Weird weather

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ArboristSite Operative
Nov 15, 2009
south of Wellington, Missouri
Its 60 something degrees out today. We have not had a winter to speak of in at least 5 years. I have not used a half cord of wood this year. I want to buy a splitter, but if it doesn't get colder my 6 cords I already have split could last me 20 years.

Agreed, it's pretty much been shoulder season around here for the last 2 years. All I have for burning is high btu stuff. I thought last year was a spike in the graph but I don't know now.


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 23, 2012
Vergas, Minnesota
we just had the biggest snowstorm in 3 years. a whopping 9-10". in the late 90's we had something like 12-15 blizzards. didnt go to school for most of january. it was either to much snow or so cold we would only go outside to feed cattle. was above freezing yesterday. we had rain, then freezing rain, then sleet then snow as the temp was dropping. hasnt stopped dropping and wont til thursday night. -11 for a high and -20's that night. on a good note at least i got to use my plow and snomobile today:rock::clap:


Tree Freak
Nov 23, 2010
North Georgia
Its 60 something degrees out today. We have not had a winter to speak of in at least 5 years. I have not used a half cord of wood this year. I want to buy a splitter, but if it doesn't get colder my 6 cords I already have split could last me 20 years.

Two years ago we had all that snow on Christmas day here, around 6 inches.

Today. like spring out, T shirt weather, but the big storms are starting tonight. I fueled up my big boy 394 and ran it a little just in case, and got some more ready to rock in the barn. The ground is still saturated, and any big winds, big trees will be coming down.

Winter aint over yet, remember storm of the century, march 93?


Addicted to ArboristSite
Mar 28, 2009
Muskogee, Oklahoma
Unusual Weather Here Too

Snowed Christmas Eve night and a little Christmas Morning and all of it melted before the sun went down. Did the same thing 3 more times within another week. Yesterday it was 75degrees and I cut wood stripped down to a tee shirt.

We've been in a drought situation since last spring and need moisture badly. Today we are getting downpours that come in buckets and stop then start again. It is supposed to be down in the 30's tonight.

We really haven't had a winter yet.



ArboristSite Member
Oct 8, 2012
west TN
72 right now, and chance of snow with a low of 23 Thursday and storms filling the gap so... that sounds about right for here on the weirdness scale.

Of course, it won't snow. It never snows here if they say it might. We only get the ninja snowfalls, and then it ain't enough to cover the ground but the kids will leave school early or get out anyway.
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
We spend a lot of time on the road for work, so we get weather updates/advisories, via e-mail, from the courthouse emergency management office.
Just now received this one... looks like the next couple days are gonna' suck... (I'm supposed to drive down and pick up my wood furnace Thursday).
Probably better make sure the generator starts when I get home tonight.

I just finished two severe weather conference calls with the LaCrosse NWS and the Des Moines NWS. Needless to say the news wasn’t that good!

Both of them confirmed that Butler/Floyd Counties
(I'm in Floyd) are pretty much in the cross-hairs of the heaviest snowfall predictions. We are in the 4”-7” range with possibly higher amounts in certain areas. The snow is expected to start early evening and continue through to around mid-morning with the heaviest snowfall between midnight and 6:00 a.m.

The winds are going to increase and be sustained around 25 mph with gusts to 35 mph and last for much of the day tomorrow. The snow will start out as wet and heavy and as the temperature falls will dry out and start to blow. The temps will drop steadily tomorrow and we should see wind-chills between -25 to -35 degrees tomorrow night.

Both counties are currently listed in a Winter Storm Warning which will start at 6:00 p.m. tonite. Feel free to forward to anyone you think might be interested!! Drive safe!!


ArboristSite Guru
Feb 24, 2011
Southern In
We are supposed to get hit with a line of storms around 4 a.m. Could be winds in excess of 60mph and possible isolated tornadoes.

This is a massive front moving through. There is a line of storms all the way from Michigan down to Texas. Stupid weather.
Nov 17, 2010
On the Cedar in Northeast Iowa
Up to stoke fire, but still feels nice and warm in here...
Glance at thermometer, 73[sup]o[/sup] inside and 31[sup]o[/sup] outside...
Open door expecting to be buried in white stuff... none... zero... zip... no snow, no wind, no arctic blast of cold air...
Check online weather... storm warning canceled, downgraded to weather advisory... (start Laughing-My-Azz-Off!)...
Still supposed to see a couple of inches this morning, then the wind and cold will move in... Yeah, OK, I'll believe it when I see it!
What do those weather guys get paid anyway???


ArboristSite Guru
Feb 24, 2011
Southern In
It seems like those weather guys never get it right. Although we are getting nailed right now like they said.

They can be calling for just drizzle and it will rain two inches.


ArboristSite Operative
Feb 1, 2012
Christian county MO
Me and the boys finally got to do some creeking yesterday. It has been a long time since we had enough rain to get real whitewater. Finished the run after dark, glad there were no new trees across the creek.



Blueberry Baron
Nov 21, 2008
This is awesome!!

Flood warnings because of all the melted slop, and rain, shifting to Ice, then 12-24"" of more white slop tonight.

The woods are nothing but bottomless muck right now, and will get covered with a couple feet of snow. Perfect for getting a tractor permastuck while hauling out firewood, so I ain't falling for it.
We need the water, and BAD! Bring on the snow!!!

Stay safe!


ArboristSite Operative
Nov 15, 2009
south of Wellington, Missouri
Up to stoke fire, but still feels nice and warm in here...
Glance at thermometer, 73[sup]o[/sup] inside and 31[sup]o[/sup] outside...
Open door expecting to be buried in white stuff... none... zero... zip... no snow, no wind, no arctic blast of cold air...
Check online weather... storm warning canceled, downgraded to weather advisory... (start Laughing-My-Azz-Off!)...
Still supposed to see a couple of inches this morning, then the wind and cold will move in... Yeah, OK, I'll believe it when I see it!
What do those weather guys get paid anyway???

Same here. We were only expecting a couple inches at most, but was supposed to start at midnight. Got up around 4:30 to let the dogs out and...nothing. Very light snow just starting. Temps are falling though, 31 now, was 34 at 4:30.


Retired and messing around with old stuff...
Nov 1, 2012
Northern Virginia
I think it's funny in a way when folks say isn't this weather weird? Can you believe what the temp was today and now it's changed to this? Ya know I keep telling everyone you better get used to it because it is here to stay probably. The earth has been through many changes over eons since many creatures have walked this planet. We grew up in a good cycle when weather is decent. I remember as a kid the weather was beautiful in the spring and summer was hot and fall was in the air and the smell of the woods and getting ready for hunting season and cutting firewood and whatever else. Winter came along and we got inches and inches of snow. I used to build igloo's all the time and burrow through the high drifts and make tunnels me and my dog would crawl through and dig out pockets to hang out in among sleigh riding all over the place. I always looked forward to the seasons changing as it brought a different way of life for awhile and it was good.

Now we have drastic changes in the weather with very hot stinging sun that will burn you in an instant. Snow around here has pretty much vacated and it just doesn't happen much anymore. Yesterday it was 70 and I was in a short sleeve shirt out back working on a saw and enjoying the warmth of the sun. I expect the weather to be like this as I have noticed the changes over the years myself and welcome how the weather has changed around here besides the hot stinging sun. I have a darker complexion that some with my family heritage so I never got sun burn hardly at all. Now a days I seem to burn pretty easy and the sun isn't like it used to be when I was a kid. It is downright hot and stings. Remember back years ago when they said it's possible that this may happen and maybe this but not likely... well now look what has happened... The polar ice caps are melting extremely fast and the oceans are rising. The coastal cities from Maine to Florida will all be submerged one day soon and it isn't too far off.

I am glad of my age and the fact I won't be around in 50-100 years from now as I wouldn't want to be on this earth I don't think with what is coming or how the planet is changing. I think it is going to be an awakening and really an eye opener for all. I won't be here to see it thank God but then again I really can't say what exactly will happen but we are experiencing some of it right this moment. Look at all of the Tornados and flooding and hurricanes and earth quakes we are having. You know I am not religious at all but the bible says that all of this will happen near the end of days and some think that it has begun. I don't know if that's what is happening or not and no body can say for sure but we are having some major earth changes going on right now and some of it is down right scary. I am lucky to live in a place where the weather has been great most of my life and nothing terrible has happened except a bad thunder storm or part of a hurricane blowing through. Nothing like a Tornado destroying a town or major flooding or heavy snow cutting you off from the rest of the world, etc... We don't get much bad weather here and have always enjoyed the seasons with heavy snows in the winter and hot summers and fantastic spring's and cool fall's... That's in the past now and it has changed quite a bit...

We still have pretty good weather but snow is almost vanished from winter around here anymore... Summer gets very hot and stinging burning hot so you always have to wear sunscreen, fall is still fall and one of my favorite seasons... Anyway my fingers are getting tired... But we are in changing times and who knows how hot it will get or what kind of freaky weather will hit us next but I expect some kind of different weather than what I have been used to all these years to be in the future... Hopefully it won't get too bad and we can enjoy the rest of our time here. I got more tree's to cut up and more fish to catch and more speed boating to do in the river before I leave this planet... Besides collecting saws and cutting wood I love to be out in the river at full throttle listening to that two stroke screaming behind me spitting water in the air... Speed on the water is a blast and no cops around to hassle ya like in a muscle car on the street. I have moved from the street to the water and it's a different world and fun too. can get a tan and check out the bikini babes and cool off in the water, fish and just enjoy the day... Anyway I'm outta here another freaky January weather day near 70 so gotta enjoy it...


Tree Freak
Nov 23, 2010
North Georgia
Tornado just went through a little south of us, damage reported. Storming pretty heavy here now.

edit:wow! First video of the actual twister just went up on TV. That might hit the national news tonight. Apparently an F2. Went right through Adairsville Georgia.

got one link with pics and some of the vid, they should post the rest soon

Ch. 2 reporter spots tornado touchdown in Adairsville |

another edit, here ya go, two direct vids

Video of tornado in Adairsville, Georgia - YouTube

Tornado Chase Adairsville - 1/30/13 [USA] - YouTube
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