What Is Proper Way To Tie A Bowline? (Not What You Think)

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Doooooo it. I love that stuff.
Guess?: slip knot with the bitter end slipped through, pull tight? Snap bowline?

Ding ding ding!!!! We got a winner folks!!! Learned that one in the Army. I dont know how many thousands of push ups I did that day we had a knots class.
I have found tying knots is easier for me when I tie them counterclockwise, and I only use a few consistently. However, I do know quite a few. My go to knots are the VT, Blakes, Buntline, Double fish, Anchor, Bowline, Running bowline, alpine butterfly, CLOVE HITCH with two half hitches, overhand knot, ashley stopper, figure 8, zeppelin bend, sheet bend, timber, and cow hitch.
We here at the Rigstar Training and Testing Center do a lot of break tests. Having the tail of the bowline to the inside or outside does not matter for strength or efficiency of the knot. The reaction is the same. Here is the scientific reason why it's the same strength or have the same average breaking strength. The bites on the bowline cause compression to the inner part of the bowline rope, also there is the d/D ration of the line going around itself, then the rope when pulled is in tension which causes more compression with the two bites. When the rope is in tension it causes the molecules to rub against each other which causes heat within the bites. All of these reactions are the same whether the tail is to the inside or outside of the bowline knot. Tying the tail to the inside or outside does not matter and is a personal preference. Hope this has helped those to better understand the bowline.
Tail on outside, ive always heard it referred to as a "cowboy bowline"
I believe theres an argument somewhere saying its potentially stronger? Wiki maybe.
The bowline tied in the way you describe a " cowboy" was referred to in my youth in my part of the world a " a coggie bowline" coggie was the local slang for left handed I have never found an advantage/disadvantage in having the tail in or out.
We here at the Rigstar Training and Testing Center do a lot of break tests. Having the tail of the bowline to the inside or outside does not matter for strength or efficiency of the knot. The reaction is the same. Here is the scientific reason why it's the same strength or have the same average breaking strength. The bites on the bowline cause compression to the inner part of the bowline rope, also there is the d/D ration of the line going around itself, then the rope when pulled is in tension which causes more compression with the two bites. When the rope is in tension it causes the molecules to rub against each other which causes heat within the bites. All of these reactions are the same whether the tail is to the inside or outside of the bowline knot. Tying the tail to the inside or outside does not matter and is a personal preference. Hope this has helped those to better understand the bowline.

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