Wood score!

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Oct 9, 2008
Reaction score
Milwaukee, WI area
A local tree service is dropping of a cord of maple rounds today! Time to give our hydraulic log splitter a good run after getting it repaired last fall. We have to find room to stack behind the 2-1/2 cords of seasoned wood we already have.

We found a good, used wood stove and hope to get it installed yet this heating season. (I need 2-4 big burly guys to lift this 380# stove in place, any takers?)

Sounds like we can soon say good-bye to our oil delivery man!

Sounds like things are looking up for you two, mmmm, I can smell the soupl simmering on the new to you woodstove already.

All volunteer splitters welcome and chili will be simmering! I ended up getting two loads @ $25/load. For scale, that big round sitting next to the white container in the last photo is about 3' diameter - I think I need the brother's-in-law to help me with that!

Anyone have any idea how much I will have after it is split and stacked?




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Looks like a good stout full cord to me. You got my attention with the chili...big time, but it's a little to far to travel for me to do a 1/2 hour worth of work. :D
Shari, that's a good load there, you got your $50 worth for sure, considering its delivered, and cut to a usable length. The pieces that are too large in diameter to handle, just use the chainsaw to rip them into halves or quarters and you will be fine, the bonus is that you will have plenty of curly strands to use as kindling later on.
That is silver maple, used in a woodstove, it coals great, and will simmer...giving off even heat for quite some time. You did well.
That is silver maple, used in a woodstove, it coals great, and will simmer...giving off even heat for quite some time. You did well.

Thanks, wdchuck, I'm 'learning wood' as I go. I knew I had maple coming but didn't know if it was red or silver and I figured either way it would be good. I actually decided not to take the stump they had on their truck. It was enormous - maybe 4' diameter and about 3-1/2 tall. My chainsaw is only 16" so had to pass on that piece.

I asked the landscaper if he could keep me in mind for a load of oak next time and he said he would. :)

That IS a nice wood score !

The price was good too.

It should burn nicely in the new stove.

I wouldn't want to take a stab at guessing how much is there. cough 3 cords cough Everyone on here knows I tend to over-estimate when it comes to piled rounds or logs. I'd offer to pitch in , but alas , the distance kind of puts a damper on that.
Anyone have any idea how much I will have after it is split and stacked?


I think I'm going out on a limb here and this is a WAG, based on the pic's and my eyes arn't that good after work...

I'm going with just under two cord, if I see all the wood delivered and not some pre-exesting.:confused:

Nice score, no matter how much is there!:clap:
love chilli but the airfare would kill me... nice score, bucked and dropped at the door. you might even get to play with the saw if some are a bit long!
Have you gotten your stove installed yet?

A local tree service is dropping of a cord of maple rounds today! Time to give our hydraulic log splitter a good run after getting it repaired last fall. We have to find room to stack behind the 2-1/2 cords of seasoned wood we already have.

We found a good, used wood stove and hope to get it installed yet this heating season. (I need 2-4 big burly guys to lift this 380# stove in place, any takers?)

Sounds like we can soon say good-bye to our oil delivery man!



Have you gotten your stove installed yet? I'd be there but it's a bit of a drive for me.

We said GOOD BYE to the propane truck.... We only used 10% of what we got delivered last fall!


Have you gotten your stove installed yet? I'd be there but it's a bit of a drive for me.


Nope, not yet. We are buying a used stove and the seller agreed to get it loaded on to our trailer. As I understand it, there if a hang up getting it onto our trailer. In the mean time it gives me time to conjugate how to lift 365 lbs. up on our hearth by myself. I think I have that figured out but won't know until I actually try it. We have a medical Hoyer (patient) lift that may come into use for this. Also, I am going to reline the chimney with stainless steel flex liner but am holding off on ordering that until I know for sure the stove is here. In the meantime we are still using the fireplace with a blower grate. We've had decent daytime weather here for the last 3 days - this would have been a good time to get this install in place, now snow is forecast again.

Well, I got the definitive word: We can pick up the stove on Friday. I would have tried to load it on the trailer myself but the stove is stored in a new Butler type building with a deep sand floor. I know enough not to put our hydraulic jacks in all that sand so have required the seller to load it for me. Whoppee! Once it's here I can then order the chimney liner. Guys, I do have one problem with our log splitter. Will post that in a new thread, looking for help.
