sick for years.

My gout doesn’t hurt though… and has even stopped being active. Miracle drug - cures the disease, kills the patient.

My truck in under the third snowdrift from the left, I think.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...
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A wonderful weekend...

well.... apart from 18 inches of snow... I feel like frigg’in dying. Got Gout yesterday and took a new (to me) drug…. You take it once per hour until “adverse side effects occur”. No frigg’in anywhere did it say “NEVER take more than 10”, (but… it does on rx.com… ) I got up to 16 .. about 4 over the danger level. I have hit the pot 15 minutes for the past 16 hours…

So.. I read on further and it says “opiates” may be needed to control the intestinal issues, and that bleeding for the rectum, bone marrow damage, white blood cell death and hair-loss may occur.. Oh.. good news - I’m past the respiratory failure part. I don’t think I’ve been so sick for years.

My gout doesn’t hurt though… and has even stopped being active. Miracle drug - cures the disease, kills the patient.

My truck in under the third snowdrift from the left, I think.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...

Man, what an adventure. I hope you're over that crap soon. Have you tried yet or have had a chance to get some black cherry juice? It'll help that gout big time.
yes, I know the cures... and the bad stuff... I normally drink a gallon of sour cherry over a few days, but all I can do is sip warm water. Right now I'm trying to figure if it's safe to go to bed.:mad:

In any case, the Gout has gone (in 24 hours - amazing.. normally 7-10 days..), but...

All I can suggest to anyone with Gout or pseudo-gout, is that if your doc prescibes Colchicine.... search on the internet for the pharmacology... and be your own advocate. It a dangergous drug.. but works if you can figure out the doseage limits. Next time (there is always a "next" with gout) will be a I'll be very cautious...
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yes, I know the cures... and the bad stuff... I normally drink a gallon of sour cherry over a few days, but all I can do is sip warm water. Right now I'm trying to figure if it's safe to go to bed.:mad:

In any case, the Gout has gone (in 24 hours - amazing.. normally 7-10 days..), but...

All I can suggest to anyone with Gout or pseudo-gout, is that if your doc prescibes Colchicine.... search on the internet for the pharmacology... and be your own advocate. It a dangergous drug.. but works if you can figure out the doseage limits. Next time (there is always a "next" with gout) will be a I'll be very cautious...

Hang in there Andy...

Got up yesterday and went out to the shed to get the ATV so I could fill my wood trailer for the week... The damn doors on the shed wouldn't open because the concrete ramp heaved up from the frost! It's been an ongoing problem for the last few years... SO, I got out my trusty Makita 14" cutoff saw and went to work. Now I have a nice 4'x8' hole in my concrete ramp. The doors open beautifully though.. :)

COLD and windy here.. Temps hovered around 1-2 degrees all evening with some pretty strong wind.
A wonderful weekend...

well.... apart from 18 inches of snow... I feel like frigg’in dying. Got Gout yesterday and took a new (to me) drug…. You take it once per hour until “adverse side effects occur”. Not frigg’in anywhere did it say “NEVER take more than 10”, (but… it does on rx.com… ) I got up to 16 .. about 4 over the danger level. I have hit the pot 15 minutes for the past 16 hours…

So.. I read on further and it says “opiates” may be needed to control the intestinal issues, and that bleeding for the rectum, bone marrow damage, white blood cell death and hair-loss may occur.. Oh.. good news - I’m past the respiratory failure part. I don’t think I’ve been so sick for years.

My gout doesn’t hurt though… and has even stopped being active. Miracle drug - cures the disease, kills the patient.

My truck in under the third snowdrift from the left, I think.

Maybe tomorrow will be a better day...

Dang, sorry to hear that Andy. You'll be up and feeling good and fixing some saws in no time.

We got so much snow here, its crazy, there has only been one time in my life when we had this much snow, it was actually more, "The blizzard of 96" my car was buried. Today I went out and shoveled again, I normally around here only have to shovel once if it snows, man it seems like its never ending, I had to trudge through snow up to my knees to knock all the snow off my Cedar Hedge, it's sagging over big time from the weight of the snow. Had to drive the wife to work today in the truck, plow came last night completely burmed up the sides of the road, including all the driveways, ah well, no prob, truck went over 40" of snow just fine. Funny watching everybody dig their cars out, I just did a little foot path to my truck and go!!! While they are all looking at me with disgust. ha ha ha LOL
We just had a couple of big roofs colapse in seattle.. and there will be many more before this is over.

My neigbor just lost his gutters...



Hmmm.. I wonder how much that table can suppport


Ah, but it's xmas....


I'm feeling a little better this am.
We just had a couple of big roofs colapse in seattle.. and there will be many more before this is over.

My neigbor just lost his gutters...



Hmmm.. I wonder how much that table can suppport


Ah, but it's xmas....


I'm feeling a little better this am.

Good to hear your feeling better,

Nice pics, we got at least that much snow here too,

Nice Charlie Brown Christmas tree!!
yep.. I grow my own, but one year (10 years ago..) they gave us Grand Firs instead of Noble... Oh well, it was free, and I only ahd to walk 100 feet from my house to cut it:greenchainsaw:
Friday evening went to a blues concert.

Saturday a little pruning job and cut about 2 cubic meters of firewood for next winter. In the evening i build a new gastank in a 020t, old gastank cracked due to unknown reasons.

Sunday cleaned a 028 WB, 038 super and a 660.
Sharpened some chains. With my wife visited my best friend and wife and their kids. Had a little walk in the forrest. Had diner at their house and drank to much beer:cheers: . Went home ,drank some coffee. Slept very good, and this morning to a nice tree job in Amsterdam.

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